CS 839, Fall 2023: SmartNIC Systems


Additional References


Your final grade for the course will be based on the following weights:

The course project will be done in groups. You should pick your own group members for your projects, but you may use the Canvas to help find group members.


Date Topics Readings Notes Remarks
Thu 09/07 Course logistics. SmartNIC introduction.
The Accidental SmartNIC (blog post) L1
Tue 09/12 FPGA SmartNIC (1).
AccelNet L2
Thu 09/14 FPGA SmartNIC (2).
ClickNP L3
Tue 09/19 FPGA SmartNIC (3).
Thu 09/21 No class.
Tue 09/26 FPGA SmartNIC (4).
Tonic L5
Thu 09/28 Multicore SoC SmartNIC (1).
iPipe L6
Tue 10/03 Multicore SoC SmartNIC (2).
AccelTCP L7
Thu 10/05 Special SmartNIC (1).
Tue 10/10 Special SmartNIC(2).
NanoPU L9
Thu 10/12 System support for SmartNIC (1).
FairNIC L10
Tue 10/17 No class.
Thu 10/19 PL/Tools support for SmartNIC (1).
Floem L11
Tue 10/24 System support for SmartNIC (2).
E3 L12
Thu 10/26 PL/Tools support for SmartNIC (2).
Clara L13
Tue 10/31 SmartNIC Usecase (1).
KV-Direct L14
Thu 11/02 SmartNIC Usecase (2).
Xenic L15
Tue 11/07 SmartNIC Usecase (3).
FlexTOE L16
Thu 11/09 SmartNIC Usecase (4).
LineFS L17
Tue 11/14 SmartNIC Usecase (5).
Design Guideline L18
Thu 11/16 LEED, LogNIC, and SmartNIC-GPU.
Tue 11/21 SmartNIC Usecase (6).
Enso L20
Thu 11/23 Thanksgiving.
Tue 11/28 SmartNIC Extension (1).
Gimbal L21
Thu 11/30 SmartNIC Extension (2).
FpgaNIC L22
Tue 12/05 SmartNIC Extension (3).
fNIC L23
Thu 12/07 No class.
Tue 12/12 Project presentation.

Created using coursegen designed by Dave Anderson and Nick Feamster.

Last updated: 2023-12-14 09:08:27 -0600 [validate xhtml]