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Cristian Estan |
AFIQ: An accounting framework for inter-domain QoS with limited trust
Cristian Estan, Aditya Akella, Suman Banerjee
UW CS technical report 1620, October 2007
RFC 3869 identifies two main obstacles that stand in the way of an
inter-domain QoS architecture: the inability of ISPs to bill for
improved service and the danger of denial-of-service attacks with high
priority packets. In this paper we present an accounting framework for
inter-domain QoS, AFIQ, that solves the first problem and
limits the extent of the second. We present AFIQ as part of a
clean-slate redesign of the network, and while it may be possible to
retrofit it to work with IPv4, we do not address this issue
here. AFIQ builds on our earlier proposal, Bill-Pay, but it
goes significantly beyond it through its support for operation in the
presence of untrusted (possibly hijacked) endhosts and routers and its
ability to support stronger QoS guarantees.
Paper in PDF.