Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #pragma once
00002 #pragma pack(1)
00003 #include "Position.h"
00005 /* Defines are official */
00007 #define UM_Init          0x00
00008 #define UM_InitSeq       0x01
00009 #define UM_Lump          0x02
00010 #define UM_Turret        0x03
00011 #define UM_Bunker        0x04
00012 #define UM_BldgTurret    0x05
00013 #define UM_Hidden        0x06
00014 #define UM_Flyer         0x07
00015 #define UM_FakeFlyer     0x08
00016 #define UM_AtRest        0x09
00017 #define UM_Dormant       0x0A
00018 #define UM_AtMoveTarget  0x0B
00019 #define UM_CheckIllegal  0x0C
00020 #define UM_MoveToLegal   0x0D
00021 #define UM_LumpWannabe   0x0E
00022 #define UM_FailedPath    0x0F
00023 #define UM_RetryPath     0x10
00024 #define UM_StartPath     0x11
00025 #define UM_UIOrderDelay  0x12
00026 #define UM_TurnAndStart  0x13
00027 #define UM_FaceTarget    0x14
00028 #define UM_NewMoveTarget 0x15
00029 #define UM_AnotherPath   0x16
00030 #define UM_Repath        0x17
00031 #define UM_RepathMovers  0x18
00032 #define UM_FollowPath    0x19
00033 #define UM_ScoutPath     0x1A
00034 #define UM_ScoutFree     0x1B
00035 #define UM_FixCollision  0x1C
00036 #define UM_WaitFree      0x1D
00037 #define UM_GetFree       0x1E
00038 #define UM_SlidePrep     0x1F
00039 #define UM_SlideFree     0x20
00040 #define UM_ForceMoveFree 0x21
00041 #define UM_FixTerrain    0x22
00042 #define UM_TerrainSlide  0x23
00044 namespace BW
00045 {
00046   struct Path
00047   {
00048     /* 0x00 */Position start;   // 0
00049     /* 0x04 */Position next;    // 4
00050     /* 0x08 */Position finish;  // 8
00051     /* 0x0C */u32 timeStarted;  // 12
00052     /* 0x10 */u32 unitID;       // 16
00053     /* 0x14 */u32 unitUnknown_0x38_0x3C_copy;   /* Starcraft copies field 0x38 of the unit    // 20
00054                                                    if the unit's flingy movement type is 0,
00055                                                    otherwise it will copy field 0x3C
00056                                                 */
00057     /* 0x18 */u8  isCalculating;  // 24   1 if the path is being calculated and not yet ready
00058     /* 0x19 */u8  pathDelay;      // 25   Delay before a new path is created
00059     /* 0x1A */u8  unk_1A;         // 26   unknown flag?
00060     /* 0x1B */u8  pathCount;      // 27   dup of num_areas?
00061     /* 0x1C */u8  num_areas;      // 28   Official name, number of regions following the segments
00062     /* 0x1D */u8  cur_area;       // 29   The current region index
00063     /* 0x1E */u8  num_segments;   // 30   Official name, number of Position segments
00064     /* 0x1F */u8  cur_segment;    // 31   The current position segment
00065     /* 0x20 */Position steps[1];  // 32
00066   }; 
00068   // note: u16 areas[num_areas] follow after steps[num_segments]
00069   // The last entry of the above struct can be viewed as follows:
00070   // Position steps[num_segments];
00071   // u16      regions[num_areas];  // region ID for SAI_Paths->regions; typically fills the rest of the struct with region IDs to the destination, and cut off if there isn't enough room
00073   class Unit;
00074   struct pathCreate
00075   {
00076     /* 0x000 */BW::Unit *pUnit;
00077     /* 0x004 */Position src;
00078     /* 0x008 */Position dst;
00079     /* 0x00C */DWORD    dw__0C;
00080     /* 0x010 */DWORD    dw__10;
00081     /* 0x014 */DWORD    dw__14;
00082     /* 0x018 */DWORD    dw__18;
00083     /* 0x01C */BYTE     b__1C;
00084     /* 0x01D */BYTE     b__1D;
00085     /* 0x01E */BYTE     b__1E;
00086     /* 0x01F */BYTE     b__1F;
00087     /* 0x020 */WORD     wAreas[50];
00088     /* 0x084 */WORD     cur_area;
00089     /* 0x086 */WORD     num_areas;
00090     /* 0x088 */Position segments[50];
00091     /* 0x150 */WORD     cur_segment;
00092     /* 0x152 */WORD     num_segments;
00093     /* 0x154 */BYTE     b__154;
00094     /* 0x155 */BYTE     b__155;
00095     /* 0x156 */BYTE     b__156;
00096     /* 0x157 */BYTE     b__157;
00097     /* 0x158 */Position boundsTopLeft;
00098     /* 0x15C */Position boundsBotRight;
00099     /* 0x160 */WORD     w__160;
00100     /* 0x162 */WORD     w__162;
00101     /* 0x164 */WORD     w__164;
00102     /* 0x166 */WORD     w__166;
00103     /* 0x168 */WORD     w__168;
00104     /* 0x16A */WORD     w__16A;
00105   };
00107   char *getMoveStateName(u8 bMoveState);
00108 };
00109 #pragma pack()
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