OPTPP::TOLS Class Reference

TOLS is the Base Class for Tolerances which will be used in the optimization methods. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

double getCTol () const
double getFTol () const
double getGTol () const
double getLSTol () const
int getMaxBacktrackIter () const
int getMaxFeval () const
int getMaxIter () const
double getMaxStep () const
double getMinStep () const
double getStepTol () const
double getTRSize () const
void operator= (TOLS &t)
 Assignment Operator.
void printTol (ostream *)
 Print the current tolerances to file ofstream.
void printTol ()
 Please use setOutputFile with version 1.6 and higher See OptimizeClass in Opt.h void setOutput(ofstream& f) {cerr << "setOutput no longer supported\n";}.
void setCTol (double x)
 Set tolerance used for constraint feasibility test.
void setDefaultTol ()
 Set all default tolerances.
void setFTol (double x)
 Set tolerance used in function convergence test.
void setGTol (double x)
 Set tolerance used in gradient convergence test.
void setLSTol (double x)
 Set linesearch tolerance.
void setMaxBacktrackIter (int k)
 Set maximum backtrack iterations.
void setMaxFeval (int k)
 Set maximum allowable function evaluations.
void setMaxIter (int k)
 Set maximum number of iterations.
void setMaxStep (double x)
 Set maximum allowable steplength.
void setMinStep (double x)
 Set minimum allowable steplength.
void setStepTol (double x)
 Set tolerance used for step convergence test.
void setTRSize (double x)
 Set trust-region radius.
 Copy Constructor.
 TOLS ()
 Default Constructor.
virtual ~TOLS ()

Detailed Description

TOLS is the Base Class for Tolerances which will be used in the optimization methods.

J. C. Meza, Sandia National Laboratories, meza@ca.sandia.gov
Modified by P.J. Williams, pwillia@sandia.gov
Last modified 02/2006

Definition at line 29 of file TOLS.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OPTPP::TOLS::TOLS (  )  [inline]

Default Constructor.

Definition at line 45 of file TOLS.h.

OPTPP::TOLS::TOLS ( TOLS t  )  [inline]

Copy Constructor.

Definition at line 47 of file TOLS.h.

virtual OPTPP::TOLS::~TOLS (  )  [inline, virtual]


Definition at line 49 of file TOLS.h.

Member Function Documentation

double OPTPP::TOLS::getCTol (  )  const [inline]
Tolerance used for constraint feasibility convergence test

Definition at line 113 of file TOLS.h.

double OPTPP::TOLS::getFTol (  )  const [inline]
Tolerance used in function convergence test

Definition at line 108 of file TOLS.h.

double OPTPP::TOLS::getGTol (  )  const [inline]
Tolerance used in gradient convergence test

Definition at line 118 of file TOLS.h.

double OPTPP::TOLS::getLSTol (  )  const [inline]
Linesearch tolerance

Definition at line 123 of file TOLS.h.

int OPTPP::TOLS::getMaxBacktrackIter (  )  const [inline]
Maximum number of backtrack iterations allowed

Definition at line 138 of file TOLS.h.

int OPTPP::TOLS::getMaxFeval (  )  const [inline]
Maximum number of function evaluations allowed

Definition at line 143 of file TOLS.h.

int OPTPP::TOLS::getMaxIter (  )  const [inline]
Maximum number of iterations allowed

Definition at line 133 of file TOLS.h.

double OPTPP::TOLS::getMaxStep (  )  const [inline]
Maximum allowable steplength

Definition at line 93 of file TOLS.h.

double OPTPP::TOLS::getMinStep (  )  const [inline]
Minimum allowable steplength

Definition at line 98 of file TOLS.h.

double OPTPP::TOLS::getStepTol (  )  const [inline]
Tolerance used for step convergence test

Definition at line 103 of file TOLS.h.

double OPTPP::TOLS::getTRSize (  )  const [inline]
Trust-region radius

Definition at line 128 of file TOLS.h.

void OPTPP::TOLS::operator= ( TOLS t  )  [inline]

Assignment Operator.

Definition at line 52 of file TOLS.h.

void OPTPP::TOLS::printTol ( ostream *   ) 

Print the current tolerances to file ofstream.

void OPTPP::TOLS::printTol (  ) 

Please use setOutputFile with version 1.6 and higher See OptimizeClass in Opt.h void setOutput(ofstream& f) {cerr << "setOutput no longer supported\n";}.

Print the current tolerances being used

void OPTPP::TOLS::setCTol ( double  x  ) 

Set tolerance used for constraint feasibility test.

Referenced by OPTPP::OptimizeClass::setConTol().

void OPTPP::TOLS::setDefaultTol (  ) 

Set all default tolerances.

Referenced by OPTPP::OptimizeClass::OptimizeClass().

void OPTPP::TOLS::setFTol ( double  x  ) 

Set tolerance used in function convergence test.

Referenced by OPTPP::OptimizeClass::setFcnTol().

void OPTPP::TOLS::setGTol ( double  x  ) 

Set tolerance used in gradient convergence test.

Referenced by OPTPP::OptimizeClass::setGradTol().

void OPTPP::TOLS::setLSTol ( double  x  ) 

Set linesearch tolerance.

Referenced by OPTPP::OptimizeClass::setLineSearchTol().

void OPTPP::TOLS::setMaxBacktrackIter ( int  k  ) 

Set maximum backtrack iterations.

Referenced by OPTPP::OptimizeClass::setMaxBacktrackIter().

void OPTPP::TOLS::setMaxFeval ( int  k  ) 

Set maximum allowable function evaluations.

Referenced by OPTPP::OptimizeClass::setMaxFeval().

void OPTPP::TOLS::setMaxIter ( int  k  ) 

Set maximum number of iterations.

Referenced by OPTPP::OptimizeClass::setMaxIter().

void OPTPP::TOLS::setMaxStep ( double  x  ) 

Set maximum allowable steplength.

Referenced by OPTPP::OptimizeClass::setMaxStep().

void OPTPP::TOLS::setMinStep ( double  x  ) 

Set minimum allowable steplength.

Referenced by OPTPP::OptimizeClass::setMinStep().

void OPTPP::TOLS::setStepTol ( double  x  ) 

Set tolerance used for step convergence test.

Referenced by OPTPP::OptimizeClass::setStepTol().

void OPTPP::TOLS::setTRSize ( double  x  ) 

Set trust-region radius.

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