Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

CS540, Spring 2023
Department of Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Office Hour Guidelines

  • Instructor Office Hours:
    • Josiah Hanna: Tuesday 11am - 12pm in CS Building 5391 or by appointment.
    • Jerry Zhu: Wednesdays 2-3pm on Zoom or by appointment - Link
    • TA office hours:
      • Hugh Liu: Fridays 2:40-4:40pm, CS 1289
      • Dyah Adila: Wednesdays 10am-12pm, CS 3209
      • Axel Agelii: Mondays 2-4pm, CS 3228
      • Yunfu Deng: Thursdays 10am-12pm, CS 3253
      • Adam Labiosa: Tuesdays 11am-1pm, CS 1289
      • Ana Klabjan: Thursday 12-2pm, CS 1289
    • Check the calendar for the PM office hour schedule. PMs will hold office hours online or in CS building room 1289. Online hours will begin with "Online" in the calendar. Please check the detailed description of the marked online hours for the guideline of the online office (the details may be different for different PMs and can change over time)
    • TA Office hours should be used for conceptual and high-level questions.
      • TA Office Hours are open to everyone unless someone specifically asks for a private meeting.
    • PM Office Hours should be used for programming related questions or moderate conceptual questions.
    • If there are more students in the queue, TA/PMs can limit each student to 10 mins. After which you can join the queue again by putting your name at the end of the queue.

    Note: These guidelines can be changed at any time. Also any PM or TA has the freedom to implement their own system.

Office Hour Calendar

Click here to download the CS 540 Calendar