CS 766 Computer Vision Assignment 1: High Dynamic Range (HDR)

Saikat R. Gomes (saikat@cs.wisc.edu) & Stephen Lazzaro (slazzaro@cs.wisc.edu)


  1. Home
  2. Introduction
  3. Implementation
    1. Image Acquisition
    2. Simple Pixel Averaging
    3. Response Curves
    4. Tone Mapping (Matlab)
    5. Reinhard's Local Tone Mapping
    6. Reinhard's Global Tone Mapping
    7. Ward's Algorithm
  4. Results Comparison 1
  5. Results Comparison 2
  6. Results of Ward's Algo
  7. Datasets
  8. Code
  9. Git Logs
  10. References

Image Acquisition

The images were take with a Canon EOS 550D camera.
The *.CR2 files were converted to *.jpg format using Adobe Photoshop.