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Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
BWAPI::WeaponTypeInternal Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for BWAPI::WeaponTypeInternal:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 WeaponTypeInternal ()
void set (const char *name, TechType techType, int damageAmount, int damageBonus, int damageCooldown, int damageFactor, UpgradeType upgradeType, DamageType damageType, ExplosionType explosionType, int minRange, int maxRange, int innerSplashRadius, int medianSplashRadius, int outerSplashRadius, bool targetsAir, bool targetsGround, bool targetsMechanical, bool targetsOrganic, bool targetsNonBuilding, bool targetsNonRobotic, bool targetsTerrain, bool targetsOrgOrMech, bool targetsOwn, UnitType whatUses)

Public Attributes

std::string name
TechType techType
UnitType whatUses
int damageAmount
int damageBonus
int damageCooldown
int damageFactor
UpgradeType upgradeType
DamageType damageType
ExplosionType explosionType
int minRange
int maxRange
int innerSplashRadius
int medianSplashRadius
int outerSplashRadius
bool targetsAir
bool targetsGround
bool targetsMechanical
bool targetsOrganic
bool targetsNonBuilding
bool targetsNonRobotic
bool targetsTerrain
bool targetsOrgOrMech
bool targetsOwn
bool valid

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Member Function Documentation

void BWAPI::WeaponTypeInternal::set ( const char *  name,
TechType  techType,
int  damageAmount,
int  damageBonus,
int  damageCooldown,
int  damageFactor,
UpgradeType  upgradeType,
DamageType  damageType,
ExplosionType  explosionType,
int  minRange,
int  maxRange,
int  innerSplashRadius,
int  medianSplashRadius,
int  outerSplashRadius,
bool  targetsAir,
bool  targetsGround,
bool  targetsMechanical,
bool  targetsOrganic,
bool  targetsNonBuilding,
bool  targetsNonRobotic,
bool  targetsTerrain,
bool  targetsOrgOrMech,
bool  targetsOwn,
UnitType  whatUses 
) [inline]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

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