PH.D's Granted: September 1994 - August 1995
Stephen Billups
Thesis Title:
Algorithms for Complementarity Problems and Generalized Equations
Advisor: M. Ferris
Current Employment: Dept. of Mathematics, University of Colorado, Denver
Gregory Brewster
Thesis Title:
The Impact of Propagation Delays on the Performance of Distributed Queue Dual Bus Networks
Advisor: M. Vernon
Current Employment: Dept. of Computer Science, DePaul University, Chicago, IL
Kurt Brown
Thesis Title:
Goal-Oriented Memory Allocation in Database Management Systems
Advisor: M. Carey
Current Employment: IBM Santa Teresa Laboratory, San Jose, CA
Chunhui Chen
Thesis Title:
Smoothing Methods in Mathematical Programming
Advisor: O. Mangasarian
Current Employment: Continental Airlines, Houston, TX
Michael Cheng
Thesis Title:
Visual Exploration of Large Amounts of Record-Based Sequence Data
Advisor: M. Livny
Current Employment: IBM, Austin, TX
Craig Freedman
Thesis Title:
Spiffi--A General Purpose Scalable Parallel File System
Advisor: D. DeWitt
Current Employment: Informix Software, Portland, OR
Eben Haber
Thesis Title:
Visual Schema Management for Database Systems
Advisor: Y. Ioannidis
Current Employment: Silicon Graphics, Mountain View, CA
Joseph Hellerstein
Thesis Title:
Optimization and Execution Techniques for Queries with Expensive Methods
Advisor: J. Naughton
Current Employment: Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley
William Hibbard
Thesis Title:
A Lattice Theory of Data Display
Advisor: C. Dyer
Current Employment: Space Sciences and Engineering Center,
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Kiriakos Kutulakos
Thesis Title:
Exploring Objects by Controlling the Point of Observation
Advisor: C. Dyer
Current Employment: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Walter Ludwig
Thesis Title:
Algorithms for Scheduling Malleable and Nonmalleable Parallel Tasks
Advisor: E. Bach
Richard Maclin
Thesis Title:
Learning from Instruction and Experience: Methods for Incorporating
Procedural Domain Theories into Knowledge-Based Neural Networks
Advisor: J. Shavlik
Current Employment: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Manish Mehta
Thesis Title:
Resource Allocation in Parallel Shared-Nothing Parallel Database Systems
Advisor: D. DeWitt
Current Employment: IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA
David Opitz
Thesis Title: An Anytime Approach to Connectionist Theory Refinement: Refining the
Topologies of Knowledge-Based Neural Networks
Advisor: J. Shavlik
Current Employment: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Mikhail Solodov
Thesis Title:
Nonmonotone and Perturbed Optimization
Advisor: O. Mangasarian
Current Employment: Instituto de Matematica Pura e Applicada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Madhusudhan Talluri
Thesis Title:
Use of Superpages and Subblocking in the Address Translation Hierarchy
Advisor: M. Hill
Current Employment: Sun Microsystems, Mountain View, CA
Odysseas Tsatalos
Thesis Title:
The GMAP: A Versatile Tool for Physical Data Independence
Advisor:M. Solomon
Current Employment: IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA
Janet Wiener
Thesis Title:
Algorithms for Loading Object-Oriented Databases
Advisor: J. Naughton
Current Employment: Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Golbon Zakeri
Thesis Title:
Multi-Coordination Methods for Parallel Solution of Block-Angular Programs
Advisor: R. Meyer
Current Employment: Dept. of Engineering Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand
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