Professional Experience
Before arriving at UW-Madison, I worked for two years as a CS textbook author, editor, developer, and project manager at Deitel & Associates, Inc. in Boston. In addition to managing a team of interns, I was responsible for preparing the manuscript, programming examples, and ancillary materials for Internet & WWW How to Program, 3rd Edition. I helped develop the "early classes" approach in the latest editions of the Deitels' popular Java How to Program and C++ How to Program textbooks, and co-authored a 100 page object-oriented design case study for these texts. In my final responsibility before departing for graduate school, I handled all the new ASP.NET and Web services content for the latest Deitel .NET publications.
As an undergraduate, I held summer internships at Microsoft and Prodigy Internet, and spent two years developing Web applications for the Amherst Daily Jolt, a student-run Web site serving the Amherst College community. I still try to keep up my Web development work while in graduate school, most recently having completed a total redesign of Optimization Online, a repository of e-prints about optimization and related topics.