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Functions | Variables
BWAPI::Orders Namespace Reference


void init ()
Order getOrder (std::string name)
const std::set< Order > & allOrders ()


const Order Die (0)
const Order Stop (1)
const Order Guard (2)
const Order PlayerGuard (3)
const Order TurretGuard (4)
const Order BunkerGuard (5)
const Order Move (6)
const Order AttackUnit (10)
const Order AttackTile (12)
const Order Hover (13)
const Order AttackMove (14)
const Order InfestedCommandCenter (15)
const Order UnusedNothing (16)
const Order UnusedPowerup (17)
const Order TowerGuard (18)
const Order VultureMine (20)
const Order Nothing (23)
const Order Nothing3 (24)
const Order CastInfestation (27)
const Order InfestingCommandCenter (29)
const Order PlaceBuilding (30)
const Order BuildProtoss2 (32)
const Order ConstructingBuilding (33)
const Order Repair (34)
const Order PlaceAddon (36)
const Order BuildAddon (37)
const Order Train (38)
const Order RallyPointUnit (39)
const Order RallyPointTile (40)
const Order ZergBirth (41)
const Order ZergUnitMorph (42)
const Order ZergBuildingMorph (43)
const Order IncompleteBuilding (44)
const Order BuildNydusExit (46)
const Order EnterNydusCanal (47)
const Order Follow (49)
const Order Carrier (50)
const Order ReaverCarrierMove (51)
const Order CarrierIgnore2 (55)
const Order Reaver (58)
const Order TrainFighter (63)
const Order InterceptorAttack (64)
const Order ScarabAttack (65)
const Order RechargeShieldsUnit (66)
const Order RechargeShieldsBattery (67)
const Order ShieldBattery (68)
const Order InterceptorReturn (69)
const Order BuildingLand (71)
const Order BuildingLiftOff (72)
const Order DroneLiftOff (73)
const Order LiftingOff (74)
const Order ResearchTech (75)
const Order Upgrade (76)
const Order Larva (77)
const Order SpawningLarva (78)
const Order Harvest1 (79)
const Order Harvest2 (80)
const Order MoveToGas (81)
const Order WaitForGas (82)
const Order HarvestGas (83)
const Order ReturnGas (84)
const Order MoveToMinerals (85)
const Order WaitForMinerals (86)
const Order MiningMinerals (87)
const Order Harvest3 (88)
const Order Harvest4 (89)
const Order ReturnMinerals (90)
const Order Interrupted (91)
const Order EnterTransport (92)
const Order PickupIdle (93)
const Order PickupTransport (94)
const Order PickupBunker (95)
const Order Pickup4 (96)
const Order PowerupIdle (97)
const Order Sieging (98)
const Order Unsieging (99)
const Order InitCreepGrowth (101)
const Order SpreadCreep (102)
const Order StoppingCreepGrowth (103)
const Order GuardianAspect (104)
const Order ArchonWarp (105)
const Order CompletingArchonsummon (106)
const Order HoldPosition (107)
const Order Cloak (109)
const Order Decloak (110)
const Order Unload (111)
const Order MoveUnload (112)
const Order FireYamatoGun (113)
const Order CastLockdown (115)
const Order Burrowing (116)
const Order Burrowed (117)
const Order Unburrowing (118)
const Order CastDarkSwarm (119)
const Order CastParasite (120)
const Order CastSpawnBroodlings (121)
const Order CastEMPShockwave (122)
const Order NukeWait (123)
const Order NukeTrain (124)
const Order NukeLaunch (125)
const Order NukePaint (126)
const Order NukeUnit (127)
const Order CastNuclearStrike (128)
const Order NukeTrack (129)
const Order CloakNearbyUnits (131)
const Order PlaceMine (132)
const Order RightClickAction (133)
const Order CastRecall (137)
const Order TeleporttoLocation (138)
const Order CastScannerSweep (139)
const Order Scanner (140)
const Order CastDefensiveMatrix (141)
const Order CastPsionicStorm (142)
const Order CastIrradiate (143)
const Order CastPlague (144)
const Order CastConsume (145)
const Order CastEnsnare (146)
const Order CastStasisField (147)
const Order CastHallucination (148)
const Order Hallucination2 (149)
const Order ResetCollision (150)
const Order Patrol (152)
const Order CTFCOPInit (153)
const Order CTFCOPStarted (154)
const Order CTFCOP2 (155)
const Order ComputerAI (156)
const Order AtkMoveEP (157)
const Order HarassMove (158)
const Order AIPatrol (159)
const Order GuardPost (160)
const Order RescuePassive (161)
const Order Neutral (162)
const Order ComputerReturn (163)
const Order SelfDestrucing (165)
const Order Critter (166)
const Order HiddenGun (167)
const Order OpenDoor (168)
const Order CloseDoor (169)
const Order HideTrap (170)
const Order RevealTrap (171)
const Order Enabledoodad (172)
const Order Disabledoodad (173)
const Order Warpin (174)
const Order Medic (175)
const Order MedicHeal1 (176)
const Order HealMove (177)
const Order MedicHeal2 (179)
const Order CastRestoration (180)
const Order CastDisruptionWeb (181)
const Order CastMindControl (182)
const Order DarkArchonMeld (183)
const Order CastFeedback (184)
const Order CastOpticalFlare (185)
const Order CastMaelstrom (186)
const Order JunkYardDog (187)
const Order Fatal (188)
const Order None (189)
const Order Unknown (190)

Function Documentation

const std::set< Order > & BWAPI::Orders::allOrders ( )

Returns the set of all the Orders.

Order BWAPI::Orders::getOrder ( std::string  name)

Given the name of an order, getOrder() will return the corresponding order object.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

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