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Public Attributes
BW::TileType Class Reference

#include <TileType.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

u16 index
u8 buildability
u8 groundHeight
u16 leftEdge
u16 topEdge
u16 rightEdge
u16 bottomEdge
u16 _1
u16 _2
u16 _3
u16 _4
u16 miniTile [16]

Detailed Description

Represents information shared for all tiles in one tile group.

Member Data Documentation

Unknown - Edge piece has rows above it. (Recently noticed; not fully understood.) o 1 = Basic edge piece. o 2 = Right edge piece. o 3 = Left edge piece.

8th bit should sign not buildable.

Ground Height(4 lower bits) - Deprecated? Some values are incorrect.

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