Hey all! Parker here!

There's only room for one of us on this iceberg!

Welcome to Penguin Push! This is a game I coded several years ago for a high-school coding class. This game was coded with Greenfoot. Greenfoot is a java-based programming software which provides helpful functionalities for creating games and/or graphical user interfaces.

To play, answer the prompts on the screen and then use the spacebar to move your penguin across the iceberg (If you are playing with two people, you will need to use the shift keys for the opposite penguin). Keep pushing the spacebar as fast as you can in order to push the other penguin off the iceberg!

The difficulty prompt takes a numerical value (i.e. 5, 17, 32). Lower numbers make the other penguin move faster, while higher numbers accomplish the opposite effect. I recommend difficulty values between 5 and 10 for the most (possible) challenge. To reset the game, reload the page.

Have fun and get that other penguin off!