What is Piazza?
Piazza is an online platform which facilitates interactions between students and instructors.
(Piazza is Italian for "square" as in a market square.)
Why Piazza?
Piazza is the best way to get answers about 252 material, because:
- other students may have already asked (and answered) your question
- your question can be answered by staff or other students
- your question is usually answered faster than by other methods
- staff is movitated to provide good answers as they usually benefit many students
- it avoids staff getting behind and losing hundreds of emails.
How to use Piazza?
All the students enrolled in CS252 Spring 2015 (Section 2) will receive inivitations to enroll as a student in this class in Piazza after the first week of classes. After you enroll, you can post a new question by clicking on "New Post" button on the top left corner of the screen. After you click this button, a new window appears with the following fields:
- Post Type: Piazza allows you to post a new question or a note or to even start a poll. If you wish to post a new question (which is generally the case), select "Post Type" as "Question".
- Post to: By default, your posts will be seen by the entire class (ie, both the students as well as the instructors).
- Summary: In this field, write a brief summary about your question
- Details: This is where you write the question. Please try to be as elaborate as you can.
- Show my name as: If you do not want other students to see your name in the post, set this field as "Anonymous to Classmates".
For further information, refer Piazza_info
When you use Piazza for discussions, please note the following:
- Please try to draft the questions as unambiguous as possible.
- Also, please respect other students, instructors and avoid using any harsh statements in any of your posts.
Contact Information
Mark D. Hill
Office: 6373 Comp Sci and Stat
Office hours: Tuesday 5:15-6:00pm
Friday 3:15-4:00 (Starts at 252 lecture & ends at office)
Lisa Ossian
Office: 1351 Comp Sci and Stat
Email: ossianli@cs.wisc.edu
Office hours: Monday: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Wednesday: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Sujith Surendran
Office: 5384 Comp Sci and Stat
Email: sujiths@cs.wisc.edu
Office hours: Thursday: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Friday: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM