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A$ ^*$ search

For count BOWs, the feasible set $ F(\mathbf{x})$ is the set of permutations on words in $ \mathbf{x}$. This set will be large for indices of even moderate size, so it is impractical to enumerate documents $ \mathbf{d}\in
F(\mathbf{x})$. Instead, we approximately find the best document using memory-bounded A$ ^*$ search [Russell and Norvig2002]. A$ ^*$ search finds the minimal-cost path between a start and goal in a search space. It requires a measure $ g$ of the cost from the start state to a particular state, and a heuristic estimate $ h$ of the cost from the state to the goal state. If the estimate $ h$ always underestimates the true cost to the goal, $ h$ is called an admissible heuristic, and A$ ^*$ search is guaranteed to find the minimal-cost path from start to goal.

To find $ \mathbf{d}^*$ using A$ ^*$ search, let each state in the search space represent a partial path $ w_1^l$, where $ l$ is the length of the partial path. The start state consists of the start-of-sentence symbol $ \mathtt{<}\mathrm{S}\mathtt{>}$. The ``real'' goal state is the original document, but since this original document is unknown, the first complete path of length $ n$ that is found is accepted as the goal. In the absence of search error, this will be the most likely length-$ n$ path.

For our $ g$ and $ h$, it is convenient to use score instead of cost; A$ ^*$ search then maximizes path score instead minimizing path cost. The partial path score $ g$ of a partial document is the log probability of the partial document under a language model: $ g(w_1^l) \equiv \log p(w_1^l) = \sum_{i=1}^l \log p(w_i\vert w_1^{i-1})$. We use the Google Web 1T 5-gram corpus and a 5-gram language model with stupid backoff [Brants
\bgroupet al.\end{tex2html_bgroup}
] to approximate the probabilities:

$\displaystyle p(w_i\vert w_{i-k+1}^{i-1}) 
 = <tex2html_comment_mark>17 \begin{...
...) > 0 \ 
 \alpha p(w_i\vert w_{i-k+2}^{i-1}) & \mathrm{otherwise}

if $ k > 1$, and $ p(w_i) = c(w_i)/\sum_{v\in \mathrm{vocab}} c(v)$ if $ k = 1$, where $ c(\cdot)$ is the n-gram count in the corpus.

We present two heuristics for $ h$ below: one that is admissible (i.e., always overestimates the score of the future path from the current state to the goal), and one that is not admissible but empirically performs better.

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Nathanael Fillmore 2008-07-18