Page Contents
What is DMC?
The Berkeley D.M.C. is the result of a research project at
U.C. Berkeley by
Stephen Chenney and
Jeffrey Ichnowski under the direction of
Prof. David Forsyth. It is
an integrated set of tools written in
Java(tm) enabling the modelling and
optimization of complex dynamics in virtual environments. The tool set includes:
- The modeller tool that combines
VRML prototypes with Java dynamics descriptions. Newly designed
dynamics can be previewed within the modeller quickly and easily.
- The compiler tool that works
offline to produce a new optimized dynamics model that can be culled.
- The tovrml tool that converts the
model and dynamics description into a
VRML97 file ready to be published on
the world wide web.
In order to work on the largest number of platforms, DMC is written
in Java. All model descriptions are written in VRML 2.0 and all
dynamics descriptions are written in Java 1.1.
DMC has been tested and is known to work on the following Java
virtual machines. As more virtual machines become known to us we will
add them to this list.
Java Virtual Machines
Windows NT/95/98 |
Sun's JDK 1.1*
Sun's JRE 1.1*
*Some older versions of the just-in-time compiler included with
Sun's Java VM's have a bug that causes DMC to throw exceptions. Be
sure to upgrade to the latest version of the
JIT compiler
before running DMC.
Linux |
Java Linux
How to Install
For all platforms you must download and install the appropriate Java
Virtual Machine before you install DMC, if have not already. The DMC
distribution may be downloaded in the following formats.
Download the format of your choice before proceeding to the platform
specific install instructions.
Windows NT
- Uncompress the install package into a directory of your choice. We
- Open the system control panel.
- Switch to the environment tab.
- Find the
CLASSPATH entry and add the directory from step 1.
Windows 95/98
- Uncompress the install package into a directory of your choice. We
- Open your
- Add the following line to the end:
SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;<directory from step1>
- Reboot
Linux |
- Uncompress the install package a directory of your choice. We suggest
~/dmc/classes .
- Modify your
CLASSPATH environment variable to include the
directory from step 1.
- Reboot (we're kidding!)
Using the Tools
For all the instructions on usage we assume that the you invoke the
Java virtual machine with the command java . If your
platform differs please substitute the name of your virtual machine
inplace of java .
Compiling the Source
Compiling the source code can either be a very simple or a very
complex task. Because the cross platform concerns and because Java
development environment significantly differs from the traditional
development environments, we have not been able to develop a Makefile
for the DMC tools. There are two methods of compiling the source code
that we have developed. We call them the easy method and the
complex method. We suggest that you try the easy method
first and fall back on the complex method only if the
easy method does not work.
For the instructions below, when it says "compile ...", follow this
example for compiling berkeley.cs.dmc.modeller.Main . The
instructions are the same for any class, including all classes in a
package denoted by a * - just replace Main
with * .
Example Compilation
Windows JDK |
cd <src-dir>\berkeley\cs\dmc\modeller
javac -d <class-dir>
- OR -
(from the top level source directory)
javac -d <class-dir> berkeley\cs\dmc\modeller\
Unix |
cd <src-dir>/berkeley/cs/dmc/modeller
javac -d <class-dir>
- OR -
(from the top level source directory)
javac -d <class-dir> berkeley/cs/dmc/modeller/
Compilation Methods
Easy Method |
- Add the source directory to your
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.dmod.Main
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.compiler.Main
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.tovrml.Main
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.vrml.parser.node.*
Note: This compilation method relies on a compiler feature that
compiles source files in the class path based on all dependencies. If
the above example commands fail, try adding the -depend
compiler flag before resorting to complex method.
Complex Method |
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.ji3d.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.vrml.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.vrml.node.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.vrml.field.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.vrml.parser.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.vrml.parser.node.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.bspline.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.system.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.neuralnet.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.probtree.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.numericalMethods.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.distributor.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.model.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.model.parser.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.periodic.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.tovrml.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.compiler.*
- Compile berkeley.cs.dmc.dmod.*
The DMC is released to the public under the GNU
General Public License Version 2. Portions of the code remain
under the copyright of their respective authors as noted.
Contacting the Authors
If you have any comments, suggestions, or problems not addressed here
please feel free to contact the authors at We will
try to get back to you as soon as possible.
In order to better address your concerns with DMC, the authors request
that you do not contact them through their personal e-mail addresses.