CS639: Introduction to Algorithmic Game Theory & Mechanism Design

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Spring 2024

Grading overview

  • Homeworks: 50%

  • Midterm exam: 25%

  • Final exam: 25%


There will be 4–5 problem sets in addition to homework 0. Homeworks will be posted on Canvas and will be due by 11.59pm on the due date.

  • All homeworks will not necessarily have equal credit. Longer and harder homeworks will be weighted more towards your final homework score.

  • Homeworks should be typeset using some appropriate software. We will not be accepting written and scanned homeworks. LaTeX is a free and excellent system for typesetting. Students will receive 5 percent extra credit if their solutions are typeset fully using LaTex.

  • As we will re-use questions in future offerings of this class, please do not release homework or exam questions outside of class or discuss them in public forums.

  • Collaboration: The problem sets will generally be difficult. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, students are allowed (and encouraged) to collaborate in groups of size up to three. However, each student must write up solutions individually and name any collaborators at the top of each problem. Please read the university's policy on academic misconduct.

  • Solutions will be posted within a week of the deadline. Students will receive zero credit for submissions after solutions are posted.

  • Late submissions:

    • You will be allowed three (3) total late days without penalty for the entire semester. You may be late by 1 day on three different homeworks, late by 2 days on one homework and by 1 day on another, or by 3 days on a single homework.

    • Once those days are used, you will be penalized according to the following policy: Homework is worth full credit if submitted by the deadline. It is worth half credit for the next 48 hours. It is worth zero credit after that.

    • You must turn in all of the homeworks, even if for zero credit, in order to pass the course.

    • Any submission after the deadline will be counted as a late day, even if it is just a few minutes. Please plan to submit your homework well ahead of the deadline.

    • Extensions are extremely unlikely, and will be considered only for documented emergencies.

Midterm and Final exam

The midterm exam will be held on Wednesday 03/13/2024 from 5.45 PM – 7.15 PM at Noland Hall, Room 168.

The final exam will be held on Thursday 05/09/2024 2.45 PM – 4.45 PM at ENGR HALL 3355.

A make-up exam will be offered only for documented emergencies and travel to academic conferences. The decision to accommodate a make-up exam will be at the discretion of the instructor. If the student takes the make-up exam without prior approval from the instructor, there will be a 10-20% penalty, depending on the circumstances.

Please read the university's policy on academic misconduct.