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CS739 Spring 2009: Lecture Schedule
For each lecture, I've listed the keyword for the paper(s) that should
be read ahead of time as given on the reading list. Each lecture also has a
scribe associated with it, unless a group is presenting a set of
| Thursdsay
01/20 Introduction
| 01/22 Survey
01/27 AmoebaSprite
| 01/29 NFS v2-v4
02/03 Coda
| 02/05 LBFS
02/10 Speculator
| 02/12 Theory: Time + Order
02/17 Analysis1
| 02/19 Analysis2
02/24 MapReduce
| 02/26 Dryad
03/03 Migration-OS
| 03/05 Migration-VMM
03/10 Review
| 03/12 Midterm
03/17 Spring Break
| 03/19 Spring Break
03/24 Porcupine
| 03/26 xFS
03/31 Postponed
| 04/02 GoogleFS
04/07 Byzantine
| 04/09 FailStop
04/14 LOCKSS
| 04/16 CFS/PAST
04/21 Dynamo
| 04/23 Pangaea
04/28 SUNDR
| 04/30 Microreboot
05/05 SOSP Shadow Meeting
| 05/07 Final Exam