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An admissible heuristic

We exploit properties of the stupid-backoff language model to construct an efficient admissible heuristic. Let $ s(w_i\vert w_{i-k+1}^{i-1})=$

  $\displaystyle \max{}_{j=1}^k \alpha^{k-j} 
... \ 
 c(w_i)/\sum_{v\in \mathrm{vocab}} c(v) & \mathrm{if}  j = 1

One can show that $ s(w_i\vert w_{i-k+1}^{i-1}) \geq p(w_i\vert w_{i-k+1}^{i-1})$. Let $ s^*(w) = \max_{v_1^4 \in \mathrm{vocab}} s(w\vert v_1^4)
\geq \max_{v_1^4 \in \mathrm{vocab}} p(w\vert v_1^4)$ be an upper bound on the probability of the word $ w \in \mathrm{vocab}$ under all possible 5-gram histories. Then the following is an admissible heuristic:

$\displaystyle h^{\mathrm{adm}}(w_1^l) = \sum_{w \in \mathbf{x}\backslash w_1^l} \log s^*(w),$ (1)

where $ \mathbf{x}\backslash w_1^l$ denotes the ``remaining BOW'', in which the count $ x_v$ is decremented for each occurrence of $ v$ in $ w_1^l$.

The heuristic $ h^{\mathrm{adm}}$ can be computed efficiently for each state, since the quantity $ s^*$ can be computed once, before A$ ^*$ search begins. While computing $ s^*$, although there are $ V^4$ possible permutations $ v_1^4 \in
\mathrm{vocab}$, we need only consider permutations for which n-gram counts exist; that is, $ s^*$ can be computed by scanning the list of n-grams used to construct our language model.

Nathanael Fillmore 2008-07-18