Research Project

The research project will count towards 40% of your grade in this class. The goal of the project is work on a research problem, which can be of theoretical or practical nature. Your project may involve an implementation of a theoretical algorithm or techique, an application of database techniques to a problem in your research area (or a different research area), or a venture into a problem in database theory. You can either come up with your own project, or you can meet with me to discuss about project ideas. You can work in groups of up to 3 members.

Project Presentation Schedule

Team Title Day Time
Zhiwei, Xiahe, Kan Optimize Nonlinear Rule Evaluation on Parallel Datalog Engines for Large-Scale Program Analysis Tuesday 20 min
Xiangjin, Sean Implementation of Consistent First-Order Rewriting for Self-join Free CQs Tuesday 15 min
Lin Yelp Data Analysis Tuesday 10 min
Shixuan, Yuting, Trang Leet-RA: A Learning Tool for Relational Algebra Tuesday 20 min
Zeping, Raymond, Minzhen Hadoop-Based Database Management System for Shopping Data Analysis Thursday 20 min
Lingjiao, Jinman Model-Based Pricing for Machine Learning Thursday 15 min
Mike Implementing Datalog on an Asynchronous Distributed Dataflow Framework Thursday 10 min
Leland, Aribhit, He Privacy Protection in Research-Related Public Data Thursday 20 min


  • Deliverable 1 (2/9): Groups Send me an email with (a) the members of your group, which will be cc'ed in the email and (b) 2-3 tentative ideas you are considering about the project.

  • Deliverable 2 (2/26): Project proposal Submit a 1-page proposal that includes (a) the title of the project, (b) a short description of the problem you propose to solve, (c) a brief outline of how you will approach the problem, and how you will evaluate your results. Do not forget to include a list of references!

  • Deliverable 3 (4/2): Milestone Submit a 2-3 page document that extends your project proposal. The milestons should include (a) a more detailed description of the problem, (b) related work, (c) your progress so far and the unexpected issues you have encountered and (d) a brief plan for how you plan to continue your project.

  • Deliverable 4 (5/2, 5/4): Project presentation The project presentations will count towards 10% of your total grade. Each group will be given 10-15 minutes (depending on the number of groups).

  • Deliverable 5 (5/7): Final report The final report should be modeled like a typical conference paper. There is no formal length requirement, but a good target would be 6-8 pages in double column format.