MoGEM Class Reference

A Gaussian mixture model class. More...

Collaboration diagram for MoGEM:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

index_t dimension ()
void Display ()
 This function prints the parameters of the model.
void ExpectationMaximization (Matrix &data_points)
 This function calculates the parameters of the model using the Maximum Likelihood function via the Expectation Maximization (EM) Algorithm.
void Init (datanode *mog_em_module)
void Init (index_t num_gauss, index_t dimension)
void KMeans (Matrix &data, ArrayList< Vector > *means, ArrayList< Matrix > *covars, Vector *weights, index_t value_of_k)
 This function computes the k-means of the data and stores the calculated means and covariances in the ArrayList of Vectors and Matrices passed to it.
long double Loglikelihood (Matrix &data_points, ArrayList< Vector > &means, ArrayList< Matrix > &covars, Vector &weights)
 This function computes the loglikelihood of model.
Vectormu (index_t i)
ArrayList< Vector > & mu ()
index_t number_of_gaussians ()
double omega (index_t i)
Vectoromega ()
void OutputResults (ArrayList< double > *results)
 This function outputs the parameters of the model to an arraylist of doubles.
void set_mu (index_t i, index_t length, const double *mu)
void set_mu (index_t i, Vector &mu)
void set_omega (index_t length, const double *omega)
void set_omega (Vector &omega)
void set_sigma (index_t i, Matrix &sigma)
Matrix & sigma (index_t i)
ArrayList< Matrix > & sigma ()

Detailed Description

A Gaussian mixture model class.

This class uses maximum likelihood loss functions to estimate the parameters of a gaussian mixture model on a given data via the EM algorithm.

Example use:

 MoGEM mog;
 ArrayList<double> results;

 mog.Init(number_of_gaussians, dimension);
 mog.ExpectationMaximization(data, &results, optim_flag);

Definition at line 85 of file mog_em.h.

Member Function Documentation

void MoGEM::Display (  )  [inline]

This function prints the parameters of the model.


Definition at line 229 of file mog_em.h.

void MoGEM::ExpectationMaximization ( Matrix &  data_points  ) 

This function calculates the parameters of the model using the Maximum Likelihood function via the Expectation Maximization (EM) Algorithm.

 MoG mog;
 Matrix data = "the data on which you want to fit the model";
 ArrayList<double> results;
 mog.ExpectationMaximization(data, &results);

Definition at line 45 of file

References linalg__private::AddExpert(), GenVector< T >::CopyValues(), GenVector< T >::get(), GenMatrix< T >::Init(), GenVector< T >::Init(), ArrayList< TElem >::Init(), KMeans(), Loglikelihood(), linalg__private::MulOverwrite(), linalg__private::Scale(), GenVector< T >::SetAll(), and linalg__private::SubFrom().

void MoGEM::KMeans ( Matrix &  data,
ArrayList< Vector > *  means,
ArrayList< Matrix > *  covars,
Vector weights,
index_t  value_of_k 

This function computes the k-means of the data and stores the calculated means and covariances in the ArrayList of Vectors and Matrices passed to it.

It sets the weights uniformly.

This function is used to obtain a starting point for the optimization

Definition at line 202 of file

References linalg__private::AddTo(), GenVector< T >::CopyValues(), GenVector< T >::Init(), ArrayList< TElem >::Init(), linalg__private::Scale(), GenVector< T >::SetAll(), and linalg__private::SubOverwrite().

Referenced by ExpectationMaximization().

long double MoGEM::Loglikelihood ( Matrix &  data_points,
ArrayList< Vector > &  means,
ArrayList< Matrix > &  covars,
Vector weights 

This function computes the loglikelihood of model.

This function is used by the 'ExpectationMaximization' function.

Definition at line 182 of file

References GenVector< T >::CopyValues(), GenVector< T >::get(), and GenVector< T >::Init().

Referenced by ExpectationMaximization().

void MoGEM::OutputResults ( ArrayList< double > *  results  )  [inline]

This function outputs the parameters of the model to an arraylist of doubles.

 ArrayList<double> results;

Definition at line 203 of file mog_em.h.

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