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Public Attributes
BWAPI::UnitData Struct Reference

#include <UnitData.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int clearanceLevel
int id
int player
int type
int positionX
int positionY
double angle
double velocityX
double velocityY
int hitPoints
int lastHitPoints
int shields
int energy
int resources
int resourceGroup
int killCount
int acidSporeCount
int scarabCount
int spiderMineCount
int groundWeaponCooldown
int airWeaponCooldown
int spellCooldown
int defenseMatrixPoints
int defenseMatrixTimer
int ensnareTimer
int irradiateTimer
int lockdownTimer
int maelstromTimer
int orderTimer
int plagueTimer
int removeTimer
int stasisTimer
int stimTimer
int buildType
int trainingQueueCount
int trainingQueue [5]
int tech
int upgrade
int remainingBuildTime
int remainingTrainTime
int remainingResearchTime
int remainingUpgradeTime
int buildUnit
int target
int targetPositionX
int targetPositionY
int order
int orderTarget
int orderTargetPositionX
int orderTargetPositionY
int secondaryOrder
int rallyPositionX
int rallyPositionY
int rallyUnit
int addon
int nydusExit
int powerUp
int transport
int carrier
int hatchery
bool exists
bool hasNuke
bool isAccelerating
bool isAttacking
bool isAttackFrame
bool isBeingGathered
bool isBlind
bool isBraking
bool isBurrowed
int carryResourceType
bool isCloaked
bool isCompleted
bool isConstructing
bool isDetected
bool isGathering
bool isHallucination
bool isIdle
bool isInterruptible
bool isInvincible
bool isLifted
bool isMorphing
bool isMoving
bool isParasited
bool isSelected
bool isStartingAttack
bool isStuck
bool isTraining
bool isUnderStorm
bool isUnderDarkSwarm
bool isUnderDWeb
bool isUnpowered
bool isVisible [9]
int buttonset
int lastAttackerPlayer
bool recentlyAttacked
int replayID

Member Data Documentation

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