Computer Labs


Personal Account

A UNIX account is automatically issued to you by the Computer Systems Lab (CSL) after you register for the course. This account includes and email account that is completely separate from the email account supplied to you by DoIT.

Locations & Hours

The computer labs for use by CS367 students are located on the first floor of the Computer Sciences building during the hours from 7 AM - 1 AM every day. (To use a CS machine from home, see the "FAQ" section on the left-hand menu.)

CS Computer Lab Accounts

A computer account is automatically issued to you by the Computer Systems Lab (CSL) after you register for the course. This account provides you with access to the lab computers, a disk quota (for file storage), and paper quota (for printing). Only registered students are given an account. To use this account you may need to activate it:

If you have problems with your password or account go to the Computer Systems Lab (CSL), room 2350 CS, during regular business hours (Monday through Friday from 8 AM - noon, 1 PM - 5 PM). Make sure to bring your UW student id.

If you add after classes begin, there may be a delay until you are able to activate your account. Accounts are available the morning after the Computer Systems Lab receives notification from the registrar.

Your account will be deactivated if you drop the class unless you are taking another CS or Stat course.

New to UNIX?

If you are new to the UNIX operating system, you should attend one of the several scheduled UNIX Orientation Sessions that are offered during the first two weeks of class. Look at the CS1000 handout prior to attending the session. See the additional information is available to help you with UNIX:


Basic instructions for printing from the instructional machines: In order to print from any of the computers your paper quota must be greater than 0. At the beginning of the semester all CS students receive an initial paper quota established by the CSL. If you exhaust your paper quota you must go to the CSL in 2350 CS during workday hours to purchase more pages.

All the instructional machines are set up to print to the printers in 1359 CS.

Each of your print jobs will be scheduled individually and may print out on any of the printers in 1359 CS. To check which printer your job is coming out on look for your login name on the monitor by each printer.

If there is a problem with one of the printers or there is no paper left in the print room first tell a consultant on duty in the CS302 computer lab, 1370 CS. If there are no consultants then send email to Do not try to fix any of the printers yourself.

For further information about printing (how to check your quota, how to remove a job that you printed accidentally, etc.) check the printing section of the CSL documentation.

A useful command for printing source code listings: print -landscape -Plaser filename

Logging out

Always log off your machine before you leave the lab. Do this by clicking on the "Logoff" button in the upper-right corner of the display.