sur naa saje kyaa gaauu.n mai.n

Song Title: sur naa saje kyaa gaauu.n mai.n
Movie Name: Basant Bahar
Actor(s)/Actress(es): Bharat Bhushan, Nimmi
Singer(s): Manna Dey
Music Director(s): Shankar, Jaikisan
Category(ies): Bhajans

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s:Ør n:a s:j:ð Vy:a g:aU÷ m:òø
- 2
s:Ør kñ eb:n:a
, j:iv:n: s:Ün:a - 2
s:Ør n:a s:j:ð Vy:a g:aU÷ m:òø
s:Ør n:a s:j:ð ~~~

daðn:aðø j:haö, m:ØJ:s:ð -Yð - 2
t:ðrð eb:n:a y:ð g:it: B:i J:ÜYð
- 2
s:Ør n:a s:j:ð ~~~

(s:ög:it: m:n: kað p:öK: l:g:aO
g:it:aðø m:ðø erm:eJ:m: rs: b:rs:aO
) - 2
sv:r ki s:aD:n:a
- 2
p:rm:ðSv:r ki
s:Ør n:a s:j:ð ~~~

This site is maintained by Navin Kabra. Please send comments and suggestions to
The ITRANS Song Book is maintained by Anurag Shankar and a team of volunteers. Please send new songs, corrections etc to .