Computer Sciences Dept.

Gagan Gupta

"gagang" AT cs DOT wisc DOT edu

I pursued a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Prior to joining UW-Madison, I had architected, designed, and promoted commercial processor products.

My interests lie in Computer Architecture and related aspects of computer design.
I architect and design computers to solve emerging problems while meeting the desired speed, size, power, accuracy, and energy objectives, without compromising system usability. 
In the process I explore and work on applications, compilers, system software, VLSI design, and circuits.

Gurindar S. Sohi at UW-Madison guided my research on multiprocessor systems. I also received advice from Mark Hill, David Wood, Michael Swift, Mikko Lipasti, Karu Sankaralingam, and Ben Liblit.
I proposed architectural and runtime techniques to efficiently execute programs on multiprocessors, simplify programming, and ease other aspects of system use. Ordered multiprocessor programs (analogous to sequential programs) are central to my proposals. I developed fully-functional, extensive runtime systems to explore the benefits and limitations of my proposals.

My work has been recognized at multiple industrial and academic forums.

I am now at Microsoft Research.

Please contact me for my CV and other details ("gagang" AT cs DOT wisc DOT edu).

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