OPTPP::Problem Class Reference

Class Problem is the parent for all the different types of solvers. More...

Inherited by OPTPP::CGProblem, OPTPP::NewtonProblem, OPTPP::NIPSProblem, OPTPP::NPSOLProblem, and OPTPP::PDSProblem.

Collaboration diagram for OPTPP::Problem:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

OptError optimize ()
 Optimize the Function.
 Problem (DOMElement *solverXML)
void SetProblemXML (DOMElement *applicationXML)
 Sets the XML that defines the Problem to be solved.

Protected Member Functions

virtual OptError CreateApplicationOptimizer (OptimizeClass *&objfcn, NLP0 *&func)=0
 Creates an Optimizer that will optimize a function run by an external Application.
virtual OptError CreateFunctionOptimizer (OptimizeClass *&objfcn, NLP0 *&func)=0
 Creates an Optimizer that will optimize a dynamically loaded function from an external library.
virtual DOMElement * FindParameterXML ()=0
 Initially Retrieves the XML Element containing Algorithm parameters from the Solver XML.
AppLauncher * GetAppLauncher ()
 Returns the Application Launcher for Optimizing an external Function Evaluation.
CompoundConstraint * GetConstraints ()
 Gets a CompoundConstraint object based upon whether the optimization is unconstrained, bounded, or general.
int GetDerivOrder ()
 Reterns the order of Differentiation.
INITFCN GetInitFunction ()
 Returns the initialization funciton for the Optimization.
int GetNumVar ()
 Returns the number of Variables.
DOMElement * GetParameterXML ()
 Returns the XML Element containing the Algorithm parameters.
DOMElement * GetSolverXML ()
 Returns the XML Element Which contains the solver properites.
DOMElement * GetSubroutineXML ()
 Returns the XML Element containing Subroutine and library info.
USERFCN0 GetUserFunction0 ()
 Returns the non-differentiable function to be optimized.
USERFCN1 GetUserFunction1 ()
 Returns the first order differentiable function to be optimized.
USERFCN2 GetUserFunction2 ()
 Returns the second order differentiable function to be optimized.
VariableList * GetVariables ()
 Gets a VariableList object containing the optimization variables and related information.
virtual void SetParameters (OptimizeClass *objfcn)
 Sets the Algorithm Parameters for the Optimization run.

Protected Attributes

DOMElement * parameterXML_

Detailed Description

Class Problem is the parent for all the different types of solvers.

Definition at line 43 of file Problem.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OPTPP::Problem::Problem ( DOMElement *  solverXML  )  [inline]


Definition at line 157 of file Problem.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual OptError OPTPP::Problem::CreateApplicationOptimizer ( OptimizeClass *&  objfcn,
NLP0 *&  func 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Creates an Optimizer that will optimize a function run by an external Application.

virtual OptError OPTPP::Problem::CreateFunctionOptimizer ( OptimizeClass *&  objfcn,
NLP0 *&  func 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Creates an Optimizer that will optimize a dynamically loaded function from an external library.

virtual DOMElement* OPTPP::Problem::FindParameterXML (  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Initially Retrieves the XML Element containing Algorithm parameters from the Solver XML.

AppLauncher* OPTPP::Problem::GetAppLauncher (  )  [protected]

Returns the Application Launcher for Optimizing an external Function Evaluation.

CompoundConstraint* OPTPP::Problem::GetConstraints (  )  [protected]

Gets a CompoundConstraint object based upon whether the optimization is unconstrained, bounded, or general.

int OPTPP::Problem::GetDerivOrder (  )  [protected]

Reterns the order of Differentiation.

INITFCN OPTPP::Problem::GetInitFunction (  )  [protected]

Returns the initialization funciton for the Optimization.

int OPTPP::Problem::GetNumVar (  )  [protected]

Returns the number of Variables.

DOMElement* OPTPP::Problem::GetParameterXML (  )  [protected]

Returns the XML Element containing the Algorithm parameters.

DOMElement* OPTPP::Problem::GetSolverXML (  )  [protected]

Returns the XML Element Which contains the solver properites.

DOMElement* OPTPP::Problem::GetSubroutineXML (  )  [protected]

Returns the XML Element containing Subroutine and library info.

USERFCN0 OPTPP::Problem::GetUserFunction0 (  )  [protected]

Returns the non-differentiable function to be optimized.

USERFCN1 OPTPP::Problem::GetUserFunction1 (  )  [protected]

Returns the first order differentiable function to be optimized.

USERFCN2 OPTPP::Problem::GetUserFunction2 (  )  [protected]

Returns the second order differentiable function to be optimized.

VariableList* OPTPP::Problem::GetVariables (  )  [protected]

Gets a VariableList object containing the optimization variables and related information.

OptError OPTPP::Problem::optimize (  ) 

Optimize the Function.

virtual void OPTPP::Problem::SetParameters ( OptimizeClass objfcn  )  [protected, virtual]

Sets the Algorithm Parameters for the Optimization run.

void OPTPP::Problem::SetProblemXML ( DOMElement *  applicationXML  ) 

Sets the XML that defines the Problem to be solved.

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