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Cristian Estan |
Achieving Good End-to-End Service Using Bill-Pay
Cristian Estan, Aditya Akella, Suman Banerjee
UW CS technical report 1582, November 2006
We present Bill-Pay, a simple architecture that achieves end-to-end signaling of traffic priority through per-packet nanopayments based on local bilateral agreements between customers and ISPs and between ISPs that connect to each other. The core idea is very simple: whenever an important packet crosses a boundary between organizations, the upstream organization bundles a very small payment with the packet. The downstream organization gives such a packet preferential treatment, retains an amount that depends on the priority it gave the packet and bundles the remaining amount with the packet as it is handed off to the next organization on the path. These fine-grained payments to networks or intermediaries anywhere on the end to end communication path ensure that priority traffic receives good treatment.
We argue that such a mechanism can not only offer good end-to-end service but also strengthen existing solutions to important problems (e.g., DDoS flooding attacks and spam). Our solutions also enables radically new network services (e.g., incorporating micropayments into protocols and applications). The fact that Bill-Pay relies only on local bilateral agreements between organizations that already have a contractual relationship and the fact that it provides incremental benefits even with partial adoption further facilitate its deployment.
Paper in PDF and Postscript.
The presentation for this material from HotNets-V in PowerPoint and PDF.