How to Submit Work Electronically

You are responsible for running your programs on the UNIX computers to verify that it works as you expect prior to handing it in.

All assignments are to be turned in electronically to eliminate wasting paper for printouts, enable your code to be tested for grading, and for your convenience to be able to turn in work at any time. In general you will submit the text files containing your answers to written questions and/or your source files that you wrote or modified. Do not submit any files that we've provided that weren't modified by you.

A directory has been created for you to use to electronically submit your programs for grading. This directory is located at

where YOUR_CS_ACCOUNT_NAME is the login name that was assigned to you to access your computer science account. This is your "handin" directory in which is found subdirectories corresponding with the assignments.

There are four steps required for submitting your work from the UNIX labs:

  1. Log into one of the lab computers.
  2. Change to your assignment directory as in this example: cd private/cs354/assignments/A0
  3. Copy your files to your "handin" directory as in this example: cp A0.s ~cs354-1/handin/ YOUR_CS_ACCOUNT_NAME
  4. Verify that your files are in your "handin" directory as in this example: ls -l ~cs354-1/handin/YOUR_CS_ACCOUNT_NAME

You have permission to read from your handin directories except while we are grading the assignment. Write permission will be enabled after an assignment is assigned and disabled after the due date and time passes. You may submit your files multiple times. You may re-submit a file by overwriting the one already in teh handin directory. You do not have permission to delete files from your handin directory. This ensures that accidental deletion of your work cannot be done. If you want a file(s) removed, e-mail the course instructor specifying your login name and the name(s) of the file(s) you want removed.

You may also submit your work remotely by using an FTP application, such as the one included in the WiscWorld software package. You'll need to configure this application to connect to one of the lab computers. Then you will be able to use FTP to transfer your files to your handin directory.

Late Submissions

Understanding the rules outlined in the grading section about late submission, no work will be accepted 48 hours after the deadline specified in the syllabus. To submit late work, you must e-mail the instructor the appropriate assignment file(s) as an attachment. The time-stamp on the e-mail will determine the amount of deduction for the assignment.