Cristian EstanSelected papers sorted by time of publication (date of filing for technical reports). |
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- Multi-Byte Regular Expression Matching with Speculation -- Daniel Luchaup, Randy Smith, Cristian Estan, Somesh Jha -- RAID, September 2009
- PLUG: Flexible Lookup Modules for Rapid Deployment of New Protocols in High-speed Routers -- Lorenzo De Carli, Yi Pan, Amit Kumar, Cristian Estan, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam -- SIGCOMM, August 2009
- Flexible Lookup Modules for Rapid Deployment of New Protocols in High-speed Routers -- Lorenzo De Carli, Yi Pan, Amit Kumar, Cristian Estan, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam -- UW CS technical report 1568, May 2009
- Signature Matching in Network Processing Using SIMD/GPU Architectures -- Randy Smith, Neelam Goyal, Justin Ormont, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam, Cristian Estan -- International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, April 2009
- Efficient Signature Matching with Multiple Alphabet Compression Tables -- Shijin Kong, Randy Smith, Cristian Estan -- SecureComm, September 2008
- Deflating the Big Bang: fast and scalable deep packet inspection with variable-extended automata -- Randy Smith, Cristian Estan, Somesh Jha, Shijin Kong -- SIGCOMM, August 2008
- XFA: Faster signature matching with extended automata -- Randy Smith, Cristian Estan, Somesh Jha -- IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland), May 2008
- From dumb pipes to rivers of money: a network payment system -- Cristian Estan, Suman Banerjee, Aditya Akella, Yi Pan -- UW CS technical report 1635, May 2008
- Power Awareness in Network Design and Routing -- Joseph Chabarek, Joel Sommers, Paul Barford, Cristian Estan, David Tsiang, Steve Wright -- Infocom, April 2008
- Signature Matching in Network Processing Using SIMD/GPU Architectures -- Neelam Goyal, Justin Ormont, Randy Smith, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam, Cristian Estan -- UW CS technical report 1628, January 2008
- AFIQ: An accounting framework for inter-domain QoS with limited trust -- Cristian Estan, Aditya Akella, Suman Banerjee -- UW CS technical report 1620, October 2007
- XFAs: Fast and Compact Signature Matching -- Randy Smith, Cristian Estan, Somesh Jha -- UW CS technical report 1610, August 2007
- Data plane algorithms in routers: from prefix lookup to deep packet inspection -- Cristian Estan -- DIMACS Tutorial on Algorithms for Next Generation Networks, August 2007
- `A la carte: An Economic Framework for Multi-ISP Service Quality -- Cristian Estan, Aditya Akella, Suman Banerjee -- UW CS technical report 1591, March 2007
- Backtracking Algorithmic Complexity Attacks Against a NIDS -- Randy Smith, Cristian Estan, Somesh Jha -- Best paper award ACSAC, December 2006
- Achieving Good End-to-End Service Using Bill-Pay -- Cristian Estan, Aditya Akella, Suman Banerjee -- HotNets-V, November 2006
- Achieving Good End-to-End Service Using Bill-Pay -- Cristian Estan, Aditya Akella, Suman Banerjee -- UW CS technical report 1582, November 2006
- Bitmap algorithms for counting active flows on high speed links -- Cristian Estan, George Varghese, Mike Fisk -- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, October 2006
- Backtracking Algorithmic Complexity Attacks Against a NIDS -- Randy Smith, Cristian Estan, Somesh Jha -- UW CS technical report 1561, September 2006
- On Filtering of DDoS Attacks Based on Source Address Prefixes -- Gary Pack, Jaeyoung Yoon, Eli Collins, Cristian Estan -- SecureComm, August 2006
- End-biased Samples for Join Cardinality Estimation -- Cristian Estan, Jeffrey F. Naughton -- ICDE, April 2006
- On filtering of DDoS attacks based on source address prefixes -- Gary Pack, Jaeyoung Yoon, Eli Collins, Cristian Estan -- UW CS technical report 1547, December 2005
- Interactive Traffic Analysis and Visualization with Wisconsin Netpy -- Cristian Estan, Garret Magin -- USENIX LISA, December 2005
- End-biased Samples for Join Cardinality Estimation -- Cristian Estan, Jeffrey F. Naughton -- UW CS technical report TR1541, October 2005
- The Power of Slicing in Internet Flow Measurement -- Ramana Rao Kompella, Cristian Estan -- Internet Measurement Conference, October 2005
- A Robust System for Accurate Real-Time Summaries of Internet Traffic -- Ken Keys, David Moore, Cristian Estan -- SIGMETRICS, June 2005
- The Power of Slicing in Internet Flow Measurement -- Ramana Rao Kompella, Cristian Estan -- UCSD technical report CS2005-0822, May 2005
- Automated Worm Fingerprinting -- Sumeet Singh, Cristian Estan, George Varghese, Stefan Savage -- OSDI, December 2004
- Building a Better NetFlow -- Cristian Estan, Ken Keys, David Moore, George Varghese -- SIGCOMM, August 2004
- Comparison between multistage filters and sketches for finding heavy hitters -- Cristian Estan -- UCSD technical report CS2004-0784, April 2004
- The Measurement Manifesto -- George Varghese, Cristian Estan -- HotNets-II, November 2003
- Bitmap algorithms for counting active flows on high speed links -- Cristian Estan, George Varghese, Mike Fisk -- Internet Measurement Conference, October 2003
- Internet traffic measurement: What's going on in my network? -- Cristian Estan -- Ph. D. thesis at University of California San Diego, October 2003
- AutoFocus: A Tool for Automatic Traffic Analysis -- Cristian Estan -- Talk at the 29th meeting of the North American Network Operators' Group, October 2003
- Automatically Inferring Patterns of Resource Consumption in Network Traffic -- Cristian Estan, Stefan Savage, George Varghese -- SIGCOMM, August 2003
- New Directions in Traffic Measurement and Accounting: Focusing on the Elephants, Ignoring the Mice -- Cristian Estan, George Varghese -- ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, August 2003
- Data streaming in computer networking -- Cristian Estan, George Varghese -- Talk at the Workshop on Management and Processing of Data Streams, June 2003
- Bitmap algorithms for counting active flows on high speed links -- Cristian Estan, George Varghese, Mike Fisk -- UCSD technical report CS2003-0738, March 2003
- New Directions in Traffic Measurement and Accounting -- Cristian Estan, George Varghese -- SIGCOMM, August 2002
- New directions in traffic measurement and accounting -- Cristian Estan, George Varghese -- UCSD technical report CS2002-0699, February 2002