Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #pragma once
00002 #include <string>
00003 #include <set>
00004 #include "Type.h"
00005 namespace BWAPI
00006 {
00012   class Order : public Type
00013   {
00014     public:
00015       Order();
00016       Order(int id);
00019       const std::string &getName() const;
00020       const char *c_str() const;
00021   };
00022   namespace Orders
00023   {
00025     Order getOrder(std::string name);
00028     const std::set<Order>& allOrders();
00030     void init();
00031     extern const Order Die;
00032     extern const Order Stop;
00033     extern const Order Guard;
00034     extern const Order PlayerGuard;
00035     extern const Order TurretGuard;
00036     extern const Order BunkerGuard;
00037     extern const Order Move;
00038     extern const Order AttackUnit;
00039     extern const Order AttackTile;
00040     extern const Order Hover;
00041     extern const Order AttackMove;
00042     extern const Order InfestedCommandCenter;
00043     extern const Order UnusedNothing;
00044     extern const Order UnusedPowerup;
00045     extern const Order TowerGuard;
00046     extern const Order VultureMine;
00047     extern const Order Nothing;
00048     extern const Order Nothing3;
00049     extern const Order CastInfestation;
00050     extern const Order InfestingCommandCenter;
00051     extern const Order PlaceBuilding;
00052     extern const Order BuildProtoss2;
00053     extern const Order ConstructingBuilding;
00054     extern const Order Repair;
00055     extern const Order PlaceAddon;
00056     extern const Order BuildAddon;
00057     extern const Order Train;
00058     extern const Order RallyPointUnit;
00059     extern const Order RallyPointTile;
00060     extern const Order ZergBirth;
00061     extern const Order ZergUnitMorph;
00062     extern const Order ZergBuildingMorph;
00063     extern const Order IncompleteBuilding;
00064     extern const Order BuildNydusExit;
00065     extern const Order EnterNydusCanal;
00066     extern const Order Follow;
00067     extern const Order Carrier;
00068     extern const Order ReaverCarrierMove;
00069     extern const Order CarrierIgnore2;
00070     extern const Order Reaver;
00071     extern const Order TrainFighter;
00072     extern const Order InterceptorAttack;
00073     extern const Order ScarabAttack;
00074     extern const Order RechargeShieldsUnit;
00075     extern const Order RechargeShieldsBattery;
00076     extern const Order ShieldBattery;
00077     extern const Order InterceptorReturn;
00078     extern const Order BuildingLand;
00079     extern const Order BuildingLiftOff;
00080     extern const Order DroneLiftOff;
00081     extern const Order LiftingOff;
00082     extern const Order ResearchTech;
00083     extern const Order Upgrade;
00084     extern const Order Larva;
00085     extern const Order SpawningLarva;
00086     extern const Order Harvest1;
00087     extern const Order Harvest2;
00088     extern const Order MoveToGas;
00089     extern const Order WaitForGas;
00090     extern const Order HarvestGas;
00091     extern const Order ReturnGas;
00092     extern const Order MoveToMinerals;
00093     extern const Order WaitForMinerals;
00094     extern const Order MiningMinerals;
00095     extern const Order Harvest3;
00096     extern const Order Harvest4;
00097     extern const Order ReturnMinerals;
00098     extern const Order Interrupted;
00099     extern const Order EnterTransport;
00100     extern const Order PickupIdle;
00101     extern const Order PickupTransport;
00102     extern const Order PickupBunker;
00103     extern const Order Pickup4;
00104     extern const Order PowerupIdle;
00105     extern const Order Sieging;
00106     extern const Order Unsieging;
00107     extern const Order InitCreepGrowth;
00108     extern const Order SpreadCreep;
00109     extern const Order StoppingCreepGrowth;
00110     extern const Order GuardianAspect;
00111     extern const Order ArchonWarp;
00112     extern const Order CompletingArchonsummon;
00113     extern const Order HoldPosition;
00114     extern const Order Cloak;
00115     extern const Order Decloak;
00116     extern const Order Unload;
00117     extern const Order MoveUnload;
00118     extern const Order FireYamatoGun;
00119     extern const Order CastLockdown;
00120     extern const Order Burrowing;
00121     extern const Order Burrowed;
00122     extern const Order Unburrowing;
00123     extern const Order CastDarkSwarm;
00124     extern const Order CastParasite;
00125     extern const Order CastSpawnBroodlings;
00126     extern const Order CastEMPShockwave;
00127     extern const Order NukeWait;
00128     extern const Order NukeTrain;
00129     extern const Order NukeLaunch;
00130     extern const Order NukePaint;
00131     extern const Order NukeUnit;
00132     extern const Order CastNuclearStrike;
00133     extern const Order NukeTrack;
00134     extern const Order CloakNearbyUnits;
00135     extern const Order PlaceMine;
00136     extern const Order RightClickAction;
00137     extern const Order CastRecall;
00138     extern const Order TeleporttoLocation;
00139     extern const Order CastScannerSweep;
00140     extern const Order Scanner;
00141     extern const Order CastDefensiveMatrix;
00142     extern const Order CastPsionicStorm;
00143     extern const Order CastIrradiate;
00144     extern const Order CastPlague;
00145     extern const Order CastConsume;
00146     extern const Order CastEnsnare;
00147     extern const Order CastStasisField;
00148     extern const Order CastHallucination;
00149     extern const Order Hallucination2;
00150     extern const Order ResetCollision;
00151     extern const Order Patrol;
00152     extern const Order CTFCOPInit;
00153     extern const Order CTFCOPStarted;
00154     extern const Order CTFCOP2;
00155     extern const Order ComputerAI;
00156     extern const Order AtkMoveEP;
00157     extern const Order HarassMove;
00158     extern const Order AIPatrol;
00159     extern const Order GuardPost;
00160     extern const Order RescuePassive;
00161     extern const Order Neutral;
00162     extern const Order ComputerReturn;
00163     extern const Order SelfDestrucing;
00164     extern const Order Critter;
00165     extern const Order HiddenGun;
00166     extern const Order OpenDoor;
00167     extern const Order CloseDoor;
00168     extern const Order HideTrap;
00169     extern const Order RevealTrap;
00170     extern const Order Enabledoodad;
00171     extern const Order Disabledoodad;
00172     extern const Order Warpin;
00173     extern const Order Medic;
00174     extern const Order MedicHeal1;
00175     extern const Order HealMove;
00176     extern const Order MedicHeal2;
00177     extern const Order CastRestoration;
00178     extern const Order CastDisruptionWeb;
00179     extern const Order CastMindControl;
00180     extern const Order DarkArchonMeld;
00181     extern const Order CastFeedback;
00182     extern const Order CastOpticalFlare;
00183     extern const Order CastMaelstrom;
00184     extern const Order JunkYardDog;
00185     extern const Order Fatal;
00186     extern const Order None;
00187     extern const Order Unknown;
00188   };
00189 }
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