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Cristian Estan |
`A la carte: An Economic Framework for Multi-ISP Service Quality
Cristian Estan, Aditya Akella, Suman Banerjee
UW CS technical report 1591, March 2007
Internet quality of service is required by many applications such as
interactive voice and video that could fuel the further growth of the
network, but it is not widely available to end-users. While ISPs are
providing QoS within VPNs, end-hosts connected to the public Internet
and linked by paths that cross multiple ISPs can do little to
influence the quality of the service for their traffic. Our core
observation is that the existing contracts between networks are an
obstacle to multi-ISP service quality because remote ISPs on the path
of the traffic have no incentive to provide good service when needed.
We propose `A la carte, an economic framework that addresses this
problem. Among its properties are: 1) end-users can choose
the ISPs their traffic flows through and the level of service within
each ISP 2) end-users pay remote ISPs for their services, but need
contracts only with the ISPs they connect to 3) the prices ISPs charge
for various classes of traffic are static and public, thus the cost to
the end-user is predictable 4) a scalable accounting framework reduces
the trust one needs to place in remote ISPs and provides a detailed
log of expenditures.
Paper in PDF and Postscript.