Mohit Saxena

saxena dot mohit at gmail dot com

    Amazon Web Services
    Palo Alto, California, USA


About Me

I am a Software Engineer at Amazon Web Services working on distributed systems for a recently launched cloud-based data analytics service.

Earlier, I was a Research Staff Member at IBM Research Almaden, where I work on projects focusing on high-speed data ingestion pipelines, distributed machine learning, memory caching for iterative data analytics in Apache Spark, and fast data recovery in HDFS.

Before joining IBM Research, I have graduated with a Ph.D in May 2013 from the Computer Sciences Department at University of Wisconsin-Madison. My advisor was Prof. Mike Swift. During my Ph.D, I was awarded the Lawrence Landweber UW Distinguished PhD Fellowship.

Earlier, I obtained M.S. in CS from Purdue University in 2008 and B.Tech in CS from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-Delhi) in 2006.

Research Interests

My research interests are in data management, distributed machine learning, cloud object storage and resource scheduling, containers, memory and cache management, file systems and flash storage.

Selected Publications
  • Dike: Revisiting Resource Management for Distributed Deep Learning
    Erci Xu, Mohit Saxena, and Feng Qin
    In 8th ACM SIGOPS Asian-Pacific Workshop on Systems (ApSys), September 2017, ApSys

  • Neutrino: Revisiting Memory Caching for Iterative Data Analtytics
    Erci Xu, Mohit Saxena, and Lawrence Chiu
    In Proceedings of Usenix HotStorage, June 2016, HotStorage

  • vDrive: An Efficient and Consistent Virtual I/O System
    Mohit Saxena, Pin Zhou and David A. Pease
    In Proceedings of ACM TRIOS (co-located with SOSP), October 2015, TRIOS

  • A Tale of Two Erasure Codes in HDFS
    Mingyuan Xia, Mohit Saxena, Mario Blaum and David A. Pease
    In Proceedings of 13th Usenix Conference on File and Storage Technologies, February 2015, FAST

  • Design and Prototype of a Solid-State Cache
    Mohit Saxena and Michael M. Swift
    In Proceedings of ACM Transactions on Storage, Volume 10(3), July 2014, TOS

  • Getting Real: Lessons in Transitioning Research Simulations into Hardware Systems
    Mohit Saxena, Yiying Zhang, Michael Swift, Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau and Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau
    In Proceedings of 11th Usenix Conference on File and Storage Technologies, February 2013, FAST

  • FlashTier: A Lightweight, Consistent and Durable Storage Cache
    Mohit Saxena, Michael M. Swift and Yiying Zhang
    In Proceedings of 7th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems, April 2012, EuroSys

  • FlashVM: Virtual Memory Management on Flash
    Mohit Saxena and Michael M. Swift
    In Proceedings of 16th Usenix Annual Technical Conference, June 2010, ATC

  • CLAMP: Efficient Class-Based Sampling for Flow Monitoring
    Mohit Saxena and Ramana Kompella
    In Computer Networks Journal, Volume 54, Issue 14, 2010, COMNET

Full list of my publications and patents.

Last updated 01/04/2018