Honors and Awards
Research and Teaching Experience
Somayeh Sardashti, PhD
Honors and Awards
My research is featured by
Diversity/Career magazine.
Graduate Peer Mentor Award Winner
, 2014
My work Decoupled Compressed Cache is published in IEEE Micro top picks from the 2013 computer architecture conferences. .
One of the seven
out of over 360 disclosures in WARF (Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation) innovation awards, 2013.
First place in ACM Student Research Competition at the ACM-W Grace Hopper Celebration, 2013.
Ranked 1st in the graduate program, Computer Architecture Engineering, University of Tehran.
Ranked 28th in National Graduate Entrance Exam among 5,000 competitor.
Ranked 3rd in the undergraduate Program, Computer Engineering, University of Tehran.
Ranked 219th in National Undergraduate Entrance Exam among 300,000 competitors.
Recent News
December 2015:
We published our book on compression mechanisms:
A Primer on Compression in the Memory Hierarchy
September 2014:
"Skewed Compressed Caches" is accepted to appear in the 47th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-47).
June 2014:
My research is featured by
Diversity/Career magazine
April 2014:
I received
UW-Madison Graduate Peer Mentor Awards
January 2014:
Decoupled Compressed Cache is selected for
IEEE Micro top picks
from the 2013 computer architecture conferences.
December 2013:
I presented Decoupled Compressed Cache at
International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-46)
in Davis, California.
October 2013:
Our patent is chosen as one of the Seven Finalists in
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)
innovation awards, 2013.
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