GaussianHMM Class Reference

A wrapper class for HMM functionals in single Gaussian case. More...

Collaboration diagram for GaussianHMM:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void ComputeLogLikelihood (const ArrayList< Matrix > &list_data_seq, ArrayList< double > *list_likelihood) const
 Compute the log-likelihood of a list of sequences.
double ComputeLogLikelihood (const Matrix &data_seq) const
 Compute the log-likelihood of a sequence.
void ComputeViterbiStateSequence (const Matrix &data_seq, Vector *state_seq) const
 Compute the most probable sequence (Viterbi).
void DecodeInit (const Matrix &data_seq, Matrix *state_prob_mat, Matrix *forward_prob_mat, Matrix *backward_prob_mat, Vector *scale_vec) const
 A decode version that initialized the output matrices.
void DecodeOverwrite (const Matrix &data_seq, Matrix *state_prob_mat, Matrix *forward_prob_mat, Matrix *backward_prob_mat, Vector *scale_vec) const
 Decode a sequence into probabilities of each state at each time step using scaled forward-backward algorithm.
void EstimateModel (int numstate, const Matrix &data_seq, const Vector &state_seq)
void EstimateModel (const Matrix &data_seq, const Vector &state_seq)
 Estimate the matrices by a data sequence and a state sequence Must be already initialized.
void GenerateSequence (int L, Matrix *data_seq, Vector *state_seq) const
 Generate a random data sequence of a given length.
void Init (const Matrix &transmission, const ArrayList< Vector > &list_mean_vec, const ArrayList< Matrix > &list_covariance_mat)
 Initializes from computed transmission and Gaussian parameters.
void InitFromData (const Matrix &data_seq, const Vector &state_seq)
 Initializes using data and state sequence as a guide.
void InitFromData (const ArrayList< Matrix > &list_data_seq, int numstate)
 Initializes using K-means algorithm using data as a guide.
void InitFromFile (const char *profile)
 Initializes by loading from a file.
const ArrayList< Matrix > & list_covariance_mat () const
const ArrayList< Vector > & list_mean_vec () const
void LoadProfile (const char *profile)
 Load from file, used when already initialized.
void SaveProfile (const char *profile) const
 Save matrices to file.
void setModel (const Matrix &transmission, const ArrayList< Vector > &list_mean_vec, const ArrayList< Matrix > &list_covariance_mat)
 Setter used when already initialized.
void TrainBaumWelch (const ArrayList< Matrix > &list_data_seq, int max_iteration, double tolerance)
 Train the model with a list of sequences, must be already initialized using Baum-Welch EM algorithm.
void TrainViterbi (const ArrayList< Matrix > &list_data_seq, int max_iteration, double tolerance)
 Train the model with a list of sequences, must be already initialized using Viterbi algorithm to determine the state sequence of each sequence.
const Matrix & transmission () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void BackwardProcedure (int L, const Matrix &trans, const Matrix &emis_prob, const Vector &scales, Matrix *bs)
static void CalculateEmissionProb (const Matrix &seq, const ArrayList< Vector > &means, const ArrayList< Matrix > &inv_covs, const Vector &det, Matrix *emis_prob)
static double Decode (int L, const Matrix &trans, const Matrix &emis_prob, Matrix *pstates, Matrix *fs, Matrix *bs, Vector *scales)
static double Decode (const Matrix &trans, const Matrix &emis_prob, Matrix *pstates, Matrix *fs, Matrix *bs, Vector *scales)
static void EstimateInit (int numStates, const Matrix &seq, const Vector &states, Matrix *trans, ArrayList< Vector > *means, ArrayList< Matrix > *covs)
static void EstimateInit (const Matrix &seq, const Vector &states, Matrix *trans, ArrayList< Vector > *means, ArrayList< Matrix > *covs)
 Estimate transition and emission distribution from sequence and states.
static void ForwardProcedure (int L, const Matrix &trans, const Matrix &emis_prob, Vector *scales, Matrix *fs)
 Calculate posteriori probabilities of states at each steps Scaled Forward - Backward procedure trans: Transition probabilities, size M x M emis_prob: Emission probabilities along the sequence, size M x L (L is the sequence length) pstates: size M x L fs: scaled forward probabities, size M x L bs: scaled backward probabities, size M x L scales: scale factors, length L RETURN: log probabilities of sequence.
static void GenerateInit (int L, const Matrix &trans, const ArrayList< Vector > &means, const ArrayList< Matrix > &covs, Matrix *seq, Vector *states)
 Generating a sequence and states using transition and emission probabilities.
static void InitGaussParameter (int M, const ArrayList< Matrix > &seqs, Matrix *guessTR, ArrayList< Vector > *guessME, ArrayList< Matrix > *guessCO)
 Baum-Welch and Viterbi estimation of transition and emission distribution (Gaussian).
static success_t LoadProfile (const char *profile, Matrix *trans, ArrayList< Vector > *means, ArrayList< Matrix > *covs)
static success_t SaveProfile (const char *profile, const Matrix &trans, const ArrayList< Vector > &means, const ArrayList< Matrix > &covs)
static void Train (const ArrayList< Matrix > &seqs, Matrix *guessTR, ArrayList< Vector > *guessME, ArrayList< Matrix > *guessCO, int max_iter, double tol)
static void TrainViterbi (const ArrayList< Matrix > &seqs, Matrix *guessTR, ArrayList< Vector > *guessME, ArrayList< Matrix > *guessCO, int max_iter, double tol)
static double ViterbiInit (int L, const Matrix &trans, const Matrix &emis_prob, Vector *states)
static double ViterbiInit (const Matrix &trans, const Matrix &emis_prob, Vector *states)
 Calculate the most probable states for a sequence Viterbi algorithm trans: Transition probabilities, size M x M emis_prob: Emission probabilities, size M x L states: Unitialized, will have length L RETURN: log probability of the most probable sequence.

Detailed Description

A wrapper class for HMM functionals in single Gaussian case.

This class maintains transition probabilities and Gaussian parameters (mean and covariance) for each state, more details below.

Definition at line 53 of file gaussianHMM.h.

Member Function Documentation

void GaussianHMM::ComputeLogLikelihood ( const ArrayList< Matrix > &  list_data_seq,
ArrayList< double > *  list_likelihood 
) const

Compute the log-likelihood of a list of sequences.

Definition at line 182 of file

References ForwardProcedure(), ArrayList< TElem >::Init(), GenVector< T >::Init(), ArrayList< TElem >::PushBackCopy(), and ArrayList< TElem >::size().

double GaussianHMM::ComputeLogLikelihood ( const Matrix &  data_seq  )  const

Compute the log-likelihood of a sequence.

Definition at line 168 of file

References ForwardProcedure(), and GenVector< T >::Init().

void GaussianHMM::ComputeViterbiStateSequence ( const Matrix &  data_seq,
Vector state_seq 
) const

Compute the most probable sequence (Viterbi).

Definition at line 202 of file

References ViterbiInit().

void GaussianHMM::DecodeInit ( const Matrix &  data_seq,
Matrix *  state_prob_mat,
Matrix *  forward_prob_mat,
Matrix *  backward_prob_mat,
Vector scale_vec 
) const

A decode version that initialized the output matrices.

Definition at line 153 of file

References GenVector< T >::Init().

void GaussianHMM::DecodeOverwrite ( const Matrix &  data_seq,
Matrix *  state_prob_mat,
Matrix *  forward_prob_mat,
Matrix *  backward_prob_mat,
Vector scale_vec 
) const

Decode a sequence into probabilities of each state at each time step using scaled forward-backward algorithm.

Also return forward, backward probabilities and scale factors

Definition at line 142 of file

void GaussianHMM::EstimateInit ( const Matrix &  seq,
const Vector states,
Matrix *  trans,
ArrayList< Vector > *  means,
ArrayList< Matrix > *  covs 
) [static]

Estimate transition and emission distribution from sequence and states.

Definition at line 305 of file

References GenVector< T >::length().

Referenced by EstimateModel(), and InitFromData().

void GaussianHMM::EstimateModel ( const Matrix &  data_seq,
const Vector state_seq 

Estimate the matrices by a data sequence and a state sequence Must be already initialized.

Definition at line 124 of file

References EstimateInit().

void GaussianHMM::ForwardProcedure ( int  L,
const Matrix &  trans,
const Matrix &  emis_prob,
Vector scales,
Matrix *  fs 
) [static]

Calculate posteriori probabilities of states at each steps Scaled Forward - Backward procedure trans: Transition probabilities, size M x M emis_prob: Emission probabilities along the sequence, size M x L (L is the sequence length) pstates: size M x L fs: scaled forward probabities, size M x L bs: scaled backward probabities, size M x L scales: scale factors, length L RETURN: log probabilities of sequence.

Definition at line 385 of file

References GenVector< T >::get(), and GenVector< T >::SetZero().

Referenced by ComputeLogLikelihood().

void GaussianHMM::GenerateInit ( int  L,
const Matrix &  trans,
const ArrayList< Vector > &  means,
const ArrayList< Matrix > &  covs,
Matrix *  seq,
Vector states 
) [static]

Generating a sequence and states using transition and emission probabilities.

L: sequence length trans: Matrix M x M (M states) means: list of mean vectors length N (emission vector of length N) covs: list of square root of covariance matrices size N x N seq: generated sequence, uninitialized matrix, will have size N x L states: generated states, uninitialized vector, will have length L

Definition at line 265 of file

References GenVector< T >::Init(), ArrayList< TElem >::length(), and ArrayList< TElem >::size().

Referenced by GenerateSequence().

void GaussianHMM::GenerateSequence ( int  L,
Matrix *  data_seq,
Vector state_seq 
) const

Generate a random data sequence of a given length.

Definition at line 120 of file

References GenerateInit().

void GaussianHMM::Init ( const Matrix &  transmission,
const ArrayList< Vector > &  list_mean_vec,
const ArrayList< Matrix > &  list_covariance_mat 

Initializes from computed transmission and Gaussian parameters.

Definition at line 62 of file

References ArrayList< TElem >::InitCopy(), and ArrayList< TElem >::size().

void GaussianHMM::InitFromData ( const Matrix &  data_seq,
const Vector state_seq 

Initializes using data and state sequence as a guide.

Definition at line 92 of file

References EstimateInit().

void GaussianHMM::InitFromData ( const ArrayList< Matrix > &  list_data_seq,
int  numstate 

Initializes using K-means algorithm using data as a guide.

Definition at line 85 of file

References GenVector< T >::Init(), ArrayList< TElem >::InitCopy(), InitGaussParameter(), and ArrayList< TElem >::size().

void GaussianHMM::InitFromFile ( const char *  profile  ) 

Initializes by loading from a file.

Definition at line 77 of file

References GenVector< T >::Init(), ArrayList< TElem >::InitCopy(), LoadProfile(), and ArrayList< TElem >::size().

Referenced by LoadProfile().

void GaussianHMM::InitGaussParameter ( int  M,
const ArrayList< Matrix > &  seqs,
Matrix *  guessTR,
ArrayList< Vector > *  guessME,
ArrayList< Matrix > *  guessCO 
) [static]

Baum-Welch and Viterbi estimation of transition and emission distribution (Gaussian).

Definition at line 532 of file

References ArrayList< TElem >::Init(), GenVector< T >::Init(), ArrayList< TElem >::PushBackCopy(), linalg__private::Scale(), GenVector< T >::SetZero(), ArrayList< TElem >::size(), and linalg__private::SubInit().

Referenced by InitFromData().

void GaussianHMM::LoadProfile ( const char *  profile  ) 

Load from file, used when already initialized.

Definition at line 98 of file

References GenVector< T >::Destruct(), and InitFromFile().

Referenced by InitFromFile().

void GaussianHMM::SaveProfile ( const char *  profile  )  const

Save matrices to file.

Definition at line 107 of file

void GaussianHMM::setModel ( const Matrix &  transmission,
const ArrayList< Vector > &  list_mean_vec,
const ArrayList< Matrix > &  list_covariance_mat 

Setter used when already initialized.

Definition at line 44 of file

References ArrayList< TElem >::InitCopy(), and ArrayList< TElem >::size().

void GaussianHMM::TrainBaumWelch ( const ArrayList< Matrix > &  list_data_seq,
int  max_iteration,
double  tolerance 

Train the model with a list of sequences, must be already initialized using Baum-Welch EM algorithm.

Definition at line 210 of file

void GaussianHMM::TrainViterbi ( const ArrayList< Matrix > &  list_data_seq,
int  max_iteration,
double  tolerance 

Train the model with a list of sequences, must be already initialized using Viterbi algorithm to determine the state sequence of each sequence.

Definition at line 215 of file

const Matrix& GaussianHMM::transmission (  )  const [inline]


Definition at line 82 of file gaussianHMM.h.

double GaussianHMM::ViterbiInit ( const Matrix &  trans,
const Matrix &  emis_prob,
Vector states 
) [static]

Calculate the most probable states for a sequence Viterbi algorithm trans: Transition probabilities, size M x M emis_prob: Emission probabilities, size M x L states: Unitialized, will have length L RETURN: log probability of the most probable sequence.

Definition at line 460 of file

Referenced by ComputeViterbiStateSequence().

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