Computer Sciences Dept.

Muhammad Shoaib Bin Altaf

Research Assistant
Picture of MYNAME

Research Interests:

Analytical Modeling of Systems, Interface Design for the On-chip Accelerators, Workload Characterization


I am a "nth" year graduate student in the ECE department at University of Wisconsin - Madison. I got my MS from UW Madison in 2010 and BSc from UET Lahore in 2007, both in Electrical Engineering.

My main area of interest is Computer Architecture with an emphasis on the analytical (power/performance) modeling of hardware accelerators. The goal is to develop efficient interfaces for the accelerators through these modeling techniques. I am working with Prof. David Wood in the Wisconsin Multifacet Group.

Apart from my research, I am working as a Photo Editor at the The Daily Cardinal and serving as a Student Ambassador at WARF .

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