CS 537
Lecture Notes, Part 10
File Systems

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Next More About File Systems


First we look at files from the point of view of a person or program using the file system, and then we consider how this user interface is implemented.

The User Interface to Files

Just as the process abstraction beautifies the hardware by making a single CPU (or a small number of CPUs) appear to be many CPUs, one per “user,” the file system beautifies the hardware disk, making it appear to be a large number of disk-like objects called files. Like a disk, a file is capable of storing a large amount of data cheaply, reliably, and persistently. The fact that there are lots of files is one form of beautification: Each file is individually protected, so each user can have his own files, without the expense of requiring each user to buy his own disk. Each user can have lots of files, which makes it easier to organize persistent data. The filesystem also makes each individual file more beautiful than a real disk. At the very least, it erases block boundaries, so a file can be any length (not just a multiple of the block size) and programs can read and write arbitrary regions of the file without worrying about whether they cross block boundaries. Some systems (not Unix) also provide assistance in organizing the contents of a file.

Systems use the same sort of device (a disk drive) to support both virtual memory and files. The question arises why these have to be distinct facilities, with vastly different user interfaces. The answer is that they don't. In Multics, there was no difference whatsoever. Everything in Multics was a segment. The address space of each running process consisted of a set of segments (each with its own segment number), and the “file system” was simply a set of named segments. To access a segment from the file system, a process would pass its name to a system call that assigned a segment number to it. From then on, the process could read and write the segment simply by executing ordinary loads and stores. For example, if the segment was an array of integers, the program could access the ith number with a notation like a[i] rather than having to seek to the appropriate offset and then execute a read system call. If the block of the file containing this value wasn't in memory, the array access would cause a page fault, which was serviced as explained in the previous chapter.

This user-interface idea, sometimes called “single-level store,” is a great idea. So why is it not common in current operating systems? In other words, why are virtual memory and files presented as very different kinds of objects? There are possible explanations one might propose:

The address space of a process is small compared to the size of a file system.
There is no reason why this has to be so. In Multics, a process could have up to 256K segments, but each segment was limited to 64K words. Multics allowed for lots of segments because every “file” in the file system was a segment. The upper bound of 64K words per segment was considered large by the standards of the time; The hardware actually allowed segments of up to 256K words (over one megabyte). Most new processors introduced in the last few years allow 64-bit virtual addresses. In a few years, such processors will dominate. So there is no reason why the virtual address space of a process cannot be large enough to include the entire file system.
The virtual memory of a process is transient--it goes away when the process terminates--while files must be persistent.
Multics showed that this doesn't have to be true. A segment can be designated as “permanent,” meaning that it should be preserved after the process that created it terminates. Permanent segments to raise a need for one “file-system-like” facility, the ability to give names to segments so that new processes can find them.
Files are shared by multiple processes, while the virtual address space of a process is associated with only that process.
Most modern operating systems (including most variants of Unix) provide some way for processes to share portions of their address spaces anyhow, so this is a particularly weak argument for a distinction between files and segments.

The real reason single-level store is not ubiquitous is probably a concern for efficiency. The usual file-system interface encourages a particular style of access: Open a file, go through it sequentially, copying big chunks of it to or from main memory, and then close it. While it is possible to access a file like an array of bytes, jumping around and accessing the data in tiny pieces, it is awkward. Operating system designers have found ways to implement files that make the common “file like” style of access very efficient. While there appears to be no reason in principle why memory-mapped files cannot be made to give similar performance when they are accessed in this way, in practice, the added functionality of mapped files always seems to pay a price in performance. Besides, if it is easy to jump around in a file, applications programmers will take advantage of it, overall performance will suffer, and the file system will be blamed.


Every file system provides some way to give a name to each file. We will consider only names for individual files here, and talk about directories later. The name of a file is (at least sometimes) meant to used by human beings, so it should be easy for humans to use. Different operating systems put different restrictions on names:

Some systems put severe restrictions on the length of names. For example DOS restricts names to 11 characters, while early versions of Unix (and some still in use today) restrict names to 14 characters. The Macintosh operating system, Windows 95, and most modern version of Unix allow names to be essentially arbitrarily long. I say “essentially” since names are meant to be used by humans, so they don't really to to be all that long. A name that is 100 characters long is just as difficult to use as one that it forced to be under 11 characters long (but for different reasons). Most modern versions of Unix, for example, restrict names to a limit of 255 characters.1
Are upper and lower case letters considered different? The Unix tradition is to consider the names Foo and foo to be completely different and unrelated names. In DOS and its descendants, however, they are considered the same. Some systems translate names to one case (usually upper case) for storage. Others retain the original case, but consider it simply a matter of decoration. For example, if you create a file named “Foo,” you could open it as “foo” or “FOO,” but if you list the directory, you would still see the file listed as “Foo”.
Character Set.
Different systems put different restrictions on what characters can appear in file names. The Unix directory structure supports names containing any character other than NUL (the byte consisting of all zero bits), but many utility programs (such as the shell) would have troubles with names that have spaces, control characters or certain punctuation characters (particularly ‘/’). MacOS allows all of these (e.g., it is not uncommon to see a file name with the Copyright symbol © in it). With the world-wide spread of computer technology, it is becoming increasingly important to support languages other than English, and in fact alphabets other than Latin. There is a move to support character strings (and in particular file names) in the Unicode character set, which devotes 16 bits to each character rather than 8 and can represent the alphabets of all major modern languages from Arabic to Devanagari to Telugu to Khmer.
It is common to divide a file name into a base name and an extension that indicates the type of the file. DOS requires that each name be compose of a bast name of eight or less characters and an extension of three or less characters. When the name is displayed, it is represented as base.extension. Unix internally makes no such distinction, but it is a common convention to include exactly one period in a file name (e.g. foo.c for a C source file).

File Structure

Unix hides the “chunkiness” of tracks, sectors, etc. and presents each file as a “smooth” array of bytes with no internal structure. Application programs can, if they wish, use the bytes in the file to represent structures. For example, a wide-spread convention in Unix is to use the newline character (the character with bit pattern 00001010) to break text files into lines. Some other systems provide a variety of other types of files. The most common are files that consist of an array of fixed or variable size records and files that form an index mapping keys to values. Indexed files are usually implemented as B-trees.

File Types

Most systems divide files into various “types.” The concept of “type” is a confusing one, partially because the term “type” can mean different things in different contexts. Unix initially supported only four types of files: directories, two kinds of special files (discussed later), and “regular” files. Just about any type of file is considered a “regular” file by Unix. Within this category, however, it is useful to distinguish text files from binary files; within binary files there are executable files (which contain machine-language code) and data files; text files might be source files in a particular programming language (e.g. C or Java) or they may be human-readable text in some mark-up language such as html (hypertext markup language). Data files may be classified according to the program that created them or is able to interpret them, e.g., a file may be a Microsoft Word document or Excel spreadsheet or the output of TeX. The possibilities are endless.

In general (not just in Unix) there are three ways of indicating the type of a file:

  1. The operating system may record the type of a file in meta-data stored separately from the file, but associated with it. Unix only provides enough meta-data to distinguish a regular file from a directory (or special file), but other systems support more types.
  2. The type of a file may be indicated by part of its contents, such as a header made up of the first few bytes of the file. In Unix, files that store executable programs start with a two byte magic number that identifies them as executable and selects one of a variety of executable formats. In the original Unix executable format, called the a.out format, the magic number is the octal number 0407, which happens to be the machine code for a branch instruction on the PDP-11 computer, one of the first computers to implement Unix. The operating system could run a file by loading it into memory and jumping to the beginning of it. The 0407 code, interpreted as an instruction, jumps to the word following the 16-byte header, which is the beginning of the executable code in this format. The PDP-11 computer is extinct by now, but it lives on through the 0407 code!
  3. The type of a file may be indicated by its name. Sometimes this is just a convention, and sometimes it's enforced by the OS or by certain programs. For example, the Unix Java compiler refuses to believe that a file contains Java source unless its name ends with .java.
Some systems enforce the types of files more vigorously than others. File types may be enforced Unix tends to be very lax in enforcing types.

Access Modes

[ Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, Section 11.2 ]

Systems support various access modes for operations on a file.

Note that access modes are distinct from from file structure--e.g., a record-structured file can be accessed either sequentially or randomly--but the two concepts are not entirely unrelated. For example, indexed access mode only makes sense for indexed files.

File Attributes

This is the area where there is the most variation among file systems. Attributes can also be grouped by general category.
Ownership and Protection.
Owner, owner's “group,” creator, access-control list (information about who can to what to this file, for example, perhaps the owner can read or modify it, other members of his group can only read it, and others have no access).
Time stamps.
Time created, time last modified, time last accessed, time the attributes were last changed, etc. Unix maintains the last three of these. Some systems record not only when the file was last modified, but by whom.
Current size, size limit, “high-water mark”, space consumed (which may be larger than size because of internal fragmentation or smaller because of various compression techniques).
Type Information.
As described above: File is ASCII, is executable, is a “system” file, is an Excel spread sheet, etc.
Some systems have attributes describing how the file should be displayed when a directly is listed. For example MacOS records an icon to represent the file and the screen coordinates where it was last displayed. DOS has a “hidden” attribute meaning that the file is not normally shown. Unix achieves a similar effect by convention: The ls program that is usually used to list files does not show files with names that start with a period unless you explicit request it to (with the -a option).

Unix records a fixed set of attributes in the meta-data associated with a file. If you want to record some fact about the file that is not included among the supported attributes, you have to use one of the tricks listed above for recording type information: encode it in the name of the file, put it into the body of the file itself, or store it in a file with a related name (e.g. “foo.attributes”). Other systems (notably MacOS and Windows NT) allow new attributes to be invented on the fly. In MacOS, each file has a resource fork, which is a list of (attribute-name, attribute-value) pairs. The attribute name can be any four-character string, and the attribute value can be anything at all. Indeed, some kinds of files put the entire “contents” of the file in an attribute and leave the “body” of the file (called the data fork) empty.


[ Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, Section 11.1.2 ]

POSIX, a standard API (application programming interface) based on Unix, provides the following operations (among others) for manipulating files:

fd = open(name, operation)
fd = creat(name, mode)
status = close(fd)
byte_count = read(fd, buffer, byte_count)
byte_count = write(fd, buffer, byte_count)
offset = lseek(fd, offset, whence)
status = link(oldname, newname)
status = unlink(name)
status = stat(name, buffer)
status = fstat(fd, buffer)
status = utimes(name, times)
status = chown(name, owner, group) or fchown(fd, owner, group)
status = chmod(name, mode) or fchmod(fd, mode)
status = truncate(name, size) or ftruncate(fd, size)
Some types of arguments and results need explanation.
Many functions return a “status” which is either 0 for success or -1 for errors (there is another mechanism to get more information about went wrong). Other functions also use -1 as a return value to indicate an error.
A character-string name for a file.
A “file descriptor”, which is a small non-negative integer used as a short, temporary name for a file during the lifetime of a process.
The memory address of the start of a buffer for supplying or receiving data.
One of three codes, signifying from start, from end, or from current location.
A bit-mask specifying protection information.
An integer code, one of read, write, read and write, and perhaps a few other possibilities such as append only.
The open call finds a file and assigns a decriptor to it. It also indicates how the file will be used by this process (read only, read/write, etc). The creat call is similar, but creates a new (empty) file. The mode argument specifies protection attributes (such as “writable by owner but read-only by others”) for the new file. (Most modern versions of Unix have merged creat into open by adding an optional mode argument and allowing the operation argument to specify that the file is automatically created if it doesn't already exist.) The close call simply announces that fd is no longer in use and can be reused for another open or creat.

The read and write operations transfer data between a file and memory. The starting location in memory is indicated by the buffer parameter; the starting location in the file (called the seek pointer is wherever the last read or write left off. The result is the number of bytes transferred. For write it is normally the same as the byte_count parameter unless there is an error. For read it may be smaller if the seek pointer starts out near the end of the file. The lseek operation adjusts the seek pointer (it is also automatically updated by read and write). The specified offset is added to zero, the current seek pointer, or the current size of the file, depending on the value of whence.

The function link adds a new name (alias) to a file, while unlink removes a name. There is no function to delete a file; the system automatically deletes it when there are no remaining names for it.

The stat function retrieves meta-data about the file and puts it into a buffer (in a fixed, documented format), while the remaining functions can be used to update the meta-data: utimes updates time stamps, chown updates ownership, chmod updates protection information, and truncate changes the size (files can be make bigger by write, but only truncate can make them smaller). Most come in two flavors: one that take a file name and one that takes a descriptor for an open file.

To learn more details about any of these functions, type something like

    man 2 lseek
to any Unix system. The ‘2’ means to look in section 2 of the manual, where system calls are explained.

Other systems have similar operations, and perhaps a few more. For example, indexed or indexed sequential files would require a version of seek to specify a key rather than an offset. It is also common to have a separate append operation for writing to the end of a file.

The User Interface to Directories

[ Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, Section 11.3 ]

We already talked about file names. One important feature that a file name should have is that it be unambiguous: There should be at most one file with any given name. The symmetrical condition, that there be at most one name for any given file, is not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes it is handy to be able to give multiple names to a file. When we consider implementation, we will describe two different ways to implement multiple names for a file, each with slightly different semantics. If there are a lot of files in a system, it may be difficult to avoid giving two files the same name, particularly if there are multiple uses independently making up names. One technique to assure uniqueness is to prefix each file name with the name (or user id) of the owner. In some early operating systems, that was the only assistance the system gave in preventing conflicts.

A better idea is the hierarchical directory structure, first introduced by Multics, then popularized by Unix, and now found in virtually every operating system. You probably already know about hierarchical directories, but I would like to describe them from an unusual point of view, and then explain how this point of view is equivalent to the more familiar version.

Each file is named by a sequence of names. Although all modern operating systems use this technique, each uses a different character to separate the components of the sequence when displaying it as a character string. Multics uses `>', Unix uses ‘/’, DOS and its descendants use ‘\’, and MacOS uses ':'. Sequences make it easy to avoid naming conflicts. First, assign a sequence to each user and only let him create files with names that start with that sequence. For example, I might be assigned the sequence (“usr”, “solomon”), written in Unix as /usr/solomon. So far, this is the same as just appending the user name to each file name. But it allows me to further classify my own files to prevent conflicts. When I start a new project, I can create a new sequence by appending the name of the project to the end of the sequence assigned to me, and then use this prefix for all files in the project. For example, I might choose /usr/solomon/cs537 for files associated with this course, and name them /usr/solomon/cs537/foo, /usr/solomon/cs537/bar, etc. As an extra aid, the system allows me to specify a “default prefix” and a short-hand for writing names that start with that prefix. In Unix, I use the system call chdir to specify a prefix, and whenever I use a name that does not start with ‘/’, the system automatically adds that prefix.

It is customary to think of the directory system as a directed graph, with names on the edges. Each path in the graph is associated with a sequence of names, the names on the edges that make up the path. For that reason, the sequence of names is usually called a path name. One node is designated as the root node, and the rule is enforced that there cannot be two edges with the same name coming out of one node. With this rule, we can use path name to name nodes. Start at the root node and treat the path name as a sequence of directions, telling us which edge to follow at each step. It may be impossible to follow the directions (because they tell us to use an edge that does not exist), but if is possible to follow the directions, they will lead us unambiguously to one node. Thus path names can be used as unambiguous names for nodes. In fact, as we will see, this is how the directory system is actually implemented. However, I think it is useful to think of “path names” simply as long names to avoid naming conflicts, since it clear separates the interface from the implementation.

Implementing File Systems


[ Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, Section 11.6 ]

We will assume that all the blocks of the disk are given block numbers starting at zero and running through consecutive integers up to some maximum. We will further assume that blocks with numbers that are near each other are located physically near each other on the disk (e.g., same cylinder) so that the arithmetic difference between the numbers of two blocks gives a good estimate how long it takes to get from one to the other. First let's consider how to represent an individual file. There are (at least!) four possibilities:

Contiguous [Section 11.6.1]
The blocks of a file are the block numbered n, n+1, n+2, ..., m. We can represent any file with a pair of numbers: the block number of of first block and the length of the file (in blocks). (See Figure 11.15 on page 378). The advantages of this approach are The problem with this organization is that you can only grow a file if the block following the last block in the file happens to be free. Otherwise, you would have to find a long enough run of free blocks to accommodate the new length of the file and copy it. As a practical matter, operating systems that use this organization require the maximum size of the file to be declared when it is created and pre-allocate space for the whole file. Even then, storage allocation has all the problems we considered when studying main-memory allocation including external fragmentation.
Linked List (Section 11.6.2).
A file is represented by the block number of its first block, and each block contains the block number of the next block of the file. This representation avoids the problems of the contiguous representation: We can grow a file by linking any disk block onto the end of the list, and there is no external fragmentation. However, it introduces a new problem: Random access is effectively impossible. To find the 100th block of a file, we have to read the first 99 blocks just to follow the list. We also lose the advantage of very fast sequential access to the file since its blocks may be scattered all over the disk. However, if we are careful when choosing blocks to add to a file, we can retain pretty good sequential access performance.

Both the space overhead (the percentage of the space taken up by pointers) and the time overhead (the percentage of the time seeking from one place to another) can be decreased by using larger blocks. The hardware designer fixes the block size (which is usually quite small) but the software can get around this problem by using “virtual” blocks, sometimes called clusters. The OS simply treats each group of (say) four continguous phyical disk sectors as one cluster. Large, clusters, particularly if they can be variable size, are sometimes called extents. Extents can be thought of as a compromise between linked and contiguous allocation.

Disk Index
The idea here is to keep the linked-list representation, but take the link fields out of the blocks and gather them together all in one place. This approach is used in the “FAT” file system of DOS, OS/2 and older versions of Windows. At some fixed place on disk, allocate an array I with one element for each block on the disk, and move the link field from block n to I[m] (see Figure 11.17 on page 382). The whole array of links, called a file access table (FAT) is now small enough that it can be read into main memory when the systems starts up. Accessing the 100th block of a file still requires walking through 99 links of a linked list, but now the entire list is in memory, so time to traverse it is negligible (recall that a single disk access takes as long as 10's or even 100's of thousands of instructions). This representation has the added advantage of getting the “operating system” stuff (the links) out of the pages of “user data”. The pages of user data are now full-size disk blocks, and lots of algorithms work better with chunks that are a power of two bytes long. Also, it means that the OS can prevent users (who are notorious for screwing things up) from getting their grubby hands on the system data.

The main problem with this approach is that the index array I can get quite large with modern disks. For example, consider a 2 GB disk with 2K blocks. There are million blocks, so a block number must be at least 20 bits. Rounded up to an even number of bytes, that's 3 bytes--4 bytes if we round up to a word boundary--so the array I is three or four megabytes. While that's not an excessive amount of memory given today's RAM prices, if we can get along with less, there are better uses for the memory.

File Index [Section 11.6.3]
Although a typical disk may contain tens of thousands of files, only a few of them are open at any one time, and it is only necessary to keep index information about open files in memory to get good performance. Unfortunately the whole-disk index described in the previous paragraph mixes index information about all files for the whole disk together, making it difficult to cache only information about open files. The inode structure introduced by Unix groups together index information about each file individually. The basic idea is to represent each file as a tree of blocks, with the data blocks as leaves. Each internal block (called an indirect block in Unix jargon) is an array of block numbers, listing its children in order. If a disk block is 2K bytes and a block number is four bytes, 512 block numbers fit in a block, so a one-level tree (a single root node pointing directly to the leaves) can accommodate files up to 512 blocks, or one megabyte in size. If the root node is cached in memory, the “address” (block number) of any block of the file can be found without any disk accesses. A two-level tree, with 513 total indirect blocks, can handle files 512 times as large (up to one-half gigabyte).

The only problem with this idea is that it wastes space for small files. Any file with more than one block needs at least one indirect block to store its block numbers. A 4K file would require three 2K blocks, wasting up to one third of its space. Since many files are quite small, this is serious problem. The Unix solution is to use a different kind of “block” for the root of the tree.

An index node (or inode for short) contains almost all the meta-data about a file listed above: ownership, permissions, time stamps, etc. (but not the file name). Inodes are small enough that several of them can be packed into one disk block. In addition to the meta-data, an inode contains the block numbers of the first few blocks of the file. What if the file is too big to fit all its block numbers into the inode? The earliest version of Unix had a bit in the meta-data to indicate whether the file was “small” or “big.” For a big file, the inode contained the block numbers of indirect blocks rather than data blocks. More recent versions of Unix contain pointers to indirect blocks in addition to the pointers to the first few data blocks. The inode contains pointers to (i.e., block numbers of) the first few blocks of the file, a pointer to an indirect block containing pointers to the next several blocks of the file, a pointer to a doubly indirect block, which is the root of a two-level tree whose leaves are the next blocks of the file, and a pointer to a triply indirect block. A large file is thus a lop-sided tree. (See Figure 11.19 on page 384).

A real-life example is given by the Solaris 2.5 version of Unix. Block numbers are four bytes and the size of a block is a parameter stored in the file system itself, typically 8K (8192 bytes), so 2048 pointers fit in one block. An inode has direct pointers to the first 12 blocks of the file, as well as pointers to singly, doubly, and triply indirect blocks. A file of up to 12+2048+2048*2048 = 4,196,364 blocks or 34,376,613,888 bytes (about 32 GB) can be represented without using triply indirect blocks, and with the triply indirect block, the maximum file size is (12+2048+2048*2048+2048*2048*2048)*8192 = 70,403,120,791,552 bytes (slightly more than 246 bytes, or about 64 terabytes). Of course, for such huge files, the size of the file cannot be represented as a 32-bit integer. Modern versions of Unix store the file length as a 64-bit integer, called a “long” integer in Java. An inode is 128 bytes long, allowing room for the 15 block pointers plus lots of meta-data. 64 inodes fit in one disk block. Since the inode for a file is kept in memory while the file is open, locating an arbitrary block of any file requires reading at most three I/O operations, not counting the operation to read or write the data block itself.


[ Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, Section 11.3 ]

A directory is simply a table mapping character-string human-readable names to information about files. The early PC operating system CP/M shows how simple a directory can be. Each entry contains the name of one file, its owner, size (in blocks) and the block numbers of 16 blocks of the file. To represent files with more than 16 blocks, CP/M used multiple directory entries with the same name and different values in a field called the extent number. CP/M had only one directory for the entire system.

DOS uses a similar directory entry format, but stores only the first block number of the file in the directory entry. The entire file is represented as a linked list of blocks using the disk index scheme described above. All but the earliest version of DOS provide hierarchical directories using a scheme similar to the one used in Unix.

Unix has an even simpler directory format. A directory entry contains only two fields: a character-string name (up to 14 characters) and a two-byte integer called an inumber, which is interpreted as an index into an array of inodes in a fixed, known location on disk. All the remaining information about the file (size, ownership, time stamps, permissions, and an index to the blocks of the file) are stored in the inode rather than the directory entry. A directory is represented like any other file (there's a bit in the inode to indicate that the file is a directory). Thus the inumber in a directory entry may designate a “regular” file or another directory, allowing arbitrary graphs of nodes. However, Unix carefully limits the set of operating system calls to ensure that the set of directories is always a tree. The root of the tree is the file with inumber 1 (some versions of Unix use other conventions for designating the root directory). The entries in each directory point to its children in the tree. For convenience, each directory also two special entries: an entry with name “..”, which points to the parent of the directory in the tree and an entry with name “.”, which points to the directory itself. Inumber 0 is not used, so an entry is marked “unused” by setting its inumber field to 0.

The algorithm to convert from a path name to an inumber might be written in Java as

    int namei(int current, String[] path) {
        for (int i = 0; i<path.length; i++) {
            if (inode[current].type != DIRECTORY)
                throw new Exception("not a directory");
            current = nameToInumber(inode[current], path[i]);
            if (current == 0)
                throw new Exception("no such file or directory");
        return current;
The procedure nameToInumber(Inode node, String name) (not shown) reads through the directory file represented by the inode node, looks for an entry matching the given name and returns the inumber contained in that entry. The procedure namei walks the directory tree, starting at a given inode and following a path described by a sequence of strings. There is a procedure with this name in the Unix kernel. Files are always specified in Unix system calls by a character-string path name. You can learn the inumber of a file if you like, but you can't use the inumber when talking to the Unix kernel. Each system call that has a path name as an argument uses namei to translate it to an inumber. If the argument is an absolute path name (it starts with ‘/’), namei is called with current == 1. Otherwise, current is the current working directory.

Since all the information about a file except its name is stored in the inode, there can be more than one directory entry designating the same file. This allows multiple aliases (called links) for a file. Unix provides a system call link(old-name, new-name) to create new names for existing files. The call link("/a/b/c", "/d/e/f") works something like this:

    if (namei(1, parse("/d/e/f")) != 0)
        throw new Exception("file already exists");
    int dir = namei(1, parse("/d/e")):
    if (dir==0 || inode[dir].type != DIRECTORY)
        throw new Exception("not a directory");
    int target = namei(1, parse("/a/b/c"));
    if (target==0)
        throw new Exception("no such directory");
    if (inode[target].type == DIRECTORY)
        throw new Exception("cannot link to a directory");
    addDirectoryEntry(inode[dir], target, "f");
The procedure parse (not shown here) is assumed to break up a path name into its components. If, for example, /a/b/c resolves to inumber 123, the entry (123, "f") is added to directory file designated by "/d/e". The result is that both "/a/b/c" and "/d/e/f" resolve to the same file (the one with inumber 123).

We have seen that a file can have more than one name. What happens if it has no names (does not appear in any directory)? Since the only way to name a file in a system call is by a path name, such a file would be useless. It would consume resources (the inode and probably some data and indirect blocks) but there would be no way to read it, write to it, or even delete it. Unix protects against this “garbage collection” problem by using reference counts. Each inode contains a count of the number of directory entries that point to it. “User” programs are not allowed to update directories directly. System calls that add or remove directory entries (creat, link, mkdir, rmdir, etc) update these reference counts appropriately. There is no system call to delete a file, only the system call unlink(name) which removes the directory entry corresponding to name. If the reference count of an inode drops to zero, the system automatically deletes the files and returns all of its blocks to the free list.

We saw before that the reference counting algorithm for garbage collection has a fatal flaw: If there are cycles, reference counting will fail to collect some garbage. Unix avoids this problem by making sure cycles cannot happen. The system calls are designed so that the set of directories will always be a single tree rooted at inode 1: mkdir creates a new empty (except for the . and .. entries) as a leaf of the tree, rmdir is only allowed to delete a directory that is empty (except for the . and .. entries), and link is not allowed to link to a directory. Because links to directories are not allowed, the only place the file system is not a tree is at the leaves (regular files) and that cannot introduce cycles.

Although this algorithm provides the ability to create aliases for files in a simple and secure manner, it has several flaws:

While it's not possible to find the name (or any name) of an arbitrary file, it is possible to figure out the name of a directory. Directories do have unique names because the directories form a tree, and one of the properties of a tree is that there is a unique path from the root to any node. The “..” and “.” entries in each directory make this possible. Here, for example, is code to find the name of the current working directory.

    class DirectoryEntry {
        int inumber;
        String name;
    String cwd() {
        FileInputStream thisDir = new FileInputStream(".");
        int thisInumber = nameToInumber(thisDir, ".");
        getPath(".", thisInumber);
    String getPath(String currentName, int currentInumber) {
        String parentName = currentName + "/..";
        FileInputSream parent = new FileInputStream(parentName);
        int parentInumber = nameToInumber(parent, ".");
        String fname = inumberToName(parent, currentInumber);
        if (parentInumber == 1)
            return "/" + fname;
            return getPath(parentInumber, parentName) + "/" + fname;
The procedure nameToInumber is similar to the procedure with the same name described above, but takes an InputStream as an argument rather than an inode. Many versions of Unix allow a program to open a directory for reading and read its contents just like any other file. In such systems, it would be easy to write nameToInumber as a user-level procedure if you know the format of a directory.2 The procedure inumberToName is similar, but searches for an entry containing a particular inumber and returns the name field of the entry.

Symbolic Links

To get around the limitations with the original Unix notion of links, more recent versions of Unix introduced the notion of a symbolic link (to avoid confusion, the original kind of link, described in the previous section, is sometimes called a hard link). A symbolic link is a new type of file, distinguished by a code in the inode from directories, regular files, etc. When the namei procedure that translates path names to inumbers encounters a symlink, it treats the contents of the file as a pathname and uses it to continue the translation. If the contents of the file is a relative path name (it does not start with a slash), it is interpreted relative to the directory containing the link itself, not the current working directory of the process doing the lookup.

    int namei(int current, String[] path) {
        for (int i = 0; i<path.length; i++) {
            if (inode[current].type != DIRECTORY)
                throw new Exception("not a directory");
            parent = current;
            current = nameToInumber(inode[current], path[i]);
            if (current == 0)
                throw new Exception("no such file or directory");
            if (inode[current].type == SYMLINK) {
                String link = getContents(inode[current]);
                String[] linkPath = parse(link);
                if (link.charAt(0) == '/')
                    current = namei(1, linkPath);
                    current = namei(parent, linkPath);
                if (current == 0)
                    throw new Exception("no such file or directory");
        return current;
The only change from the previous version of this procedure is the addition of the while loop. Any time the procedure encounters a node of type SYMLINK, it recursively calls itself to translate the contents of the file, interpreted as a path name, into an inumber.

Although the implementation looks complicated, it does just what you would expect in normal situations. For example, suppose there is an existing file named /a/b/c and an existing directory /d. Then the the command

    ln -s /a/b /d/e
makes the path name /d/e a synonym for /a/b, and also makes /d/e/c a synonym for /a/b/c. From the user's point of view, the the picture looks like this:
In implementation terms, the picture looks like this
where the hexagon denotes a node of type symlink.

Here's a more elaborate example that illustrates symlinks with relative path names. Suppose I have an existing directory /usr/solomon/cs537/s90 with various sub-directories and I am setting up project 5 for this semester. I might do something like this:

    cd /usr/solomon/cs537
    mkdir f96
    cd f96
    ln -s ../s90/proj5 proj5.old
    cat proj5.old/foo.c
    cd /usr/solomon/cs537
    cat f96/proj5.old/foo.c
    cat s90/proj5/foo.c
Logically, the situation looks like this:
and physically, it looks like this:
All three of the cat commands refer to the same file.

The added flexibility of symlinks over hard links comes at the expense of less security. Symlinks are neither required nor guaranteed to point to valid files. You can remove a file out from under a symlink, and in fact, you can create a symlink to a non-existent file. Symlinks can also have cycles. For example, this works fine:

    cd /usr/solomon
    mkdir bar
    ln -s /usr/solomon foo
    ls /usr/solomon/foo/foo/foo/foo/bar
However, in some cases, symlinks can cause infinite loops or infinite recursion in the namei procedure. The real version in Unix puts a limit on how many times it will iterate and returns an error code of “too many links” if the limit is exceeded. Symlinks to directories can also cause the “change directory” command cd to behave in strange ways. Most people expect that the two commands

    cd foo
    cd ..
to cancel each other out. But in the last example, the commands

    cd /usr/solomon
    cd foo
    cd ..
would leave you in the directory /usr. Some shell programs treat cd specially and remember what alias you used to get to the current directory. After cd /usr/solomon; cd foo; cd foo, the current directory is /usr/solomon/foo/foo, which is an alias for /usr/solomon, but the command cd .. is treated as if you had typed cd /usr/solomon/foo.


[ Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, Sections 11.5.2, 17.6, and 20.7.5 ]

What if your computer has more than one disk? In many operating systems (including DOS and its descendants) a pathname starts with a device name, as in C:\usr\solomon (by convention, C is the name of the default hard disk). If you leave the device prefix off a path name, the system supplies a default current device similar to the current directory. Unix allows you to glue together the directory trees of multiple disks to create a single unified tree. There is a system call

    mount(device, mount_point)
where device names a particular disk drive and mount_point is the path name of an existing node in the current directory tree (normally an empty directory). The result is similar to a hard link: The mount point becomes an alias for the root directory of the indicated disk. Here's how it works: The kernel maintains a table of existing mounts represented as (device1, inumber, device2) triples. During namei, whenever the current (device, inumber) pair matches the first two fields in one of the entries, the current device and inumber become device2 and 1, respectively. Here's the expanded code:

    int namei(int curi, int curdev, String[] path) {
        for (int i = 0; i<path.length; i++) {
            if (disk[curdev].inode[curi].type != DIRECTORY)
                throw new Exception("not a directory");
            parent = curi;
            curi = nameToInumber(disk[curdev].inode[curi], path[i]);
            if (curi == 0)
                throw new Exception("no such file or directory");
            if (disk[curdev].inode[curi].type == SYMLINK) {
                String link = getContents(disk[curdev].inode[curi]);
                String[] linkPath = parse(link);
                if (link.charAt(0) == '/')
                    current = namei(1, curdev, linkPath);
                    current = namei(parent, curdev, linkPath);
                if (current == 0)
                    throw new Exception("no such file or directory");
            int newdev = mountLookup(curdev, curi);
            if (newdev != -1) {
                curdev = newdev;
                curi = 1;
        return current;
In this code, we assume that mountLookup searches the mount table for matching entry, returning -1 if no matching entry is found. There is a also a special case (not shown here) for “..” so that the “..” entry in the root directory of a mounted disk behaves like a pointer to the parent directory of the mount point.

The Network File System (NFS) from Sun Microsystems extends this idea to allow you to mount a disk from a remote computer. The device argument to the mount system call names the remote computer as well as the disk drive and both pieces of information are put into the mount table. Now there are three pieces of information to define the “current directory”: the inumber, the device, and the computer. If the current computer is remote, all operations (read, write, creat, delete, mkdir, rmdir, etc.) are sent as messages to the remote computer. Information about remote open files, including a seek pointer and the identity of the remote machine, is kept locally. Each read or write operation is converted locally to one or more requests to read or write blocks of the remote file. NFS caches blocks of remote files locally to improve performance.

Special Files

I said that the Unix mount system call has the name of a disk device as an argument. How do you name a device? The answer is that devices appear in the directory tree as special files. An inode whose type is “special” (as opposed to “directory,” “symlink,” or “regular”) represents some sort of I/O device. It is customary to put special files in the directory /dev, but since it is the inode that is marked “special,” they can be anywhere. Instead of containing pointers to disk blocks, the inode of a special file contains information (in a machine-dependent format) about the device. The operating system tries to make the device look as much like a file as possible, so that ordinary programs can open, close, read, or write the device just like a file.

Some devices look more like real file than others. A disk device looks exactly like a file. Reads return whatever is on the disk and writes can scribble anywhere on the disk. For obvious security reasons, the permissions for the raw disk devices are highly restrictive. A tape drive looks sort of like a disk, but a read will return only the next physical block of data on the device, even if more is requested.

The special file /dev/tty represents the terminal. Writes to /dev/tty display characters on the screen. Reads from /dev/tty return characters typed on the keyboard. The seek operation on a device like /dev/tty updates the seek pointer, but the seek pointer has no effect on reads or writes. Reads of /dev/tty are also different from reads of a file in that they may return fewer bytes than requested: Normally, a read will return characters only up through the next end-of-line. If the number of bytes requested is less than the length of the line, the next read will get the remaining bytes. A read call will block the caller until at least one character can be returned. On machines with more than one terminal, there are multiple terminal devices with names like /dev/tty0, /dev/tty1, etc.

Some devices, such as a mouse, are read-only. Write operations on such devices have no effect. Other devices, such as printers, are write-only. Attempts to read from them give an end-of-file indication (a return value of zero). There is special file called /dev/null that does nothing at all: reads return end-of-file and writes send their data to the garbage bin. (New EPA rules require that this data be recycled. It is now used to generate federal regulations and other meaningless documents.) One particularly interesting device is /dev/mem, which is an image of the memory space of the current process. In a sense, this device is the exact opposite of memory-mapped files. Instead of making a file look like part of virtual memory, it makes virtual memory look like a device.

This idea of making all sorts of things look like files can be very powerful. Some versions of Unix make network connections look like files. Some versions have a directory with one special file for each active process. You can read these files to get information about the states of processes. If you delete one of these files, the corresponding process is killed. Another idea is to have a directory with one special file for each print job waiting to be printed. Although this idea was pioneered by Unix, it is starting to show up more and more in other operating systems.

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1Note that we are referring here to a single pathname component.

2The Solaris version of Unix on our workstations has a special system call for reading directories, so this code couldn't be written in Java without resorting to native methods.

Tue May 1 16:00:49 CDT 2007

Copyright © 1996-2007 by Marvin Solomon. All rights reserved.