Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #pragma once
00003 namespace BW
00004 {
00008   namespace Actions
00009   {
00010     enum Enum
00011     {
00012       None,
00013       Victory,
00014       Defeat,
00015       PreserveTrigger,
00016       Wait,
00017       PauseGame,
00018       UnpauseGame,
00019       Transmission,
00020       PlayWAV,
00021       DisplayTextMessage,
00022       CenterView,
00023       CreateUnitwithProperties,
00024       SetMissionObjectives,
00025       SetSwitch,
00026       SetCountdownTimer,
00027       RunAIScript,
00028       RunAIScriptAtLocation,
00029       LeaderBoardControl,
00030       LeaderBoardControlAt,
00031       LeaderBoardResources,
00032       LeaderBoardKills,
00033       LeaderBoardPoints,
00034       KillUnit,
00035       KillUnitAtLocation,
00036       RemoveUnit,
00037       RemoveUnitAtLocation,
00038       SetResources,
00039       SetScore,
00040       MinimapPing,
00041       TalkingPortrait,
00042       MuteUnitSpeech,
00043       UnmuteUnitSpeech,
00044       LeaderboardComputerPlayers,
00045       LeaderboardGoalControl,
00046       LeaderboardGoalControlAt,
00047       LeaderboardGoalResources,
00048       LeaderboardGoalKills,
00049       LeaderboardGoalPoints,
00050       MoveLocation,
00051       MoveUnit,
00052       LeaderboardGreed,
00053       SetNextScenario,
00054       SetDoodadState,
00055       SetInvincibility,
00056       CreateUnit,
00057       SetDeaths,
00058       Order,
00059       Comment,
00060       GiveUnitstoPlayer,
00061       ModifyUnitHitPoints,
00062       ModifyUnitEnergy,
00063       ModifyUnitShieldPoints,
00064       ModifyUnitResourceAmount,
00065       ModifyUnitHangerCount,
00066       PauseTimer,
00067       UnpauseTimer,
00068       Draw,
00069       SetAllianceStatus,
00070       DisableDebugMode,
00071       EnableDebugMode
00072     };
00073   };
00074   namespace Conditions
00075   {
00076     enum Enum
00077     {
00078       None,
00079       CountdownTimer,
00080       Command,
00081       Bring,
00082       Accumulate,
00083       Kill,
00084       CommandTheMost,
00085       CommandsTheMostAt,
00086       MostKills,
00087       HighestScore,
00088       MostResources,
00089       Switch,
00090       ElapsedTime,
00091       MissionBriefing,
00092       Opponents,
00093       Deaths,
00094       CommandTheLeast,
00095       CommandTheLeastAt,
00096       LeastKills,
00097       LowestScore,
00098       LeastResources,
00099       Score,
00100       Always,
00101       Never
00102     };
00103   };
00105   namespace TriggerEntryFlags
00106   {
00107     enum Enum
00108     {
00109       WaitExecute       = 0x01,
00110       IgnoreExecution   = 0x02,
00111       AlwaysDisplay     = 0x04
00112     };
00113   };
00114   namespace TriggerFlags
00115   {
00116     enum Enum
00117     {
00118       ExecuteActions    = 0x01,
00119       IgnoreDefeat      = 0x02,
00120       PreserveTrigger   = 0x04,
00121       IgnoreExecution   = 0x08,
00122       SkipUIActions     = 0x10,
00123       PausedGame        = 0x20,
00124       DisableWaitSkip   = 0x40
00125     };
00126   };
00128   namespace PlayerGroups
00129   {
00130     enum Enum
00131     {
00132       Player1,
00133       Player2,
00134       Player3,
00135       Player4,
00136       Player5,
00137       Player6,
00138       Player7,
00139       Player8,
00140       Player9,
00141       Player10,
00142       Player11,
00143       Player12,
00144       None,
00145       CurrentPlayer,
00146       Foes,
00147       Allies,
00148       NeutralPlayers,
00149       AllPlayers,
00150       Force1,
00151       Force2,
00152       Force3,
00153       Force4,
00154       Unused1,
00155       Unused2,
00156       Unused3,
00157       Unused4,
00158       NonAlliedVictoryPlayers,
00159       Max
00160     };
00161   };
00162 };
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