PH.D's Granted: September 1997 - August 1998
Gareth Bestor
Thesis Title: Recovering Feature and Observer Position by Projected Error Refinement
Advisor: C. Dyer
Current Employment: Chemistry Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Paul Bradley
Thesis Title: Mathematical Programming Approaches to Machine Learning and Data Mining
Advisor: O. Mangasarian
Current Employment: Microsoft Research, Redmond, Washington
Scott Breach
Thesis Title: Design and Evaluation of a Multiscalar Processor
Advisor: G. Sohi
Satish Chandra
Thesis Title: Software Techniques for Customizable Distributed Shared Memory
Advisor: J. Larus
Current Employment: AT&T Research, Naperville, Illinois
Sun Chung
Thesis Title: Parallel Design and Implementation of Graph Algorithms for Minimum
Spanning Tree, List Ranking and Root Finding
Advisor: A. Condon
Current Employment: University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Manuvir Das
Thesis Title: Partial Evaluation Using Dependence Graphs
Advisor: T. Reps
Current Employment: Microsoft Research, Redmond, Washington
Babak Falsafi
Thesis Title: Fine-Grain Protocol Execution Mechanisms and Scheduling Policies
Advisor: D. Wood
Current Employment: Purdue University
Minos Garofalakis
Thesis Title: Query Scheduling and Optimization in Parallel and Multimedia Databases
Advisor: Y. Ioannidis
Current Employment: AT&T Research, Murray Hill, New Jersey
Stefanos Kaxiras
Thesis Title: Static, Dynamic, Address-Based and Instruction-Based Optimizations for
High-Performance Scalable Shared Memory
Advisor: J. Goodman
Current Employment: AT&T Research, Murray Hill, New Jersey
Shubhendu Mukherjee
Thesis Title: A Simulation Study of Network Interface Design Alternatives
Advisor: M. Hill
Current Employment: Compaq, Shrewsburg, Massachusetts
Subbarao Palacharla
Thesis Title: Complexity-Effective Superscalar Processors
Advisor: J. Smith
Current Employment: Intel, Portland, Oregon
Jignesh Patel
Thesis Title: Efficient Database Support for Spatial Applications
Advisor: D. DeWitt
Current Employment: NCR, Madison, Wisconsin
Ioannis Schoinas
Thesis Title: Fine-Grain Distributed Shared Memory on clusters of Workstations
Advisor: M. Hill
Current Employment: Intel, Beaverton, Oregon
Steven Seitz
Thesis Title: Image-Based Tranformation of Three-Dimensional Scenes
Advisor: C. Dyer
Current Employment: Carnegie-Mellon University
John Shafer
Thesis Title: Parallelization of Data Mining Operations
Advisor: M. Carey
Current Employment: IBM, San Jose, California
Michael Siff
Thesis Title: Techniques for Software Renovation
Advisor: T. Reps
Current Employment: Wesleyan University
T.N. Vijaykumar
Thesis Title: Compiling for the Multiscalar Architecture
Advisor: G. Sohi
Current Employment: Purdue University
John Watrous
Thesis Title: Space-Bounded Quantum Computation
Advisor: E. Bach
Current Employment: University of Montreal
Yihong Zhao
Thesis Title: Performance Issues of Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis
Advisor: J. Naughton
Current Employment: Informix, Menlo Park, California
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