Uses of Class

Uses of Car in <Unnamed>

Methods in <Unnamed> that return Car
 Car Driver.getDrivenCar()
          Returns a reference to the car this driver is driving (null if none)
 Car Lane.getNextCar()
          Returns a reference to the car pointed to by the iterator for cars.
 Car Highway.getNextCar(int laneNumber)
          Returns a reference to the car pointed to by the iterator for cars for the given lane.
 Car Lane.lookAtNextCar()
          Returns a reference to the car pointed to by the iterator for cars.
 Car Highway.lookAtNextCar(int laneNumber)
          Returns a reference to the car pointed to by the iterator for cars for the given lane.
 Car Lane.removeCar(Car car)
          Removes car from this lane, and returns a reference to it.
 Car Highway.removeCar(Car car, int laneNumber)
          Removes car from the specified lane, and returns a reference to it.

Methods in <Unnamed> with parameters of type Car
 void Lane.addCar(Car car)
          Adds car to this lane.
 void Highway.addCar(Car car, int laneNumber)
          Adds car to the specified lane.
 boolean Lane.canFitCar(Car car)
          Determines whether the car in the parameter can go in this lane.
 boolean Highway.canFitCar(Car car, int laneNumber)
          Determines whether the car in the parameter can go in the specified lane without crashing.
 void Driver.enterCar(Car car)
          Makes the driver enter a car.
 void Highway.moveCar(Car car, int fromLane, int toLane)
          Moves car from lane fromLane to lane toLane.
 Car Lane.removeCar(Car car)
          Removes car from this lane, and returns a reference to it.
 Car Highway.removeCar(Car car, int laneNumber)
          Removes car from the specified lane, and returns a reference to it.