Students who've Passed the PhD Qualifying Exam
Nagi M. Aboulenein
Thesis Title: Efficient Hardware Synchronization in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Advisor: J. Goodman
Areas of Interest: computer architecture, shared-memory multiprocessors,
synchronization, distributed computing, parallel programming, logic design
Joseph Albert
Thesis Title: Schema and Data Integration in Heterogeneous
Multidatabase Systems
Advisor: R. Ramakrishnan
Areas of Interest: heterogeneous multidatabases, database theory
Carolyn F. Allex
Advisor: J. Shavlik
Areas of Interest: computational biology, protein folding, DNA
sequencing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks
Vaishnavi Anjur
Advisor: Yannis Ioannidis
Areas of Interest: databases
Todd M. Austin
Thesis Title: Using Compiler- and Linker-Directed Data Placement to Improve Memory Hierarchy Performance
Advisor: G. Sohi
Areas of Interest: memory system optimization, safe programming, dependence analysis
Gareth Bestor
Thesis Title: Geometric Inverse Projection under the Rigidity Constraint
Advisor: C. Dyer
Areas of Interest: artificial intelligence, computer vision, computer graphics,
computational geometry
Scott E. Breach
Thesis Title: Multiscalar Processor Design
Advisor: G. Sohi
Areas of Interest: computer architecture and instruction-level parallelism
Douglas C. Burger
Advisor: J. Goodman
Areas of Interest: computer architecture, memory systems, parallel discrete-event simulation, multiprocessor operating systems
Satish Chandra
Advisor: J. Larus
Areas of Interest: parallel architectures, programming languages and compilers
Kevin J. Cherkauer
Thesis Title: Selecting Appropriate Training-Example Representations
for Machine Learning: Theory and Practice
Advisor: J. Shavlik
Areas of Interest: representations for machine learning, parallel
learning approaches, decision trees, genetic algorithms, neural networks,
real-world applications
Su-Hui Chiang
Advisor: M. Vernon
Areas of Interest: performance evaluation, multiprocessor scheduling
Trishul M. Chilimbi
Advisor: J. Larus
Areas of Interest: programming languages, compilers and architectures for
parallel computing
Ioannis Christou
Advisor: R. Meyer
Areas of Interest: combinatorial optimization and genetic algorithms, parallel processing, artificial intelligence applications
Sun Chung
Thesis Title: Parallel Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms
Advisor: A. Condon
Areas of Interest: parallel computation, theoretical computer science
Mark Craven
Thesis Title: Extracting Symbolic Representations from Non-symbolic Classifiers
Advisor: J. Shavlik
Areas of Interest: artificial intelligence, machine learning,
learning theory, computational biology
Manuvir Das
Thesis Title: Partial Evaluation using Dependence Graphs
Advisor: T. Reps
Areas of Interest: partial evaluation, dataflow analysis, program optimization
Babak Falsafi
Advisor: D. Wood
Areas of Interest: computer architecture, performance modeling
David J. Finton
Thesis Title: Feature Extraction for Reinforcement Learning in Neural Networks
Advisor: Y. Hu
Areas of Interest: machine learning, connectionism, knowledge representation, clustering, robot learning
Minos N. Garofalakis
Advisor: Y. Ioannidis
Areas of Interest: query processing in next-generation database systems
Amy M. Hauth
Thesis Title: Development of Computational Algorithms and Software to
Identify Biological Classes of Repetitive Elements
Advisor: D. Joseph
Areas of Interest: computational biology, analysis of DNA sequences
Susan Hert
Thesis Title: Motion Planning for Multiple Tethered Robots
Advisor: V. Lumelsky
Areas of Interest: computational geometry, computer graphics,
motion planning algorithms, computer vision
Jeffrey Horn
Advisor: M. Ferris
Areas of Interest: parallel nonsmooth optimization, computational geometry,
convex analysis
Rahmat S. Hyder
Advisor: D. Wood
Areas of Interest: synchronization, shared-memory multiprocessors,
computer architecture
R. Bruce Irvin
Thesis Title: Performance Tools for High-Level Parallel Programming Languages
Advisor: B. Miller
Areas of Interest: parallel systems, parallel programming languages,
operating systems, computer vision
Navin Kabra
Advisor: D. DeWitt
Areas of Interest: extensible database query optimization;
query optimization in (parallel) geographic information systems
Alain Kagi
Advisor: J. Goodman
Areas of Interest: computer architecture, parallel processing, performance evaluation
Karen L. Karavanic
Advisor: B. Miller
Areas of Interest: operating systems,
performance tools for parallel programming environments
Krishna Kunchithapadam
Thesis Title: Performance-based Application Steering
Advisor: B. Miller
Areas of Interest: operating systems, performance tools
Steven Kurlander
Thesis Title: Optimal Interprocedural Register Allocation
Advisor: C. Fischer
Areas of Interest: compiler optimizations, computer architecture
Alvin R. Lebeck
Thesis Title: Tools and Techniques for Memory System Design and Analysis
Advisor: D. Wood
Areas of Interest: computer architecture, parallel systems, performance tools
Mark L. McAuliffe
Thesis Title: Clustering Mechanisms for Object-Oriented Database Systems
Advisors: M. Carey and M. Solomon
Areas of Interest: database systems, operating systems, distributed systems
Brian Morgan
Advisor: C. Dyer
Areas of Interest: computer vision, visualization
Andreas Moshovos
Advisor: G. Sohi
Areas of Interest: Architectures and compilation techniques for
exploiting instruction level parallelism, VLSI design and operating systems
Shubhendu S. Mukherjee
Advisor: M. Hill
Areas of Interest: network interface, coherence protocol, irregular application,
cache simulation
Jussi Myllymaki
Advisor: M. Livny
Areas of Interest: database management systems and tertiary storage
Biswadeep Nag
Advisor: D. DeWitt
Areas of Interest: High-performance parallel database systems,
object-oriented databases, database benchmarking
Tia Newhall
Advisor: B. Miller
Areas of Interest: operating systems, performance tools
Robert T. Olsen
Advisor: L. Landweber
Areas of Interest: resource management in high-capacity wide-area networks, fast packet switching architectures, distributed operating systems
Subbarao Palacharla
Advisor: J. Smith
Areas of Interest: computer architecture
Jignesh M. Patel
Advisor: D. DeWitt
Areas of Interest: geographic information systems, parallel database systems
and multi-dimensional databases
Harish Patil
Thesis Title: Concurrent Run-time Monitoring Using Shadow
Advisor: C. Fischer
Areas of Interest: compilers, run-time analysis, code optimization
Dionisios N. Pnevmatikatos
Thesis Title: Guarded Execution for ILP Processors
Advisor: G. Sohi
Areas of Interest: computer architecture, compilers, networks
Viswanath Poosala
Advisor: Y. Ioannidis
Areas of Interest: databases
James Pruyne
Advisor: M. Livny
Areas of Interest: performance modeling, distributed computing
Viresh Ratnakar
Advisor: M. Livny
Areas of Interest: image and video compression, compression of scientific data,
multimedia applications
Steven K. Reinhardt
Thesis Title: Mechanisms for Distributed Shared Memory
Advisor: D. Wood
Areas of Interest: memory systems, multiprocessor architecture, operating systems
Daniel Reznik
Advisor: V. Lumelsky
Areas of Interest: robotics, artificial intelligence
Bradley Richards
Thesis Title: Memory Systems for Parallel Programming
Advisor: J. Larus
Areas of Interest: programming languages, memory systems, multiprocessor architecture
Bradley Rubin
Thesis Title: Information Retrieval Using a
Combined Object-Oriented Database/File-System
Advisor: J. Naughton
Areas of Interest: object-oriented databases, information retrieval
Eric Schnarr
Advisor: J. Larus
Areas of Interest: description languages for instruction-set architectures
Ioannis Schoinas
Advisor: M. Hill
Areas of Interest: parallel systems, computer architecture, operating systems
Steven M. Seitz
Advisor: C. Dyer
Areas of Interest: visual motion analysis, computer vision, character animation control, physically-based animation, computer graphics
Praveen Seshadri
Advisor: R. Ramakrishnan
Areas of Interest: database query optimization, database support
for ordered data and new data types, query processing in extensible and
heterogenous systems
John C. Shafer
Advisor: J. Naughton
Areas of Interest: database mining, parallel systems, object-oriented databases,
machine learning
Uri Shaft
Advisor: R. Ramakrishnan
Areas of Interest: image databases, computer graphics
Marc Shapiro
Advisor: S. Horwitz
Areas of Interest: programming languages, pointer analysis
Ambuj Shatdal
Advisor: J. Naughton
Areas of Interest: high-performance database systems
Michael Siff
Advisor: T. Reps
Areas of Interest: modern programming languages, software reverse
engineering, logic and types, theoretical computer science
James Skrentny
Thesis Title: Esthetics and Human-Computer Interaction
Advisor: L. Uhr
Areas of Interest: human-computer interaction, computer mediated
interaction, user interfaces, artificial intelligence, and time arts
Bryan So
Thesis Title: A Knowledge-based Operating System
Advisor: L. Travis
Areas of Interest: expert systems, intelligent help systems, human-computer interaction
Ramakrishnan Srikant
Advisor: J. Naughton
Areas of Interest: object-oriented databases, data mining
Prakash Sundaresan
Advisor: M. Carey
Areas of Interest: massive parallelism, query processing and
utilities in very large database systems, performance analysis
Scott Swanson
Advisor: L. Travis
Areas of Interest: natural language processing, neural networks, artificial intelligence
Peter Sweeney
Thesis Title: Compile-time Analysis and Optimizations that
Improve the Performance of Data-Placement Programs Executing on Scalable Multiprocessors
Advisor: J. Larus
Areas of Interest: multiprocessors, compilers, programming environments
Ariel Tamches
Advisor: B. Miller
Areas of Interest: performance tools, parallel and distributed operating systems
Athanassios K. Tsiolis
Thesis Title: Request Scheduling in a Multimedia Storage Server
Advisor: M. Vernon
Areas of Interest: modeling and performance analysis of
computer systems, request scheduling on multimedia storage servers
Ayse Unat
Thesis Title: Motion Understanding in Multi-resolution Framework
Advisor: L. Uhr
Areas of Interest: computer vision, human vision, artificial
Shivakumar Venkataraman
Thesis Title: Global Memory Management for Multi-Server Database Systems
Advisor: J. Naughton
Areas of Interest: Distributed and parallel database systems
T. N. Vijaykumar
Advisor: G. Sohi
Areas of Interest: Instruction Level Parallelism, Multiscalar
Architecture, Compiling for Multiscalar Architecture and Performance
issues of Multiscalar Architecture
Guhan Viswanathan
Advisor: J. Larus
Areas of Interest: programming languages, compilers, parallel programming
John Watrous
Advisor: E. Bach
Areas of Interest: quantum computation
Andrew Whitsitt
Advisor: L. Travis
Areas of Interest: machine learning, case-based reasoning, artificial intelligence
Liang-Yin Yu
Advisor: C. Dyer
Areas of Interest: computer vision
Jie-Bing Yu
Advisor: D. DeWitt
Areas of Interest: spatial databases, parallel databases, tertiary storage support for database systems
Armand Zakarian
Thesis Title: Nonlinear Jacobi and Epsilon Relaxation Methods
for Parallel Network Optimization
Advisor: R. Meyer
Areas of Interest: network algorithms, parallel optimization
Matthew Zeidenberg
Thesis Title: Learning Visual and Temporal Concepts and Lexical Semantics
Advisor: L. Uhr
Areas of Interest: artificial intelligence, neural networks,
machine learning, computational linguistics
Tian Zhang
Advisor: R. Ramakrishnan
Areas of Interest:
data mining: clustering and trending analysis for very large databases
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