Varius Programming and Game Projects
1861: Life On The Battlefield
Game Type: Board Game
Devolpment Time: September 2018 - December 2018 (4 Months)
Special Notes: 1st Board Game Developed
Github Link: Repository owned by group member
Description: This game was developed in a group of three people for a game design course. It is a strategy board game with survival and resource-collecting elements to it, and our key idea for making this game was to create a game in a war setting where fighting may not be the most optimal choice. One player is a soldier on one side, the other controls four civilians on the other side.
My Main Focus: Mechanics and Game Balance. Namely working on having the assymetrical game design work for a 2 player game, rather than a 4 or 5 person game like most asymetrical games are. Lots of time went into ensuring that the players would not actively try to kill eachother, but rather look for a way to coexist uneasily. Some game desicions were made in order to teach the players about soldier conditions
Greedy Midas
Game Type: Digital Game
Devolpment Time: January 2019 - March 2019 (3 Months)
Special Notes: 1st 2D unity Game
Github Link: Repository owned by design lead
Description: This game was designed and developed outside of class and is a 2 player strategy card game. Players compete to control a majority of cards on the board to win the game.
My Main Focus: Develpoment. Lots of time spend working on serializing the players such that turns could be preserved as well as keep their states updated. Lots of function splitting and work communicating between a backend and front end code. Initial Digital Prototype is complete.