OPTPP::TOLS Member List

This is the complete list of members for OPTPP::TOLS, including all inherited members.
getCTol() const OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
getFTol() const OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
getGTol() const OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
getLSTol() const OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
getMaxBacktrackIter() const OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
getMaxFeval() const OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
getMaxIter() const OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
getMaxStep() const OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
getMinStep() const OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
getStepTol() const OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
getTRSize() const OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
operator=(TOLS &t)OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
printTol(ostream *)OPTPP::TOLS
setCTol(double x)OPTPP::TOLS
setFTol(double x)OPTPP::TOLS
setGTol(double x)OPTPP::TOLS
setLSTol(double x)OPTPP::TOLS
setMaxBacktrackIter(int k)OPTPP::TOLS
setMaxFeval(int k)OPTPP::TOLS
setMaxIter(int k)OPTPP::TOLS
setMaxStep(double x)OPTPP::TOLS
setMinStep(double x)OPTPP::TOLS
setStepTol(double x)OPTPP::TOLS
setTRSize(double x)OPTPP::TOLS
TOLS()OPTPP::TOLS [inline]
~TOLS()OPTPP::TOLS [inline, virtual]
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