Research Grants and Contracts
- Algorithms in Number Theory
Principal investigator: E. Bach
Source: NSF
- Multivariate Approximation
Principal investigators: C. de Boor and A. Ron
Source: NSF and ARO
- Net Scout
Principal investigators: S. Calcari and L. Landweber
Source: NSF
- NSF CAREER Award for WISWEB: Scalable, Consistent, High-Performance WWW Proxy Caching
Principal investigator: P. Cao
Source: NSF
- Adaptive Memory Hierarchy Management
Principal investigator: P. Cao
Source: NSF
- Study of Memory System Performance for Fluid Flow Post-Processing Tools
Principal investigator: P. Cao
Source: NASA
- Near Optimal Management of Memory Hierarchies
Principal investigator: P. Cao
Source: Intel
- NSF Young Investigator Award: Interactive Computational Models and
Topics in Parallel Computation
Principal investigator: A. Condon
Source: NSF
- Prototyping Biomolecular Computations
Principal investigators: A. Condon and M. Lagally (Mat. Sci. & Engr.)
Source: NSF
- Paradise Clusters: Inexpensive Scalable Support for Standardized
Access to EOSDIS Data Sets
Principal investigator: D. DeWitt
Source: NASA
- Architectures for Query Processing in Persistent Object Bases
Principal investigator: D. DeWitt
Source: Oregon Graduate Institute
- Paradise and Direct Broadcast Satellite: A Solution to Battlefield Data
Dissemination for the 21st Century
Principal investigators: D. DeWitt and J. Naughton
Source: DARPA
- Paradise and PACI
Principal investigators: D. DeWitt
Source: NSF
- Steerable Appearance Modeling of Three-Dimensional Scenes
Principal investigator: C. Dyer
Source: NSF
- Steerable Gaze Control for a Video-Based Virtual Surveillant
Principal investigators: C. Dyer
Source: DARPA
- Applications, Algorithms and Extensions of Complimentarity
Principal investigator: M. Ferris
Source: NSF
- Challenges in CISE: Metacomputing Environments for Optimization
Principal investigator: M. Ferris and M. Livny
Source: NSF
- Advances in Register Allocation and Efficient Run-Time Program Analysis
Principal investigator: C. Fischer
Source: NSF
- A Study of Long-Term Architectural Limits to Computing: Galileo
Principal investigator: J. Goodman
Source: NSF
- Billion-Transistor Computers
Principal investigator: J. Goodman
Source: NSF
- Galileo: Exploring Future Limits of Computing Technology
Principal investigator: J. Goodman
Source: Intel
- Program Dependence Graphs and Dataflow Analysis
Principal investigator: S. Horwitz
Source: NSF
- The Parallel PRISM Toolbox: Portable Application-Driven Eigensolvers
Principal investigator: S. Huss-Lederman
Source: DOE
- Presidential Young Investigator Award: Next Generation Database Systems
Principal investigator: Y. Ioannidis
Source: NSF
- Integrated Access to a Cluster of Data Providers
Principal investigators: Y. Ioannidis, M. Livny, and R. Ramakrishnan
Source: ORD
- NSF Young Investigator Award: Programming Massively-Parallel Computers
Principal investigator: J. Larus
Source: NSF
- Graphical Interfaces to Path Profiling Tools
Principal investigator: J. Larus
Source: Lucent
- Research in the Area of Scheduling Batch Jobs on a Cluster of Workstations
Principal investigator: M. Livny
Source: IBM
- Visual Support for Data Miner
Principal investigator: M. Livny and R. Ramakrishnan
Source: IBM
- Advanced Interfaces to Scientific Databases
Principal investigators: M. Livny, Y. Ioannidis, and J. Norman (Soil Science)
Source: NSF
- High Throughput Computing via Condor Flocks
Principal investigators: M. Livny
Source: NSF
- UW Flock: The Wisconsin Advanced Resource Center
Principal investigators: M. Livny
Source: NSF
- Algorithms, Applications and Theory of Mathematical Programs
Principal investigator: O. Mangasarian
Source: NSF
- Applied Mathematical Programming
Principal investigator: O. Mangasarian
Source: NSF
- Machine Learning via Mathematical Programming
Principal investigator: O. Mangasarian
Source: AFOSR
- Experiment Management Support for Performance Tuning Large-Scale Parallel
and Distributed Applications
Principal investigator: B. Miller
Source: NASA
- Tools for the Development of High Performance Energy Applications and
Principal investigator: B. Miller
Source: DOE
- An Integrated, Language-Directed Performance Prediction, Measurement and
Analysis Environment
Principal investigator: B. Miller
Source: DARPA
- Paradyn on SGI AIX
Principal investigator: B. Miller
Source: DOE
- Experimental Software Systems: Software Foundation for Experiment
Principal investigator: B. Miller and M. Livny
Source: NSF
- Blizzard and Paradyn: Infrastructure and Scalable Tools for
Multi-Paradigm Parallel Computers
Principal investigators: B. Miller, M. Hill, J. Larus, and D. Wood
Source: DARPA
- Presidential Young Investigator Award: Theory and Implementation of
Database Systems
Principal investigator: J. Naughton
Source: NSF
- MIDSHIP: Managing Image Data for Scalable High Performance
Principal investigators: J. Naughton, J. Larus, et al.
Source: NSF
- The Numerical Solution of Elliptic Equations
Principal investigator: S. Parter
Source: NSF
- Content-Based Queries in Image Databases
Principal investigator: R. Ramakrishnan
Source: NSF
- Exploratory Analysis of Large Datasets
Principal investigator: R. Ramakrishnan
Source: IBM
- Declarative Database Programming Language
Principal investigator: R. Ramakrishnan
Source: IBM
- Interactive Visualization and Collaborative Analysis of Very Large Datasets
Principal investigator: R. Ramakrishnan
Source: NSF
- Distributed Queries and Change Management in DDB
Principal investigator: R. Ramakrishnan
Source: DARPA
- Semantics-Based Program Manipulation
Principal investigator: T. Reps
Source: NSF
- Shape-Analysis for Languages with Destructive Updating
Principal investigator: T. Reps
Source: NSF
- A Preprocessor for Activity Analysis of ANSI-C Programs
Principal investigator: T. Reps
Source: DOE
- Improved Techniques for Program Analysis and Program Slicing
Principal investigators: T. Reps and S. Horwitz
Source: DARPA
- Planning Under Uncertainty: Methods and Applications
Principal investigator: S. Robinson
Source: AFOSR
- Competitive Tradeoff Modeling: Methodology, Computation, and Testing
Principal investigator: S. Robinson
Source: ARO
- KDI: Towards Ideal Data Representations
Principal investigator: A. Ron
Source: NSF
- Learning from Instruction and Experience
Principal investigator: J. Shavlik
Source: NSF
- Providing Verbal Advice to Connectionist Learners
Principal investigator: J. Shavlik
Source: ONR
- Prototyping Multiscalar Processors
Principal investigator: G. Sohi
Source: NSF
- Development and Evaluation of the Multiscalar Paradigm
Principal investigator: G. Sohi
Source: DARPA
- Analysis of Parallel Solution Methods for Scientific Computation
Principal investigator: J. Strikwerda
Source: NSF
- Parallel System Resource Management
Principal investigator: M. Vernon
Source: NSF
- High Performance Job Scheduling for NCSA Leading Edge Systems
Principal investigator: M. Vernon
Source: NSF
- An Environment for End-to-end Performance Design of Large-Scale
Parallel Adaptive Computer/Communication Systems
Principal investigator: M. Vernon
Source: DARPA
- PRISM: A Laboratory for Research in Future High-Performance Parallel
Principal investigators: M. Vernon et al.
Source: NSF
- Fine-Grain Distributed Shared Memory for SMP Clusters
Principal investigators: D. Wood and J. Larus
Source: NSF
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