Ming Liu

The CloudLab3@Wisconsin follows the design strategy of CloudLab1/2 and makes incremental infrastructure upgrades. It provides much higher inter-host networking bandwidth (100+GbE), adds 20+ commodity GPU servers, and brings in disaggregated storage. Jeremy Sarauer (from DoIT) is the leading system architect.

1. Hardware Specification

The cluster consists of the following compute/storage nodes and switches.

2. System Architecture

The above figure (from Jeremy) depicts the topology of CloudLab3 and how it connects to CloudLab1, CloudLab2, UW-Madison research backbone network, and FABRIC. The cluster co-locates with CloudLab1 and CloudLab2, spanning across three racks. We enable LACP for different traffic groups.

3. Example Use Cases

We believe the cloudlab3 extension could enable distributed GPU computing, storage disaggregation, and high-throughput system design at a small/modest scale.