Charles R. Dyer
Professor Emeritus of Computer Sciences and
Biostatistics and Medical Informatics |
Research Interests:
Computer vision, image analysis
Automatic driver head state estimation in challenging naturalistic driving videos
B. M. Smith, C. R. Dyer, M. V. Chitturi and J. D. Lee,
Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2017.
Abundant inverse regression using sufficient reduction and its applications
H. J. Kim, B. M. Smith, N. Adluru, C. R. Dyer, S. C. Johnson and V. Singh,
Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision, 2016.
Pose-Robust 3D Facial Landmark Estimation from a Single 2D Image
B. M. Smith and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. British Machine Vision Conference, 2016.
Efficient and robust face alignment under significant head rotation in the wild
B. M. Smith and C. R. Dyer,
International Conf. on Computational Photography, 2016.
Low-cost, DIY 360/VR camera and web viewer
F. Tsao and C. R. Dyer,
International Conf. on Computational Photography, 2016.
Automatic driver face state estimation in challenging naturalistic driving videos
B. M. Smith, X. Wang, Y-H. Hu, C. R. Dyer, M. V. Chitturi and J. D. Lee,
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, 2016.
Video analytics for quantifying driver distraction and engagement
B. M. Smith, C. R. Dyer, M. V. Chitturi and J. D. Lee,
Automated Vehicles Symposium, 2016.
Inferring air pollution by sniffing social media
S. Mei, H. Li, J. Fan, X. Zhu and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 2014 IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 2014.
An image-to-speech iPad app
M. Maynord, J. Tiachunpun, X. Zhu, C. R. Dyer, K.-S. Jun, and J. Rosin,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1774, University of Wisconsin - Madison, July 2012.
The multimodal focused attribute model: A nonparametric Bayesian approach to simultaneous object classification and attribute discovery
J. Rosin, C. R. Dyer, and X. Zhu,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1697, University of Wisconsin - Madison, January 2012.
A Bayesian model for image sense ambiguity in pictorial communication systems
J. Rosin, A. Goldberg, X. Zhu, and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1692, University of Wisconsin - Madison, June 2011.
Joint projective invariants for distributed camera networks
R. Arora and C. R. Dyer,
Distributed Video Sensor Networks, B. Bhanu, C. V. Ravishankar, A. K. Roy-Chowdhury, H. Aghajan, and D. Terzopoulos, eds., Springer, New York, 2010.
Distributed curve matching in camera networks using projective joint invariant signatures
R. Arora, C. R. Dyer, Y. H. Hu and N. Boston,
Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Distributed Smart Cameras, 2010.
Toward text-to-picture synthesis
A. B. Goldberg, J. Rosin, X. Zhu and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. NIPS 2009 Symposium on Assistive Machine Learning for People with Disabilities, 2009.
A study on automatic age estimation using a large database
G-D. Guo, G. Mu, Y. Fu, C. R. Dyer and T. S. Huang,
Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Vision, 2009.
Is gender recognition influenced by age?
G-D. Guo, C. Dyer, Y. Fu, and T. S. Huang,
Proc. Int. Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction, 2009.
Half-Integrality based Algorithms for Cosegmentation of Images
L. Mukherjee, V. Singh and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., 2009.
Estimating Correspondence between Multiple Cameras using Joint Invariants
R. Arora, Y. H. Hu and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2009.
Head Pose Estimation: Classification or Regression?
G-D. Guo, Y. Fu, C. R. Dyer and T. S. Huang,
Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, 2008.
Efficient Schemes for Monte Carlo Markov Chain Algorithms in Global Illumination
Y.-C. Lai, F. Liu, L. Zhang, and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 4th International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2008.
Image-Based Human Age Estimation by Manifold Learning and Locally Adjusted Robust Regression
G-D. Guo, Y. Fu, C. R. Dyer and T. S. Huang,
IEEE Trans. Image Processing 17(7), 2008, 1178-1188.
Easy as ABC? Facilitating Pictorial Communication via Semantically Enhanced Layout
A. B. Goldberg, X. Zhu, C. R. Dyer, M. Eldawy and L. Heng,
Proc. 12th Conf. Computational Natural Language Learning, 2008.
A Probabilistic Fusion Approach to Human Age Prediction
G-D. Guo, Y. Fu, C. R. Dyer and T. S. Huang,
Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Learning and Applications in Multimedia, 2008.
Locally Adjusted Robust Regression for Human Age Estimation
G-D. Guo, Y. Fu, T. S. Huang and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Workshop on Application of Computer Vision, 2008.
Face Cyclographs for Recognition
G-D. Guo and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 10th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, 2007, 923-929.
Patch-based Image Correlation with Rapid Filtering
G-D. Guo and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 2nd Beyond Patches Workshop, 2007.
A Text-to-Picture Synthesis System for Augmenting Communication
X. Zhu, A. B. Goldberg, M. Eldawy, C. R. Dyer and B. Strock,
Proc. 22nd AAAI Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, 2007, 1590-1595.
Photorealistic Image Rendering with Population Monte Carlo Energy Redistribution
Y.-C. Lai, S. Fan, S. Chenney, and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, 2007, 287-296.
Segmentation of Elastographic Images using a Coarse-to-Fine Active Contour Model
W. Liu, J. A. Zagzebski, T. Varghese, C. R. Dyer, U. Techavipoo and T. J. Hall,
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 32(3), 2006, 397-408.
Face Cyclographs for Recognition
G-D. Guo and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1555, University of Wisconsin - Madison, March 2006.
Learning from Examples in the Small Sample Case: Face Expression Recognition
G-D. Guo and C. R. Dyer,
IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics 35(3), 2005, 479-488.
Linear Combination Representation for Outlier Detection in Motion Tracking
G-D. Guo, C. R. Dyer, and Z. Zhang,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., Vol. 2, 2005, 274-281.
Automated Thermal Coagulation Segmentation of Three-Dimensional Elastographic Imaging using an Active Contour Model
W. Liu, J. A. Zagzebski, T. Varghese, C. R. Dyer, and U. Techavipoo,
Proc. IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2004, 36-39.
Recognizing Faces from Head Rotation
G-D. Guo and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1501, University of Wisconsin - Madison, May 2004.
Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Video Using Still Images
G-D. Guo and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1502, University of Wisconsin - Madison, October 2004.
An Automatic System for Classification of Nuclear Sclerosis from Slit-Lamp Photographs
S. Fan, C. R. Dyer, L. Hubbard, and B. Klein,
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2003), (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2878), R. Ellis and T. Peters, eds., Springer, Berlin, 2003, 592-601.
Simultaneous Feature Selection and Classifier Training via Linear Programming: A Case Study for Face Expression Recognition
G-D. Guo and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., Vol. I, 2003, 346-352.
Quantification and Correction of Iris Color
S. Fan and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1495, University of Wisconsin - Madison, December 2003.
Research on Self Calibration Without Minimization
R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1490, University of Wisconsin - Madison, February 2003.
On Screw-Transform Manifolds
R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1482, University of Wisconsin - Madison, April 2003.
Stratified Self Calibration From Screw-Transform Manifolds
R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. European Conf. on Computer Vision, 2002, IV:131-145.
Markov Information Propagation for Texture Synthesis
G-D. Guo and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1446, University of Wisconsin - Madison, October 2002.
An Evaluation of Bayes and Large Margin Classifiers for Face Expression Recognition
G-D. Guo and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1447, University of Wisconsin - Madison, October 2002.
Observer Motion Estimation and Control from Optical Flow
Liangyin Yu and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Int. Conf. Image Processing, 2001, 941-944.
Metric Self Calibration From Screw-Transform Manifolds
R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., 2001, I:590-597.
Affine Calibration from Moving Objects
R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Computer Vision, 2001, I:494-500.
Versions: [TR1417]
Volumetric Scene Reconstruction from Multiple Views
C. R. Dyer,
Foundations of Image Understanding, L. S. Davis, ed., Kluwer, Boston, 2001, 469-489.
Perception-Based 2D Shape Modeling by Curvature Shaping
Liangyin Yu and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Visual Form, C. Arcelli, L. P. Cordella, and G. Sanniti di Baja, eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2001, 272-282.
Environment Map Morphing
R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1423, University of Wisconsin - Madison, December 2000.
Affine Calibration from Dynamic Scenes
R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1417, University of Wisconsin - Madison, March 2000.
Versions: [ICCV2001]
Dynamic View Interpolation without Affine Reconstruction
R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer,
Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics A. Leonardis, F. Solina and R. Bajcsy, eds., Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2000, 123-142.
Interpolating View and Scene Motion by Dynamic View Morphing
R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., 1999, I:388-394.
Versions: [IUW1998] [TR1387]
Photorealistic Scene Reconstruction by Voxel Coloring
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer,
Int. J. Computer Vision 35, No. 2, 1999, 151-173.
Versions: [CVPR1997] [IUW1997]
Image-Based Visualization from Widely-Separated Views
C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Image Understanding Workshop, 1998, 101-105.
Towards Real-Time Voxel Coloring
A. C. Prock and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Image Understanding Workshop, 1998, 315-321.
Interpolating View and Scene Motion by Dynamic View Morphing
R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Image Understanding Workshop, 1998, 323-330.
Versions: [CVPR1999] [TR1387]
Dynamic View Morphing
R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1387, University of Wisconsin - Madison, September 1998.
Versions: [CVPR1999] [IUW1998]
Direct Computation of Differential Invariants of Image Contours from Shading
L-Y. Yu and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Image Processing, 1998.
Photorealistic Scene Reconstruction by Voxel Coloring
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., 1997, 1067-1073.
Versions: [IJCV1999] [IUW1997]
Image-Based Scene Rendering and Manipulation Research at the University of Wisconsin
C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Image Understanding Workshop, 1997, 63-67.
View Morphing: Uniquely Predicting Scene Appearance from Basis Images
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Image Understanding Workshop, 1997, 881-887.
View-Invariant Analysis of Cyclic Motion
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer,
Int. J. Computer Vision, 25(3), 1997, 231-251.
Cyclic Motion Analysis using the Period Trace
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer,
Motion-Based Recognition, M. Shah and R. Jain, eds., Kluwer, Boston, 1997, 61-85.
View Morphing
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. SIGGRAPH 96, 1996, 21-30.
Toward Image-Based Scene Representation Using View Morphing
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, Vol. I, Track A: Computer Vision, 1996, 84-89.
Shape Recovery from Stationary Surface Contours by Controlled Observer Motion
L-Y. Yu and C. R. Dyer,
Advances in Image Understanding: A Festschrift for Azriel Rosenfeld, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, Ca., 1996, 177-193.
Physically-Valid View Synthesis by Image Interpolation
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Workshop on Representation of Visual Scenes, 1995, 18-25.
Complete Scene Structure from Four Point Correspondences
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Computer Vision, 1995, 330-337.
Recovering Shape by Purposive Viewpoint Adjustment
K. N. Kutulakos and C. R. Dyer,
Int. J. Computer Vision 12, 1994, 113-136.
Versions: [CVPR1992] [TR1035]
Global Surface Reconstruction by Purposive Control of Observer Motion
K. N. Kutulakos and C. R. Dyer,
Artificial Intelligence 78, No. 1-2, 1995, 147-177.
Versions: [CVPR1994] [TR1141]
Occluding Contour Detection using Affine Invariants and Purposive Viewpoint Control
K. N. Kutulakos and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., 1994, 323-330.
Global Surface Reconstruction by Purposive Control of Observer Motion
K. N. Kutulakos and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., 1994, 331-338.
Versions: [AI1994] [TR1141]
Building Global Object Models by Purposive Viewpoint Control
K. N. Kutulakos, W. B. Seales, and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 2nd CAD-Based Vision Workshop, 1994, 169-182.
Versions: [SPIE1993]
Provable Strategies for Vision-Guided Exploration in Three Dimensions
K. N. Kutulakos, C. R. Dyer, and V. J. Lumelsky,
Proc. 1994 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, 1994, 1365-1372.
Detecting Irregularities in Cyclic Motion
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Workshop on Motion of Non-Rigid and Articulated Objects, 1994, 178-185.
Affine Invariant Detection of Periodic Motion
S. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., 1994, 970-975.
Interactive Visualization of Earth and Space Science Computations
W. L. Hibbard, B. E. Paul, A. L. Battaiola, D. A. Santek, M-F. Voidrot-Martinez, and C. R. Dyer,
Computer 27, No. 7, July 1994, 65-72.
A Lattice Model for Data Display
W. L. Hibbard, C. R. Dyer, and B. E. Paul,
Proc. Visualization '94, 1994, 310-317.
Toward Global Surface Reconstruction by Purposive Viewpoint Adjustment
K. N. Kutulakos and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., 1993, 726-727.
Vision-Guided Exploration: A Step toward General Motion Planning in Three Dimensions
K. N. Kutulakos, V. J. Lumelsky, and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 1993 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1993, 289-296.
Computing Spatiotemporal Relations for Dynamic Perceptual Organization
M. Allmen and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing: Image Understanding 58, 1993, 338-351.
Versions: [TR1130]
Dynamic Shading, Motion Parallax and Qualitative Shape
S. Waldon and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Qualitative Vision, 1993, 61-70.
The Scale Space Aspect Graph
D. W. Eggert, K. W. Bowyer, C. R. Dyer, H. I. Christensen, and D. B. Goldgof,
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 15, 1993, 1114-1130.
Versions: [CVPR1992]
Building Global Object Models by Purposive Viewpoint Control
K. N. Kutulakos, W. B. Seales, and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. SPIE: Sensor Fusion VI, 1993, 368-383.
Versions: [CBVW1994]
Global Surface Reconstruction by Purposive Control of Observer Motion
K. N. Kutulakos and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1141, University of Wisconsin - Madison, April 1993.
Versions: [AI1994] [CVPR1994]
Recovering Shape by Purposive Viewpoint Adjustment
K. N. Kutulakos and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., 1992, 16-22.
Versions: [IJCV1994] [TR1035]
Object Exploration By Purposive, Dynamic Viewpoint Adjustment
K. N. Kutulakos, C. R. Dyer, V. J. Lumelsky,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1124, University of Wisconsin - Madison, November 1992.
The Scale Space Aspect Graph
D. W. Eggert, K. W. Bowyer, C. R. Dyer, H. I. Christensen, and D. B. Goldgof,
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conf., 1992, 335-340.
Versions: [PAMI1993]
Viewpoint from Occluding Contour
W. B. Seales and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing: Image Understanding 55, 1992, 198-211.
An Occlusion-Based Representation of Shape for Viewpoint Recovery
W. B. Seales and C. R. Dyer,
Proc. 10th European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, 1992, 816-820.
Display of Scientific Data Structures for Algorithm Visualization
W. Hibbard, C. R. Dyer, and B. Paul,
Proc. Visualization '92, 1992, 139-146.
Computing Spatiotemporal Relations for Dynamic Perceptual Organization
M. Allmen and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1130, University of Wisconsin - Madison, December 1992.
Versions: [CVGIP1993]
Recovering Shape by Purposive Viewpoint Adjustment
K. N. Kutulakos and C. R. Dyer,
Computer Sciences Department Technical Report 1035, University of Wisconsin - Madison, August 1991.
Versions: [IJCV1994] [CVPR1992]