Given: the goal of dataflow analysis is to compute a "dataflow fact" (an element of L) for each CFG node. Ideally, we want the MOP (meet over all paths) solution, in which the fact at node n is the combination of the facts induced by all paths to n. However, for CFGs with cycles, it is not possible to compute this solution directly.

Another approach to solving a dataflow problem is to solve a system of equations that relates the dataflow facts that hold before each node to the facts that hold after the node. There are two basic approaches to solving the systems of equations:

  1. iterative algorithms
  2. elimination algorithms
Kildall showed that if the dataflow functions are distributive, then the (original version of the) iterative algorithm always terminates, and always finds the MOP solution. Kam and Ullman later showed that if the dataflow functions are monotonic then the iterative algorithm always finds the greatest solution to the set of equations. They also showed that if the functions are monotonic but not distributive, then that solution is not always the same as the MOP solution. I think it is true that the greatest solution to the system of equations is always an approximation to the MOP solution (i.e., may be lower in the lattice of solutions).

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