Course Calendar
Meeting times:
Section 1 meets on T/Th at 9:30-10:45 am in Noland 132. Instructor: Prof. Shuchi Chawla
Section 2 meets on T/Th at 1:00-2:15 pm in Psych 113. Instructor: Prof. Christos Tzamos
Discussions are held on Wednesdays. All discussion sections have identical content every week and students are free to attend any section.
In addition to the above meeting times, we provide many opportunities for students throughout the week to meet with staff in the form of small study groups, individual meetings, drop-in help, and regular office hours. Please see our Piazza post on how to contact course staff for the specifics. A schedule for meeting times is posted on the course calendar (see below).
Further information and quick links:
We will use Piazza to post information relevant to the course and carry out discussions. Sign up here.
A Course Calendar is available here in iCal format and here in html format.
A syllabus can be found on Canvas. Grades will also be posted on canvas.
Other course info including syllabus, textbook information, course policies, etc. can be found on Piazza.
Tentative Course Schedule
Week 1
Intro; Divide & Conquer
HW0 out
Week 2
Divide & Conquer; Graphs
HW1 out
Week 3
Graphs and connectivity; Greedy
HW1 due, HW2 out
Week 4
Greedy algorithms
HW2 due, HW3 out
Week 5
Greedy; Dynamic Programming
HW3 due, HW4 out
Week 6
Dynamic Programming
HW4 due, Midterm 1 on Feb 27
Week 7
Dynamic Programming
HW5 out
Week 8
Randomized algorithms
HW5 due, HW6 out
Week 9
Randomized algorithms
HW6 due, HW7 out
Week 10
Reductions; Network Flow
HW7 due, Midterm 2 on Apr 2
Week 11
Reductions; Network Flow
HW8 out
Week 12
Reductions; P vs. NP
HW8 due, HW9 out
Week 13
NP-Completeness; Complexity Classes
HW9 due, HW10 out
Week 14
Dealing with intractability
HW10 due