Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #pragma once
00003 namespace BWAPI
00004 {
00005   struct UnitData
00006   {
00007     int clearanceLevel;
00008     int id;
00009     int player;
00010     int type;
00011     int positionX;
00012     int positionY;
00013     double angle;
00014     double velocityX;
00015     double velocityY;
00016     int hitPoints;
00017     int lastHitPoints;
00018     int shields;
00019     int energy;
00020     int resources;
00021     int resourceGroup;
00023     int killCount;
00024     int acidSporeCount;
00025     int scarabCount;
00026     int spiderMineCount;
00027     int groundWeaponCooldown;
00028     int airWeaponCooldown;
00029     int spellCooldown;
00030     int defenseMatrixPoints;
00032     int defenseMatrixTimer;
00033     int ensnareTimer;
00034     int irradiateTimer;
00035     int lockdownTimer;
00036     int maelstromTimer;
00037     int orderTimer;
00038     int plagueTimer;
00039     int removeTimer;
00040     int stasisTimer;
00041     int stimTimer;
00043     int buildType;
00044     int trainingQueueCount;
00045     int trainingQueue[5];
00046     int tech;
00047     int upgrade;
00048     int remainingBuildTime;
00049     int remainingTrainTime;
00050     int remainingResearchTime;
00051     int remainingUpgradeTime;
00052     int buildUnit;
00054     int target;
00055     int targetPositionX;
00056     int targetPositionY;
00057     int order;
00058     int orderTarget;
00059         int orderTargetPositionX;
00060         int orderTargetPositionY;
00061     int secondaryOrder;
00062     int rallyPositionX;
00063     int rallyPositionY;
00064     int rallyUnit;
00065     int addon;
00066     int nydusExit;
00067     int powerUp;
00069     int transport;
00070     int carrier;
00071     int hatchery;
00073     bool exists;
00074     bool hasNuke;
00075     bool isAccelerating;
00076     bool isAttacking;
00077     bool isAttackFrame;
00078     bool isBeingGathered;
00079     bool isBlind;
00080     bool isBraking;
00081     bool isBurrowed;
00082     int  carryResourceType;
00083     bool isCloaked;
00084     bool isCompleted;
00085     bool isConstructing;
00086     bool isDetected;
00087     bool isGathering;
00088     bool isHallucination;
00089     bool isIdle;
00090     bool isInterruptible;
00091     bool isInvincible;
00092     bool isLifted;
00093     bool isMorphing;
00094     bool isMoving;
00095     bool isParasited;
00096     bool isSelected;
00097     bool isStartingAttack;
00098     bool isStuck;
00099     bool isTraining;
00100     bool isUnderStorm;
00101     bool isUnderDarkSwarm;
00102     bool isUnderDWeb;
00103     bool isUnpowered;
00104     bool isVisible[9];
00105     int  buttonset;
00107     int  lastAttackerPlayer;
00108     bool recentlyAttacked;
00109     int  replayID;
00110   };
00111 }
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