CS740: Advanced Computer Networks [Guest lectures, Fall 2018]
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Paper discussed: On the Constancy of Internet Path Properties [IMW’01]
CS367: Introduction to Data Structures
[Summer 2017]
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Enrollment: 83
Course Evaluation: 5.3/7.0
CS640: Introduction to Computer Networks [Guest lectures, Spring 2018]
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Appication Layer - WWW, HTTP, DNS, SMTP
Network Security - Confidentiality, Integrity and Authentication
Grandparents University CS Major [Summer 2018]
Introducing CS to freshmen middle school students and their grandparents
Platform: Scratch
Android Programming Workshop for Freshmen [Spring 2018 - Feb 9, May 5, June 12]
Introducing CS to freshmen students
Platform: MIT App Inventor
Two applications: Talk to me and Drawing app