la Namespace Reference

Linear-algebra routines. More...


void AddExpert (double alpha, const Matrix &X, Matrix *Y)
 Adds a scaled matrix to an existing matrix ($Y \gets Y + \alpha X$).
void AddExpert (double alpha, const Vector &x, Vector *y)
 Adds a scaled vector to an existing vector ($\vec{y} \gets \vec{y} + \alpha \vec{x}$).
void AddExpert (index_t length, double alpha, const double *x, double *y)
void AddInit (const Matrix &X, const Matrix &Y, Matrix *Z)
 Inits a matrix to the sum of two matrices ($Z \gets Y + X$).
void AddInit (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, Vector *z)
 Inits a vector to the sum of two vectors ($\vec{z} \gets \vec{y} + \vec{x}$).
void AddOverwrite (const Matrix &X, const Matrix &Y, Matrix *Z)
 Sets a matrix to the sum of two matrices ($Z \gets Y + X$).
void AddOverwrite (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, Vector *z)
 Sets a vector to the sum of two vectors ($\vec{z} \gets \vec{y} + \vec{x}$).
void AddOverwrite (index_t length, const double *x, const double *y, double *z)
void AddTo (const Matrix &X, Matrix *Y)
 Adds a matrix to an existing matrix ($Y \gets Y + X$);.
void AddTo (const Vector &x, Vector *y)
 Adds a vector to an existing vector ($\vec{y} \gets \vec{y} + \vec{x}$);.
void AddTo (index_t length, const double *x, double *y)
double DistanceSqEuclidean (const Vector &x, const Vector &y)
 Finds the Euclidean distance squared between two vectors.
double DistanceSqEuclidean (index_t length, const double *va, const double *vb)
 Finds the Euclidean distance squared between two vectors.
double Dot (const Matrix &x, const Matrix &y)
 Finds the dot product of two matrices It is pretty straigth forward, treat matrices as unfolded vectores ($ X \bullet Y$).
double Dot (const Vector &x, const Vector &y)
 Finds the dot product of two vectors ($\vec{x} \cdot \vec{y}$).
double Dot (index_t length, const double *x, const double *y)
success_t LeastSquareFit (Matrix &y, Matrix &x, Matrix *a)
 Solves the classic least square problem y=x*a where y is N x r x is N x m a is m x r We require that N >= m a should not be initialized.
success_t LeastSquareFit (Vector &y, Matrix &x, Vector *a)
 Solves the classic least square problem y=x*a where y is N x 1 x is N x m a is m x 1 We require that N >= m a should not be initialized.
success_t LeastSquareFitTrans (Matrix &y, Matrix &x, Matrix *a)
 Solves the classic least square problem y=x'*a where y is N x r x is m x N a is m x r We require that N >= m a should not be initialized.
double LengthEuclidean (const Vector &x)
 Finds the square root of the dot product of a vector with itself ($\sqrt{\vec{x} \cdot \vec{x}}$).
double LengthEuclidean (index_t length, const double *x)
template<int t_pow>
double LMetric (index_t length, const double *va, const double *vb)
 Finds an L_p metric distance AND performs the root at the end.
template<int t_pow>
double RawLMetric (index_t length, const double *va, const double *vb)
 Finds an L_p metric distance except doesn't perform the root at the end.
void Scale (double alpha, Matrix *X)
 Scales a matrix in-place by some factor ($X \gets \alpha X$).
void Scale (double alpha, Vector *x)
 Scales a vector in-place by some factor ($\vec{x} \gets \alpha \vec{x}$).
void Scale (index_t length, double alpha, double *x)
void ScaleInit (double alpha, const Matrix &X, Matrix *Y)
 Inits a matrix to another scaled by some factor ($Y \gets \alpha X$).
void ScaleInit (double alpha, const Vector &x, Vector *y)
 Inits a vector to another scaled by some factor ($\vec{y} \gets \alpha \vec{x}$).
void ScaleOverwrite (double alpha, const Matrix &X, Matrix *Y)
 Sets a matrix to another scaled by some factor ($Y \gets \alpha X$).
void ScaleOverwrite (double alpha, const Vector &x, Vector *y)
 Sets a vector to another scaled by some factor ($\vec{y} \gets \alpha \vec{x}$).
void ScaleOverwrite (index_t length, double alpha, const double *x, double *y)
void ScaleRows (const Matrix &d, Matrix *X)
 Scales each row of the matrix to a different scale.
void ScaleRows (const Vector &d, Matrix *X)
 Scales each row of the matrix to a different scale.
void ScaleRows (index_t n_rows, index_t n_cols, const double *scales, double *matrix)
 Scales the rows of a column-major matrix by a different value for each row.
void SubFrom (const Matrix &X, Matrix *Y)
 Subtracts a matrix from an existing matrix ($Y \gets Y - X$).
void SubFrom (const Vector &x, Vector *y)
 Subtracts a vector from an existing vector ($\vec{y} \gets \vec{y} - \vec{x}$).
void SubFrom (index_t length, const double *x, double *y)
void SubInit (const Matrix &X, const Matrix &Y, Matrix *Z)
 Inits a matrix to the difference of two matrices ($Z \gets Y - X$).
void SubInit (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, Vector *z)
 Inits a vector to the difference of two vectors ($\vec{z} \gets \vec{y} - \vec{x}$).
void SubOverwrite (const Matrix &X, const Matrix &Y, Matrix *Z)
 Sets a matrix to the difference of two matrices ($Z \gets Y - X$).
void SubOverwrite (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, Vector *z)
 Sets a vector to the difference of two vectors ($\vec{z} \gets \vec{y} - \vec{x}$).
void SubOverwrite (index_t length, const double *x, const double *y, double *z)
double Trace (Matrix &a)
 Finds the trace of the matrix.
void TransposeInit (const Matrix &X, Matrix *Y)
 Inits a matrix to the transpose of another ($Y \gets X'$).
void TransposeOverwrite (const Matrix &X, Matrix *Y)
 Sets a matrix to the transpose of another ($Y \gets X'$).
void TransposeSquare (Matrix *X)
 Computes a square matrix transpose in-place ($X \gets X'$).

Detailed Description

Linear-algebra routines.

This encompasses most basic real-valued vector and matrix math. Most functions are written in a similar style, so after using a few it should be clear how others are used. For instance, input arguments come first, and the output arguments are last.

Many functions have several versions:

 void SomeExampleCode(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) {
   Matrix c;
   // c must not be initialized
   la::MulInit(a, b, &c);
 void SomeExampleCode(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) {
   Matrix c;
   c.Init(a.n_rows(), b.n_cols()); // c must be set to the proper size first
   la::MulOverwrite(a, b, &c);
   // c can be used over again
   la::MulOverwrite(a, b, &c);

FINAL WARNING: With all of these routines, be very careful about passing in an argument as both a source and destination -- usually this is an error and will result in garbage results, except for simple addition/scaling/subtraction.

Function Documentation

void la::AddExpert ( double  alpha,
const Matrix &  X,
Matrix *  Y 
) [inline]

Adds a scaled matrix to an existing matrix ($Y \gets Y + \alpha X$).

Definition at line 418 of file uselapack.h.

void la::AddExpert ( double  alpha,
const Vector x,
Vector y 
) [inline]

Adds a scaled vector to an existing vector ($\vec{y} \gets \vec{y} + \alpha \vec{x}$).

Definition at line 410 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::length(), and GenVector< T >::ptr().

void la::AddInit ( const Matrix &  X,
const Matrix &  Y,
Matrix *  Z 
) [inline]

Inits a matrix to the sum of two matrices ($Z \gets Y + X$).

Definition at line 477 of file uselapack.h.

void la::AddInit ( const Vector x,
const Vector y,
Vector z 
) [inline]

Inits a vector to the sum of two vectors ($\vec{z} \gets \vec{y} + \vec{x}$).

Definition at line 469 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::Init(), and GenVector< T >::length().

void la::AddOverwrite ( const Matrix &  X,
const Matrix &  Y,
Matrix *  Z 
) [inline]

Sets a matrix to the sum of two matrices ($Z \gets Y + X$).

Definition at line 457 of file uselapack.h.

void la::AddOverwrite ( const Vector x,
const Vector y,
Vector z 
) [inline]

Sets a vector to the sum of two vectors ($\vec{z} \gets \vec{y} + \vec{x}$).

Definition at line 448 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::length(), and GenVector< T >::ptr().

void la::AddTo ( const Matrix &  X,
Matrix *  Y 
) [inline]

Adds a matrix to an existing matrix ($Y \gets Y + X$);.

Definition at line 438 of file uselapack.h.

void la::AddTo ( const Vector x,
Vector y 
) [inline]

Adds a vector to an existing vector ($\vec{y} \gets \vec{y} + \vec{x}$);.

Definition at line 430 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::length(), and GenVector< T >::ptr().

double la::DistanceSqEuclidean ( const Vector x,
const Vector y 
) [inline]

Finds the Euclidean distance squared between two vectors.

Definition at line 68 of file la.h.

References DistanceSqEuclidean(), GenVector< T >::length(), and GenVector< T >::ptr().

double la::DistanceSqEuclidean ( index_t  length,
const double *  va,
const double *  vb 
) [inline]

Finds the Euclidean distance squared between two vectors.

Definition at line 56 of file la.h.

Referenced by NaiveKde< TKernel >::Compute(), AllkNN::ComputeBaseCase_(), AllkFN::ComputeBaseCase_(), DistanceSqEuclidean(), DiskAllNN::GNPBaseCase_(), and AllNN::GNPBaseCase_().

double la::Dot ( const Matrix &  x,
const Matrix &  y 
) [inline]

Finds the dot product of two matrices It is pretty straigth forward, treat matrices as unfolded vectores ($ X \bullet Y$).

Definition at line 322 of file uselapack.h.

double la::Dot ( const Vector x,
const Vector y 
) [inline]

Finds the dot product of two vectors ($\vec{x} \cdot \vec{y}$).

Definition at line 312 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::length(), and GenVector< T >::ptr().

success_t la::LeastSquareFit ( Matrix &  y,
Matrix &  x,
Matrix *  a 
) [inline]

Solves the classic least square problem y=x*a where y is N x r x is N x m a is m x r We require that N >= m a should not be initialized.

Definition at line 150 of file la.h.

References linalg__private::MulTransAInit().

success_t la::LeastSquareFit ( Vector y,
Matrix &  x,
Vector a 
) [inline]

Solves the classic least square problem y=x*a where y is N x 1 x is N x m a is m x 1 We require that N >= m a should not be initialized.

Definition at line 125 of file la.h.

References GenVector< T >::length(), linalg__private::MulInit(), and linalg__private::MulTransAInit().

success_t la::LeastSquareFitTrans ( Matrix &  y,
Matrix &  x,
Matrix *  a 
) [inline]

Solves the classic least square problem y=x'*a where y is N x r x is m x N a is m x r We require that N >= m a should not be initialized.

Definition at line 175 of file la.h.

References linalg__private::MulInit(), and linalg__private::MulTransBInit().

double la::LengthEuclidean ( const Vector x  )  [inline]

Finds the square root of the dot product of a vector with itself ($\sqrt{\vec{x} \cdot \vec{x}}$).

Definition at line 304 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::length(), and GenVector< T >::ptr().

template<int t_pow>
double la::LMetric ( index_t  length,
const double *  va,
const double *  vb 
) [inline]

Finds an L_p metric distance AND performs the root at the end.

t_pow the power each distance calculatin is raised to
length the length of the vectors
va first vector
vb second vector

Definition at line 101 of file la.h.

template<int t_pow>
double la::RawLMetric ( index_t  length,
const double *  va,
const double *  vb 
) [inline]

Finds an L_p metric distance except doesn't perform the root at the end.

t_pow the power each distance calculatin is raised to
length the length of the vectors
va first vector
vb second vector

Definition at line 82 of file la.h.

void la::Scale ( double  alpha,
Matrix *  X 
) [inline]

Scales a matrix in-place by some factor ($X \gets \alpha X$).

Definition at line 341 of file uselapack.h.

void la::Scale ( double  alpha,
Vector x 
) [inline]

Scales a vector in-place by some factor ($\vec{x} \gets \alpha \vec{x}$).

Definition at line 334 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::length(), and GenVector< T >::ptr().

void la::ScaleInit ( double  alpha,
const Matrix &  X,
Matrix *  Y 
) [inline]

Inits a matrix to another scaled by some factor ($Y \gets \alpha X$).

Definition at line 399 of file uselapack.h.

void la::ScaleInit ( double  alpha,
const Vector x,
Vector y 
) [inline]

Inits a vector to another scaled by some factor ($\vec{y} \gets \alpha \vec{x}$).

Definition at line 391 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::Init(), and GenVector< T >::length().

Referenced by KalmanFiltTimeInvariantMstUpdate().

void la::ScaleOverwrite ( double  alpha,
const Matrix &  X,
Matrix *  Y 
) [inline]

Sets a matrix to another scaled by some factor ($Y \gets \alpha X$).

Definition at line 381 of file uselapack.h.

void la::ScaleOverwrite ( double  alpha,
const Vector x,
Vector y 
) [inline]

Sets a vector to another scaled by some factor ($\vec{y} \gets \alpha \vec{x}$).

Definition at line 373 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::length(), and GenVector< T >::ptr().

void la::ScaleRows ( const Matrix &  d,
Matrix *  X 
) [inline]

Scales each row of the matrix to a different scale.

X <- diag(d) * X

d is an one dimensional matrix (1xM or Mx1);
X the matrix to scale

Definition at line 364 of file uselapack.h.

References ScaleRows().

void la::ScaleRows ( const Vector d,
Matrix *  X 
) [inline]

Scales each row of the matrix to a different scale.

X <- diag(d) * X

d a length-M vector with each value corresponding
X the matrix to scale

Definition at line 352 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::length(), GenVector< T >::ptr(), and ScaleRows().

void la::ScaleRows ( index_t  n_rows,
index_t  n_cols,
const double *  scales,
double *  matrix 
) [inline]

Scales the rows of a column-major matrix by a different value for each row.

Definition at line 136 of file uselapack.h.

Referenced by DoSvmNormalize(), and ScaleRows().

void la::SubFrom ( const Matrix &  X,
Matrix *  Y 
) [inline]

Subtracts a matrix from an existing matrix ($Y \gets Y - X$).

Definition at line 496 of file uselapack.h.

void la::SubFrom ( const Vector x,
Vector y 
) [inline]

Subtracts a vector from an existing vector ($\vec{y} \gets \vec{y} - \vec{x}$).

Definition at line 488 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::length(), and GenVector< T >::ptr().

void la::SubInit ( const Matrix &  X,
const Matrix &  Y,
Matrix *  Z 
) [inline]

Inits a matrix to the difference of two matrices ($Z \gets Y - X$).

Definition at line 535 of file uselapack.h.

void la::SubInit ( const Vector x,
const Vector y,
Vector z 
) [inline]

Inits a vector to the difference of two vectors ($\vec{z} \gets \vec{y} - \vec{x}$).

Definition at line 527 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::Init(), and GenVector< T >::length().

void la::SubOverwrite ( const Matrix &  X,
const Matrix &  Y,
Matrix *  Z 
) [inline]

Sets a matrix to the difference of two matrices ($Z \gets Y - X$).

Definition at line 515 of file uselapack.h.

void la::SubOverwrite ( const Vector x,
const Vector y,
Vector z 
) [inline]

Sets a vector to the difference of two vectors ($\vec{z} \gets \vec{y} - \vec{x}$).

Definition at line 506 of file uselapack.h.

References GenVector< T >::length(), and GenVector< T >::ptr().

double la::Trace ( Matrix &  a  )  [inline]

Finds the trace of the matrix.

Trace(A) is the sum of the diagonal elements

Definition at line 108 of file la.h.

void la::TransposeInit ( const Matrix &  X,
Matrix *  Y 
) [inline]
void la::TransposeOverwrite ( const Matrix &  X,
Matrix *  Y 
) [inline]

Sets a matrix to the transpose of another ($Y \gets X'$).

Definition at line 567 of file uselapack.h.

Referenced by MoGL2E::MakeModel(), MoGL2E::MakeModelWithGradients(), and TransposeInit().

void la::TransposeSquare ( Matrix *  X  )  [inline]

Computes a square matrix transpose in-place ($X \gets X'$).

Definition at line 551 of file uselapack.h.

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