These are the command line arguments the CL-MW library accepts. These command line arguments are stripped from the argv before the argv is handed to the master algorithm.
Determine the master-host, master-port, and member-id to which the slave should connect by reading it from the resource file. The ordering of this command line option in relation to --mw-master-host, --mw-master-port, and --mw-member-id is important. If --mw-master-host, --mw-master-port, and/or --mw-member-id are specified before this argument then the resource file will overwrite the command line specification, and vice versa. If the resource file does not exist, then this knowledge is ignored (but warned about) if --mw-master-host and --mw-master-port are present.
The CL-MW library is in the :CL-MW package and it is used by the application package built on top of CL-MW. The exported symbols in the :CL-MW package are:
(define-mw-algorithm name (parameters*) &body body) Macro
Defines a task algorithm with name name. The arguments passed to this call are those which were passed into the mw-funcall-name form for the task algorithm.
Limitation: The parameters list is restricted to having zero or more required parameters and one additional and optional lambda list keyword. There may be any number of parameters and their init-forms associated with the lambda list keyword.
Limitation: Supplied-p-parameters are not supported in the lambda list.
Limitation: A task algorithm may not return multiple values or a function or closure. The latter restriction is due to the inability to serialize a closure from the slave to the master.
This is the function which actually performs the work of the task algorithm. It accepts the parameters specified and returns the last expression in the body supplied to the task algorithm macro.
This is a destructuring macro which will insert a single new task of the task algorithm named by name into CL-MW. The parameters are in the same order as the parameter list for the defined task algorithm and are evaluated before being packed into the task structure. The other parameters describe a behavior which together constitute the task policy for a submitted task.
(mw-set-target-number-for-name value) Function
Sets the target number for the task algorithm specific to name to value, which is clamped to zero or greater. This represents the maximum number of pending tasks for this task algorithm that the master algorithm would like to keep in memory at once. This target number is advisory and the master algorithm can insert more tasks than indicated by the target number. The default target number for any specific task algorithm is 0.
(mw-get-target-number-for-name) Function
Returns the target number for the number of desired tasks to keep in memory for the task algorithm specific to name.
(mw-pending-tasks-for-name) Function
Return how many tasks are in memory (and not running on any slaves) specific to the task algorithm name.
(mw-upto-target-number-name) Function
Returns the number of tasks the master algorithm would have to create in order to reach the desired target number for task algorithm name.
(mw-set-target-number value) Function
Sets the general target number for all tasks regardless of task algorithm. This is only advisory and more tasks could be created into CL-MW by the master algorithm.
(mw-get-target-number) Function
Return the current value of the general task target number. The default value for the general target number is 0.
(mw-pending-tasks) Function
Return how many tasks of any kind are waiting to be scheduled to slaves.
(mw-upto-target-number) Function
Return how many tasks of any kind should be created by the master in order to reach the general target number for all tasks.
(define-mw-master (argv) &body body) Macro
Defines the master algorithm for the application of which there may only be one. When the master algorithm has finished computation, it must return an integer from 0 to 255 which will become the return code of the process. If this doesn't happen, the return integer will be 255.
Note: If no master algorithm is specified in a CL-MW application. An audit line will be emitted stating this fact and the master computation will shut down immediately. A return code of 255 will happen in this case.
Parameter argv will be the command line arguments passed to the executable or to mw-initialize with the CL-MW specific arguments stripped out.
(mw-master-loop &key (timeout .05)) Function
Enter the CL-MW system loop processing I/O and other library tasks until one or more of these events happen:
When one or more of these events happen the function will return the 4 values:
Parameter timeout is a time unit in real seconds which should be waited in the Network IO multiplexing library before timing out due to inactivity. In the case of this function, it means we perform bookkeeping work inside of the CL-MW library and enter back into the loop if no meaningful events occurred. Setting this value too low will result in excessive CPU usage by the master process.
(mw-master-loop-iterate &key (timeout .05)) Function
Enter the CL-MW system loop processing a single pass of network I/O and other library tasks. After this call one or more of the same events as described in mw-master-loop may have happened.
Parameter timeout is a time unit in real seconds which should be waited in the Network IO multiplexing library before timing out due to inactivity. In the case of this function, it means we return the 4 values as described in mw-master-loop. Setting this value too low could result in excessive CPU utilization.
(mw-get-unrunnable-tasks) Function
Return all currently unrunnable task structures in a list or NIL if none.
(mw-get-results) Function
Return all currently finished result structures in a list or NIL if none.
(mw-get-connected-ordered-slaves) Function
If there are any connected ordered slaves ready for use, this will retrieve the list of slave ids or NIL if none. In practice each slave id is a string, but generally they are an opaque data structure used to uniquely identify a slave. You should use equal to check quality between slave ids.
(mw-get-disconnected-ordered-slaves) Function
If any ordered slaves have become disconnected, return a list of their slave ids. You may use equal to compare against other slave ids.
(mw-allocate-slaves &key (amount 1000) (kind :unordered)) Function
There are three kinds of groups for which slaves can be allocated: :ordered, :intermingle, :unordered. When a slave initially connects for work, it is placed into one of the three groups. The order of group fulfillment is :ordered, :intermingle, :unordered. If both :ordered and :intermingle are full, then any connecting slaves go over to the :unordered group. The total number of desired slaves for all groups is written into the resource file as the number of needed slaves. This function can cause slaves in the :unordered group to move to the groups desired.
It is valid for the :unordered group to contain more than the allocation for it. The default allocation for all groups is 0.
(mw-deallocate-slaves &key (amount 0) (kind :unordered)) Function
This does not stop any slaves from processing any tasks, but it does lower the number of slaves desired, clamped to zero, of any of the of group :unordered, :intermingle, or :ordered as specified. This relates to what is written in the resource file by the master process.
(mw-free-slave slave-id) Function
Move the slave specified by slave-id into the :unordered
group after it completes whatever tasks it may be running and adjust the desired slave amounts for the group the slave was in. This does not evict or otherwise stop currently allocated tasks from running on that slave. The slave's group is only changed once all of the tasks it is currently running are computed.
(mw-num-runnable-tasks) Function
Returns the number of runnable tasks which includes tasks that were sent out and currently executing on slaves.
(mw-num-unrunnable-tasks) Function
Returns the number of unrunnable tasks in waiting to be consumed out of CL-MW with mw-get-unrunnable-tasks.
(define-mw-slave (argv) &body body) Macro
Defines the slave algorithm for the application of which there may only be one. When the slave algorithm has finished computation, it must return an integer from 0 to 255 which will become the return code of the process. If this doesn't happen, the return integer will be 255.
Parameter argv will be the command line arguments passed to the executable or to mw-initialize with the CL-MW specific arguments stripped out.
Note: If no slave algorithm is specified in a CL-MW application, then the default slave algorithm defined in listing 5.1 is used. An audit line entry will occur stating that the CL-MW default slave algorithm is being used.
(mw-slave-loop &key (timeout .05)) Function
Process all pending tasks and return control to the slave algorithm.
This function will return 6 values in this order:
Parameter timeout is a time unit in real seconds which should be waited in the Network IO multiplexing library before timing out due to inactivity. In the case of this function, it means we perform bookkeeping work inside of the CL-MW library and then return into the slave algorithm. Setting this value too low will result in excessive CPU usage by the master process.
(mw-slave-loop-iterate &key (timeout .0001)) Function
Process a single pending task, inspect the network buffers for more work to do, and return control to the slave algorithm. This will generally be extremely slow and hence has a short timeout. It returns the same values as mw-slave-loop and there may or may not have been any new tasks sent by the master in that time.
Parameter timeout is a time unit in real seconds which should be waited in the Network IO multiplexing library before timing out due to inactivity.
(mw-slave-loop-simple &key (timeout .05)) Function
Process all pending tasks form the master and wait for more. Only return when the master says to shutdown or there was a bad error and return 0 or 255 respectively.
Parameter timeout is a time unit in real seconds which should be waited in the Network IO multiplexing library before timing out. In the case of this function, it means we perform bookkeeping work inside of the CL-MW library and begin waiting again for more tasks from the master, or a shutdown command. Setting this value too low will result in excessive CPU usage by the slave process.
Returns the slave-id for which the task-structure was destined. If the task is :unordered, then NIL is returned.
(mw-task-tag task-structure) Function
Return the associated tag object for this task-structure, or NIL if not set.
(mw-task-packet task-structure) Function
Retrieve, as a list, the arguments specific to the algorithm for which this task-structure was created.
Return an uppercase string which is the name of the task algorithm that produced this result-structure.
(mw-result-sid result-structure) Function
Return the slave id of the slave which produced this result-structure.
(mw-result-tag result-structure) Function
Retrieve the unmodified tag associated with the original task-structure for this result-structure.
(mw-result-compute-time result-structure) Function
Return the length of time in seconds which represents how long it took to compute this result-structure.
(mw-result-packet result-structure) Function
Retrieve the actual returned form of the task algorithm which produced this result-structure.
The entry point into CL-MW. The parameter argv is a list of strings which represent the argument list to the library. Anything not a CL-MW specific argument will be passed to the master algorithm or the slave algorithm in the same order as it was on the command line.
(mw-version-string) Function
Return a string which represents the version number for this library.
Note: The format and meaning of this string may change in the future.
(mw-zero-clamp value) Function
If the value is less than zero, then return 0, otherwise return the value.
(mw-dump-exec &key (exec-name "a.out")
ignore-libs remap-libs) Function
Produce an executable named exec-name, which is a.out by default, and copy any shared libraries needed by the application into the current working directory.
Any shared libraries loaded in the lisp image which are already an absolute path will be copied verbatim to the current working directory. Any unqualified libraries will be transformed by an algorithm approximating the search algorithm of dlopen() into absolute paths and then copied to the current working directory. The dumped shared libraries must be shipped with the executable to the target machine.
The parameter ignore-libs is a list of strings where each string is an unqualified library name. These libraries will be ignored by mw-dump-exec. If this parameter is NIL, the default, then no libraries are ignored.
The parameter remap-libs is an association list of strings where the first string is an unqualified library name and the second an absolute path to a library that will be copied to the current working directory in place of what is found in the lisp image. If this parameter is NIL, the default, then no libraries are remapped.
This interface may change in the future.
Limitation: The dumped libraries must exist in the current working directory when the executable is run.
(while test-expr &body body) Macro
A ubiquitous macro which implements the usual ``while'' loop control flow.
Each form in the resource file is a two item list where the first item
is the attribute name as a keyword, and the second an arbitrary Lisp
form whose schema depends upon the specific attribute. They take the
form of:
(keyword form)
The current attributes for the resource file in this version of CL-MW are:
An example file:
Peter Keller 2011-03-13